Monday, June 9, 2014

At the top of the list of things of which I am no good...Goodbyes....

Ughh I'm terrible at this. Well, I should explain the "this" so as to not commit the cardinal sin of ambiguity.
I don't like endings.  Well, when I get right up close and personal thinking about it, I don't like beginnings either.
I guess that makes me more of a "middle" person.

The awkwardness of first impressions, the anxiety of expectations either met or not met (depending on what they are--both can be stressful)--it's a jumble of heart-thumping, shallow breathing and knots-in-the-stomach over things said, unsaid, done or undone--ugh. It's all horrible.
But, like most things in 204, this is not about me.

So, in the interests of keeping this blog all about you, I would like you to think back on our year together, compile your best memories, anecdotes, lessons, words of wisdom and final requests and say farewell to our Lang class, in any way you would like.

Odds are, you may all have each other in classes again next year, and if I'm very lucky, perhaps I will be blessed enough to see you gracing 304 for AoP (or EPA or AP Lunch...whatver. I'm not picky) or just during your free time. It will be my sincere pleasure, indeed. If not, though, please know that it has been a humbling and enlightening experience to meet you all--and one I'll not soon forget.

Thank you all for an amazing year. You have been a gift, truly.

Love always,

Presentation Order

Monday is, as it turns out, no good. Mostly because my stomach is no good, bad, terrible and about to be sent to alt school.  But, onward and upward.

The presentation order is as follows:
Tuesday, June 10:

1.   Gabby, Tatyana, Emily, Jasmine, Francesca
    2.  Dom, Logan, Maggie, Michaela, Bryanna, Kass, Paula
  1. Wednesday, June 11:
    1.  Alonna Bennett, Sotiria DelValle, Tamirah Robinson, Danielle Salvatierra, and Michael Lam.

    2.  Tom, Stav

    1. Wigs, Dan A, Neil, Paige

    2.  Aubree, David R

    Thursday, June 12 (period 12 only)

    1. Tommi, Vincent, Danielle S

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Find Your Center..." (quote from random Yoga instructor)

From time to time, when tensions are high or I can sense a pervading uneasy energy circling me in some way, I do a little meditative exercise. Usually, it is a visualization or relaxation ritual; something easy to refocus my mind. You'd be surprised at how effective this can actually be.
Last year, when the Hurricane ravaged my house and I was living with (at the time) 5 dogs in one room, you can bet that I was a bit stressed--then, before all that was even finished came the registration for grad school, then the classes, and then the unthinkable tragedy that was the sudden, devastating death of my dog Marley. And, let's not forget that awesome day when the bus hit my car, smh.  All that in one year. There were days inside that stretch of time when I was physically unable to stand up.  And, that thing I do, with the breathing and the color light blue (have I ever told you guys this?) really saved my sanity.

So, as a means to, perhaps, prepare you for the unforeseen stressful events in your own life, this week's blog will have you contemplating your "happy place" either real or metaphorical or imaginary. Please answer the following questions:

Where do you like to go to escape from the pressures of your life? (It doesn't have to be a real place).
What is your best childhood memory? Describe it in detail.
Where and when do you feel your absolute best? Why?
What is the most soothing sound you can imagine?
Which colors affect your mood the most? How do those colors affect it?
When during the day do you feel the most at ease? Why? What is it about that time of day that provides comfort?

Relax while you're writing this--please don't start at 11:45 on Thursday night and rush forward trying to get it in under the wire--that would really defeat the purpose.

Remember to breathe...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lyrical Philosophies

Back in the days of AP Lang, we talked quite a bit about personal philosophies.  These were usually in the forms of This I Believe assignments or a well (or ill, depending on your view)-timed 7 point creed blog question. Basically, we explored guidelines you all use to determine your various paths and inform all your decisions, and some of you had some interesting things to say about that. Some others had a hard time trying to put into words exactly what their guiding principles are. I don't blame you--it's pretty hard to do. 
But, we are, for better or worse, a gang of intellectuals.  And to that end, we shall explore a bit further.

Many of you use music as a gateway. To sanity, to serenity, to solace and/or to solitude. Music, to many of you, is an escape from the harsh realities of teenage life. 
So, now it is also going to be a tool in which you come to a greater understanding of how you see the world, and how you see yourself. I'm trying to ruin music for you--quite the opposite, actually.  I am kind of hoping you'll get a clearer understanding of why you like music that you do.

Think about all the music you love to listen to. Specifically, think about the lyrics to songs you love. Now, I want you to pick one or two songs that adequately encapsulate how you feel about life, your life. Of course, like a quote, nothing can COMPLETELY "sum up" your entire life--I understand that. But many songs, either through explicit or implied messages in lyrics, can at least provide a concrete example of either what you want out of life, what you want out love and how you want to be perceived, taken, understood etc.

So, your task this week is to tell us about a song, copy a few of the refrains/chorus/passages, and explicate their meaning(s) to you.
Try to pick ones that have some depth and that will provide a deeper understanding of your innate beliefs.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


To cap off a lovely weekend, I spent a few hours reading over some of your older blog postings.

Doing that, coupled with thinking about some of you individually, offered me a rare glimpse into a collective psyche. Here's what I deduce:
Some, although not all, of you seemingly have two fundamental fears: 1, the idea of change and/or 2, the possibility of making the "wrong" choice.  I can certainly relate.

Now, I know that there are plenty of you who would tell me that the idea of change, especially if it includes a change of scenery from sunny Mays Landing/Mullica/Laureldale to just about anywhere else, would be welcomed with open arms and a huge, block-lettered sign.  But, despite the wanderlust or pre-"senioritis" that you have all felt creeping in on you, you have to admit that, at its core, change is a scary proposition. After all, the intrinsic nature of change is that of the unknown, the unchartered, the unfamiliar and the unrevealed.

So, if you are one of the restless souls who yearns for change--what is it about it that is so appealing to you? What do you hope the changes you want to seek out, to undergo or to witness will mean for you, your future, your life? On the other hand, if you are one who double locks the door when change comes a-knockin', tell me what it is about the prospect of it that fightens you. What do you think might happen?

We're not done...oh no...onward...

Now, one of Change's many dance partners is Choice. Right/wrong, smart/stupid, bad/ good..choice exists and you are confronted with the notion of it every single day. Sometimes, these are choices of epic proportions--break-up or stay together; cut class to get that paper done or suck it up and take a zero; confront the back-stabbing friend or let it go; get high just this once or walk away never knowing; and sometimes it can be as inconsequential as chicken patty or PB&J. Either way, your mind has a process it undergoes when you have to make a choice. Tell me about it. Do your weigh all your options and consider possible outcomes, or do you dive in and hope the water isn't too cold? I think I am mix-metaphoring myself into a corner here--but I know you know what I mean.
When you are confronted with a choice--how do you make it? And, more importantly, why?
A lot to think about, I know.
Buena Suerte!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lost in Translation

I must confess that for as long as I can remember, I've felt felt a tinge of loneliness; ok, more than a tinge. It isn't because I don't have tons of friends--I mean, I don't, but I don't need tons. The few I've got are all I need because I've never been the type of person who judges herself on popularity (Thank Buddha, or else I'd have been morbidly depressed by now!), because I know how fleeting popularity really is.
 No, the truth is that I've almost always felt lonely for one reason: the sinking feeling that there are precious few people who view the world and those in it the way I do. For some reason, this matters a great deal to me. And this is the reason that I sometimes feel like I'm miles away even while surrounded by humans.
I feel as though I should qualify this by saying I DO NOT, in any way, think my way is the best way, the only way, the obvious way etc and further--that "way" I am referring to is fundamentally related to my job--not random "ways" of things in general.
Glad I could make that crystal clear for us  -____-.
Ok, moving on...

Often, when I'm feeling alone, I like to keep moving. Specifically, I like to go for walks. Don't ask me why. So this is the state of affairs that brought me to Center City Philly last Friday night. As I roamed Queen Village, Society Hill and Olde City after dark, I found myself replaying some of the interactions with various people I'd had up to that point in the day. When my mind settled on one of the day's conversations--I don't remember which--I distinctly recall feeling a rising tide of frustration. And while I'm sketchy on the details of the conversation which sparked these thoughts, I know precisely what frustrated me that evening, because it's something that consistently frustrates me to no end: the realization that most people seem to have no handle on what it means to be "intelligent." Not that I feel that I have a monopoly on the definition. It's just that I feel that people throw the word around like it's a hacky sack, with little to no thought about how their use of the term speaks volumes about what they value in terms of mental capacity.

So, you guessed it. I'd like you to weigh in on the subject. What does it mean to be "intelligent"? Who's the smartest person you've ever known? What is it that makes them so intelligent in your view? Be specific, cite examples and do your best to arrive at a definition. But DON'T consult a dictionary. If you absolutely can't resist the temptation to chew on someone else's thoughts on the subject, I'd like you to Google quotations on intelligence and tell me if you come across one that sums up your views on the topic--or one that doesn't if playing devil's advocate is your thing.
Share the quote with us and connect it with your response.
Don't rush your thinking. Let it marinate...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The New School Project

This is your school project space.  Feel free to create your own clearinghouse of information, either right here, through Google Docs, a FB page, a Wiki or whatever is easiest for you in terms of disseminating information and dealing with issues as they arise.

I will check in periodically to apprise myself of your progress as well as monitor if and how I need to intervene in any way.

You can post questions as you think of them, and I will see to it you have all the info you need.

I would like you all to post a preliminary roster of your groups. I don't need to know the name of your school at this time, but I will, shortly.

Use the force.