Ughh I'm terrible at this. Well, I should explain the "this" so as to not commit the cardinal sin of ambiguity.
I don't like endings. Well, when I get right up close and personal thinking about it, I don't like beginnings either.
I guess that makes me more of a "middle" person.
The awkwardness of first impressions, the anxiety of expectations either met or not met (depending on what they are--both can be stressful)--it's a jumble of heart-thumping, shallow breathing and knots-in-the-stomach over things said, unsaid, done or undone--ugh. It's all horrible.
But, like most things in 204, this is not about me.
So, in the interests of keeping this blog all about you, I would like you to think back on our year together, compile your best memories, anecdotes, lessons, words of wisdom and final requests and say farewell to our Lang class, in any way you would like.
Odds are, you may all have each other in classes again next year, and if I'm very lucky, perhaps I will be blessed enough to see you gracing 304 for AoP (or EPA or AP Lunch...whatver. I'm not picky) or just during your free time. It will be my sincere pleasure, indeed. If not, though, please know that it has been a humbling and enlightening experience to meet you all--and one I'll not soon forget.
Thank you all for an amazing year. You have been a gift, truly.
Love always,
Lang. Wow, well to start off I just want to say congrats!!! You have survived the class that is spoken of most highly at Oakcrest, which is mainly because of Bunj's hard work as a teacher. But nonetheless, we did go through countless hours of TSTD's and Reading Logs- which reading logs were never my forte. However, I did get through them- one rhetorical device at a time. I can honestly say that this class did help me grow immensely as a person. Truthfully I don't even think it was the work though, it was honestly all thanks to Bunje. Of course the work helped me gain intelligence, time management skills, and a whole lot less of the procrastination that I have been using throughout the past 10 years of schooling. Unfortunately, I'm not taking AP lit next year like 99.99999% of you, so it might be a rare occasion when you actually do see me during senior year, taking into consideration of the fact that our schedules might be flip flopped. However, this isn't "goodbye" this is me telling you that you have all made such a huge impact on my life. There has been very positive and negative aspects I always think of throughout Lang, and maybe that's my own fault. But, I do appreciate the positive things that I have benefitted from all of you, and one of them is work ethics. Some of you say to me constantly, "how do you run all the time?" and I'm just like "Dude, I love it, I wanna do this in college." and the one question i'm always asking some of you is "how do you study and do work ALL the time?" and youre just like "Dude, I gotta do this for college." Right off the bat, just know that I idolize all of you who can achieve that academic state of mind all the way around the clock. I don't really know how you do it, and that's exactly why I look up to you. Just doing pre calc for an hour makes me wanna cry because it takes so much focus and thought and some of you guys could do it in your sleep. And, I'm jealous. Just know that I wish I could be as academically successful as all of you. I feel extremely blessed and thankful to have been with all of you this year because you have just given me a huge sneak peek of how I wish Iwas.
DeleteDon't doubt yourself! So you don't enjoy pre-calculus, or you may not do that all in your sleep but you should be proud of who you are! You're an amazing student, athlete and friend, full of school spirit and kindness. I'm very upset to hear you won't be following us to AP Lit, but it was great to have you in class this year. I looked up to you in ways too though, how you were always so excited over vocab and jumping up when someone used a lit term or vocab definition while speaking. Congrats on making it with Lang as well!! I hope your summer is fantastic and if I don't see you too much next year I hope your senior year is as perfect as you can dream!
never doubt yourself aubree!
DeleteAubree, I enjoyed your post because all of us had encountered the same situation. I really like your commiment to running, and I hope we get to see each other next year because I know you will do better things next year. I cannot wait when you tell me that you're finally going to compete in track for your dream colllege. I cannot wait to hear your accomplishments next year, and I wish the best for you.
DeleteSad to hear that you're not taking lit next year, but best of luck in all of your classes! It was a pleasure having you in Lang this year, your constant shouting out of different lit terms never failed to bring a smile to my face. I do not consider this a goodbye either, I look forward to seeing everyone next year and I too am very grateful for the time we have spent together.
DeleteFirst off, congrats to you too for surviving this class! You should never doubt yourself. Be proud of who you are. Yes, pre-calc might not be your forte, but you’re pretty amazing at running. You’re athletic and some of us wish that we could say that. We’re all not amazing at the same things, but c’est la vie (that’s life). I wasn’t in your Lang class and it’s sad to hear that I won’t get a chance to be your classmate in Lit either. Congrats on getting through this year and I hope your senior year goes great.
DeleteI as well am going to start off with saying Congratulations my fellow Langers! I know it was rough at times, with not just English homework but for most of you AP Chemistry, AP History and AP Calculus... (Which I admire you all for sticking it out this whole year unlike me :( BUT I loved Physics!) Anyway, even if you didn't take all the AP classes, junior year in general is supposedly one of the hardest years, but hey we got through it! But honestly, I don't believe I would have been able to without the guidance of Ms. Bunje. I loved how she asked what we wanted to work on skill wise, or what we needed extra help on and how we could make that into a lesson for the class. As much as I dreaded Reading Logs and TS/TDs in the long run I grew to accept them for all the help they gave me while reading passages and stories. It seems to come easier to me now on picking out the authors tone and how it's expressed in the passage, or how certain lit devices were used and how they had significance in the writing. Aside from the countless amount of times I was up pass 12 or the days where all I did was stress over school work, in the long run again it all helped me better advance myself. By taking AP Lang, I feel I have opened up about myself, mainly through blogs or OPs (which I'll miss). Aside from all the work, I really couldn't have asked for a better class to go through this school year with. The way we kept everyone up to date on assignments or how everyone was considerate with helping one another, I really appreciated all that. Though it won't be the same without Bunje next year, I do look forward to taking AP Lit with most of you. Looking at this past year I can imagine the class will still be fun having you all there. As for now, I'm not scheduled to take any of Bunje’s courses next year but that doesn't mean I won't be in! Don't worry Bunj; I'll still come in to annoy you with my stories. So as the school year comes to a close, I often get upset knowing that there is only one year left! It's scary actually, but I look forward to hopefully having a great senior year! Though I'll miss junior year and all of you, I'm so ready for the summer! Thank you all for an amazing school year, I hope everyone has an awesome summer!
ReplyDeleteI agree I can't picture having class with another group of people!
DeleteMichaela, I really like you describe most of our time in Lang. The days when we freaked out about due dates are now a thing of the past until our senior year. I really wish we could all come to remember all the great experiences that we had during Lang. I also agree about our senior year to be scary and exciting. Even though it feels like summer already, I cant wish for junior year to be over.
DeleteI also really enjoyed this class this year for the fact that everyone was always so willing to help one another and keep classmates up to date on assignments (especially during the most hectic times of the year). I will truly miss our Lang class.
DeleteIt was quite neat how there was an AP buddy system that would go on throughout the year. It made me realize how much we all really care for each other and it was nice to know that there was a handful of people that I could rely on for help whenever I had questions or issues regarding our assignments. I can't express how grateful I am to be surrounded by such reliable and friendly people that I got to know better throughout this year. It hasn't completely hit me that our senior year is only a few months away and even though it seems scary, I am beyond excited for our final year and all the new memories that will be made before we all leave each other for the sake of higher education.
DeleteThere were so many good times in Lang that it would be almost impossible to write about them all so in an attempt not write more than any of you are interested in reading I am only going to write about a few things. So here I go! I can’t write a blog about good times in Lang without talking about the first time I ever decided to go fully silly in class. As the period 12 kids will remember when Bunje told us to spread out for our first Vocab quiz I took that order very seriously. Instead of just moving a little far away decided to part my desk right in the door way and this resulted in hilarious, confused looks from passersby. But the looks were not my favorite part of this ordeal, my favorite part was how absolutely Ok Bunje was with me doing this! It set a very good vibe for the rest of the year to follow, and that vibe was that this year was going to be fun. Now while many assignments in Lang were hard and some were even very not fun (I’m talking to you TSTDs) there was one assignment that we were given every marking period that I not only looked forward to doing myself, but I also looked forward to hearing others read theirs. This was of course our OPs because they gave us an opportunity to express ourselves without shackles or rules and it allowed us to see the beautiful and special minds of our fellow Langers without having any restrictions on them. I will never forget Neil’s interesting anecdote about the girl who had very strong and negative feelings about the hungry or Tommi’s amazing OP about changing your name in Starbucks! Ops were always a wonderful part of any day when they were read and I’ll miss them dearly! Now we must discuss something very important, the Lang MVP award that I just made up. Well not so much discuss this as much as it is that I am awarding Dan with this award! Dan was always a very funny guy and I’m glad to say he is a friend of mine but this year his humor reached new heights! Whether he was declaiming a monologue from How I Met Your Mother, teaching us how to be Tools or Making wookie noises Dan was always the guy I could rely on to give me a good laugh at the end of the day and it would just be a crime to write a blog post about Lang highlights without mentioning Dan’s amazing sense of humor! So now it is time for the inevitable, we must say goodbye to 204 and Lang, but we had a great run, friends! While Dan wins the official Lang MVP award, you were all awesome! I got to know you all better this year and we had many a good time. We have taken an important step in our high school careers and now all that stands before us is senior year. For some of us it will be hard and for others it will be a breeze but either way it will be the last step we take in high school, we are close to the finish line and while that may be a little sad it is also a wonderful thing. The next part of our lives is so close we can almost taste it and I am happy to say that I spent this part of my life with all of you. So maybe we won’t all be in the same classes next year but we will still see each other around and I for one know that if I see any of you in the halls I will great you with a big smile! Goodbye and have a great summer. And don’t think I forgot about you, Bunj, I’ll be sure to stop by 204 to say hi and to see how the new stars are doing.
ReplyDelete204 is forever our home!
DeleteVincent, we have not had an actual class together since 3rd grade until this year of AP Lang. And I couldn't have asked for a better class to enjoy with you! I'm so happy to have had you with me because of how easy it is for you to make me smile. Any day I was down or didn't seem myself you would help brighten my mood with your smile and warming hugs! I have to agree with you on the OPs, I absolutely loved them! I loved listening to everyone's stories and writing down and sharing my own. I love that you came up with the Lang MVP! And it was a perfect match to award it to Dan! Sad to think AP Lang is ending but I have to say I'm so thankful for all the amazing people we got to spend it with.
DeleteI appreciate that you liked my blog so much, and I have to say that Neil's story is still one that sticks out in my mind. You were always such a calming force in class not because you yourself were calm, but because you were always happy and able to look on the bright side of things. I am very lucky to have be able to work with you so much this year and hope that next year we can still work together.
DeleteVincent, I always knew walking into Lang on the worst of days that a little bit of joy would be brought to my heart with one of your forced hugs or just simply your bubbly personality. I cherish your friendship so much, and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend twelfth period with you everyday.
DeleteMan, I really wish that you were in my Lang class (or I was in yours, whichever works in this unnatainable weird fantasy type deal that I'm forming right here) I mean, I don't talk to you very much, but I've always found you to be a great person to talk to, and I think that we could have worked very well together in a few facets of this class, not to mention you seem like the type of dude who is worth knowing, so, yeah :p
DeleteThis is the third year that I've had you in my English class, and I couldn't be happier about it. It was a great opportunity to get to know you better and also to receive hugs from you daily. I (like you) enjoyed OPs, and it was really fun to hear your stories while your smile lit up the room like a volcano (I felt like an analogy was necessary). I'd have to say that your hugs were definitely the highlight of my day along with your support of my bubbly-ness, so thank you for being such a great friend and hugger.
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ReplyDeleteWhere do I start? When I walked into Lang I was told I was making a mistake and that it was the doors of hell. I love challenges so I knew I would be good. I have never learned so much in a class before util this year in 2nd period. I didn’t learn just English I learned about life. I learned that you are going to fail but it is how your finish. I will see all my fellow classmates next year at school as well as Ms. Bunje. But Bunje I would like to let you know that you are by far my favorite teacher. You always know the right thing to say and for some reason you understand me more than I understand myself. You truly have changed my life and who I am for the better. I don’t want to make this long at all cause I don’t want to spoil my OP. I love all of you for different reasons. Like stav you have a piece of my heart BOOBASSSS. I refuse to spoil my OP! I LOVE YOU ALL!
DeleteThough we weren't in Lang class together I still had the honor to have you in a few of my other classes, and boy has it been an interesting year! I have to say, there wasn't a day in Physics that you couldn't make the entire class laugh, including Mr.Seaman though he tried to hold it back. As for Ms. Bunje, I can, by far agree that she as well is my favorite teacher. She not only taught us more than the usual English lessons of reading and writing, but she did all she could to make it fun and helpful at the same time. Though I'll miss the class, I am so thankful for all the great memories AP Lang has given me! I hope you have an amazing summer!
Reading this blog post reminds me of how fun you were in the classes we've had together in the past. I hope next year maybe we will have at least one class together because, as this post shows, you're really enthusiastic and positive and I respect that. It's important that we explore who we are while we're this age because then when we are released into the world we will have some firm footing. I'm happy for you in that you've learned a lot about yourself this year and hope that you learn even more next year.
DeleteDom, I completley agree with you. We have learned so much this year pertaining to our actual education and on a personal level. I also think we can start off not so good but as long as you finish good, thats what counts. I can fit that example perfectly.
DeleteJust like you, I heard about how much of a “mistake” being in this class would be. However, I am glad that I took it. I’m glad that I ended up having Lang with you. You helped make Lang fun. I hope I have at a class with you next year because your positivity really helped make the atmosphere lighter. I do agree that we have learned so much this year. Congrats on getting through this year and I hope you have a great senior year!
DeleteDom I think we all got the speeches about how stupid, crazy, and what masochists we were for taking Lang but really I think it was all worth it just to have class with you and for learning all the things that we did. I really hopw to have you in a class next year because I know it'll be some laughs and a lot of fun.
DeleteIt’s so hard to believe that this is the end of Lang. It’s crazy to think that a few months ago we were crying over Reading Logs yet here we are typing up our LAST blog post. I’ve got to admit, while Lang was hard, I’m really going to miss this class. I’m going to miss all our random class discussions and how everyone got together to rant about how nervous we all are for college. This class has ultimately helped me grow as a person. 204 was more than a class teaching us about rhetorical devices and synthesis essays. 204 taught me that having differing opinions was okay. I feel as if through the course of the year I became a more open person not only to my peers but also to myself. My favorite part of the year had to be the end. Not because exams were over but because I feel as if it was then when you realized everyone’s true personalities. Not only did I see myself grow, but I saw others grow. One person in particular was Emily. I had no idea she had this spunky and outgoing personality and I would have never known that if it weren’t for her comedic stunts. “I WANNA BE A PROSTITUTE.” Hahahahah, that never gets old. I really liked the fact that we all had to write one OP during the marking period because I feel as if with every OP you learned something new about that person. This class taught me so much besides Lang. It taught me about time management, how procrastination is never a good thing, and how work pays off in the end. My friends used to come over and as we were talking I used to sit on my laptop doing some last minute work on essays or tstds. Though at the time it was irritating, I feel as if because of the work load (and having survived that work load) I'm more prepared for college in a working sense. Lang was no easy journey but I’m so glad I went with it. Everyday was something new and I’m not lying when I tell you I looked forward to our class. Whether it be we rant about how Hearn only shows videos rather than actually teach, or how Fresne is literally crazy and satanic, class was never a boring thing. However, my favorite aspect of Lang was that Bunj was more than a teacher to us. For most, she was our friend, someone we could text funny emojis to or come to when we had boy, family, or friend problems. You never turned away from us and you helped us in every way you can. That is what I look for in a teacher and you were the epitome of that. So for that, I thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd before I forget, I’m letting you know now that this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me Bunj. I’ll be back next year crying about college and how I have no idea what college I have to go to, and about minuscule things as always such as my parents arguing with me as per usual. But just because Lang has ended doesn’t mean our status as friends as to too. I’ll be back for ya Bunj, and you’ll be sick of me, but who cares. It was truly an honor to be apart of 204 and it’s memories will be with me as I grow older.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBitter sweet. The words I have chosen to start my blog summaries my emotions about the finally blog post. Bitter- everything has an end and we have to live and accept endings. The bitter part about my blog post, I did not know most of you at the beginning of the school year but I finally I had the privilege of working with most of you. We are going into senior year and everyone would be focused on college, we did not survive AP Lang, we thrived. For period 2, if you happen to see this word “BOMBAST” remember me. (I hope Dom still remembers me next year) I would miss AP Lang not because of the amount of work I had to do but also the fun times we had in class. As we had fun in class, I would also like to use this finally blog post to say, I am sorry to anyone I offended this year. This class has done an excellent job; identifying our true self, understanding life perhaps “truth” and learning to accept sarcasm. I have made lots of memories in this class that it has certainly being hard for me to pick out my favorite moment this year. With Maggie acting as Justin Bieber, Kassidy dancing, Chess reading with a southern accent and the numerous times you guys had to correct me when reading in class. These are all memories, I pray I never forget. Regardless of the fact that most of the Lang kids next year would probably ask me about the tedious work in this class, I would also tell them that, “ nothing good comes cheap” and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s being an awesome year of joy and stress. So that is life, bitter sweet, we are moving forward and hope we accomplish our dreams.
ReplyDeleteStav, Stav, Stav. Where do I begin? I am so blessed to have meet you--you're such a determined person who wants to become a better person. I honestly had no idea that we would become bestfriends. I am so happy that we had the same classes and we instanly started talking to each other like we born together. To be honest, if it weren't for you, I have no idea what I would have done this entire year. If it weren't for you, I would have not tried to speak German. You honestly helped me through so much. Even though I can be a bit annoying and dumb, I know that I could always count on you. I hope that we can share the same classes next year because I don't know anyone else of who to share such an exicting year. Congrats on passing Lang.
DeleteStav, I'm really glad you moved to our school this year. You're a really dedicated and determined person and it was really cool having classes with you. Although we did not share the same Lang period we have other classes together and there were good memories in those classes as well. Like I said in my own blog post, it wasn't the classes but the people in them that were enjoyable. Good job this year!
DeleteWait?!? What the hell do you mean "Goodbye to AP Lang"? I remember blogging about what I'm going to be expecting from this class like 2 weeks ago. But honestly, this class has been everything I thought it was going to be and more. Sure there was a pretty significant workload, but it was actually something I enjoyed in a sort of sick twisted way. English is probably the only academic class that I actually excel at, because unlike 90% of my friends, I don't have an I.Q. of 5,000,000 (I'm pretty sure Neil can move stuff with his mind if he tried hard enough..) But what I lack in literally everything else, I make up for in English. Having the chance to dissect different kinds of writing, and do some styles of writing that I never even thought I would attempt was something I can say I thoroughly enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteBut that was just the class itself. There were so many things I enjoyed about the atmosphere of 204 that added to the already interesting Lang class. First of them being the teacher of this class. Ms. Bunje has easily been my favorite teacher of an academic class my entire high school career, and is on the top 3 in no particular order with Mr. Bass and Mr. Tinsley. She has found the perfect balance between friend and respectable teacher, and even though I can go to her with problems, and joke around with her with no problem, even the thought of forgetting her homework still scares me. Bunje has kind of become a second mother to me, I have a good relationship with my mother, but she is not the most relatable person in the world, so coming to her with my problems, and even my successes is difficult at times. But this year, I finally found someone that I could whine to without them just brushing me off as weak, and for that, I thank you Ms. Bunje, I can't wait to have you for D&D next year.
But I still ain't done yet. Aside from the teacher, I have a lot of fond memories of this year in Lang. Until this year, I was never especially close to the people in my class. For some reason I've only gotten the chance to talk to the people under me and over me in grade level. But this class, the nature of it being that it is comprised almost entirely of Juniors, mean that I might have to talk to one of you guys every once in a while. But after a week or so, it went from being and awkward social situation to awesome and something I looked forward immensely to doing. You guys went from being people much smarter, talented, driven, or cooler that me to, well, still those things, but also very humble an accepting, and possessing way more dimensions to your character than I ever could have thought. I never knew that Emily was so funny, or that Franny was so nice, or that Taty and Jasmine could be deep and articulate, or that Kassidy and Paula were so friendly. I never really got the chance to know any of you guys, and picking my favorite memories would mean that I'd have to worry about forgetting one, and I'd like to stop writing at some point, but I just want all of you guys, be you period 2 or 12, that every single one of you were an integral part of making this the best year of my entire life, and I really hope that I can learn even more about all of you before next year ends. So thank you, so much. It's been a pleasure :)
While I can't agree with you that this year went by quickly, I'm really glad to hear that you have become close to the people in your class. It's nice when a class feels more like a room of comfort than home to a difficult course. It makes me happy to hear that you've really started to discover who people really are especially since we will all be taking similar classes next year most likely. It means a lot that you feel we've all made this year the best for you and though I doubt I had much part in it, I appreciate the sentiment all the same.
DeleteTom, it really means a lot to me that you think I can be somewhat deep seeing as I tend to come off as a bit of a goofball. I, too, see Bunje as a mother figure (even though we haven't spoken that much). The fact that she is there and that she is someone that I know that I can talk to is wonderful. Tom, your witty comments and humor have made my school year a wonderful one. Don't ever stop making jokes. Have a great summer!
DeleteI was going to talk about how I also feel like I suck at anything that isn't English, but then you said something else that struck me even more. Woah. I'm on the Jasmine level of being deep and articulate? I wonder what I said. Hm. But that was all just really adorable Tom. :D and I'm sure with drama and choir and such we'll continue to see each other and manage to stay good friends and lots of awesome stuff.. It's only after reading other people's responses that I'm really starting to feel the nostalgia kick in. I don't really think I can handle it. I'm getting a little depressed.
DeleteWhat does it mean when a person says goodbye? Is it one of those universal phrases that has one meaning, or is it universal because it has many meanings? What is the physical equivalent of saying goodbye, turning your back and never returning, a momentary pause, or a transition into something new? I really want to make this blog complicated and go off all metaphorically, but I’m tired of that. I have one straight answer to the first question I posed, and no, it won’t be something ambiguous like” it depends on the situation”. Being this will be a pointed answer, some of you will disagree and some won’t understand what I’m saying in the first place but it’s all good. This is my last blog post and I want it to be as simple as possible. I’ve been trying to dive down deep and find something exotic and geneous for all the blogs we’ve had thus far and I don’t want to do that for this one. I just want to put it straight.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye, taken in the context of this day and age, my personal age and my experience, is a word with completely no meaning. We say it all the time, we’re told as little kids to wave goodbye and smile when someone leaves our house and it sticks with us until people are saying goodbye to us in our graves. It’s a space filler, like saying “um” or “ya know?” at the end of your sentence. You don’t really care if the other person knows what you’re saying or not, you said what you needed to and that’s all that really matters. It’s the same with goodbye. We say it to everyone on any occasion with an infinitely growing automatic trigger causing us to say it. How is it possible for one word to mean the same thing when we say it to both our friends and our enemies, the ones we hate and the one we love? That’s just not acceptable in terms of creating a definition, which is why I don’t think there is one. It means nothing. To take it even further, we say goodbye even if the parting is not on “good” terms at all. We say goodbye when we know we are going to see the person in the very near future, potentially less than an hour later. It marks the end of a conversation yet it sometimes is spoken in such a tone that it invites the receiver to think the sender really wants to continue. Picture the cliche new boyfriend and girlfriend talking over the phone. She oh so reluctantly says goodbye as she dramatically taps the screen yet her boyfriend knows she really wants to continue the conversation and so he then starts texting her immediately afterward. What’s the point? How can there be meaning hidden in there. I have spent what seemed like a lifetime dissecting underlying meaning this year in lang, and I like to think I’m good at it by now. But I can not for the life of me figure out what this word means. Defining goodbye is the same as being asked to define “um”. You just can’t.
You can argue that the meaning varies, depending on the people involved in the conversation and the context of the exchange and I will give you credit to that. But I just can’t bring myself to it. I realize that I sound really grumpy, and I’m not going to lie, I kinda am. I’m sad that I can’t get any sentiment out of a comment that is in fact, a sentiment. I’m sad that it’s lost its meaning to me. So what am I going to say to you guys as this is supposed to be a farewell post: I’ve learned a lot, much of it unintentional, but important nonetheless and I am excited to see what school brings us all next year. Aufwiedersehen (it means until we meet again, not goodbye).
Aufwiedersehen, Tommi. Weil wir haben ein anderer Jahr von high school (haha).
DeleteSorry, I couldn't resist replying in German. Anyway, it's true that goodbyes often lose meaning because they are not a real parting. In this case the 'goodbye' we are issueing is not a goodbye to each other but a goodbye to Lang class.... because I don't think any of us are repeating it to the extent of my knowledge. We will all see each other again next year and maybe years beyond that. In this case "aufwiedersehen" is far more accurate... sometimes other languages can capture the true essence of a word or phrase better. And the summer really is a short amount of time to be parted. So, haben einen guten Sommer! Ich werde du nächste Sommer sehen. (:
oder nächste Schuljahr sehen, that is. Whoops, typo'd my German there... embarrassing.
DeleteI never really thought about the meaning of goodbye that way. But reading it that makes a lot of sense. Goodbye never really seems to mean what it is supposed to, and I guess that in turn means that it has lost its meaning, and can pretty much be used any which way. But I wanted to respond to your post to respond to it in and of itself, but also to respond to your response to mine. I mean, the fact that we were in two separate lang classes, although all of the people in them are great in their own special way, means that I didn't get to learn more about you in the way that I did for everyone in period 2, but I'd like to think of myself as a pretty sociable guy, and I enjoy making new friends, so feel free to not be a stranger :p
DeleteI really like your insight on the meaning of a word that is used in multiple ways on a daily basis. Goodbyes seem to be both sad yet meaningless so I do think that the situation has an effect on the meaning of the word. For the most part, we will all be seeing plenty of each other next year so this goodbye doesn't necessarily have to be a sad one, but I guess it depends on the perspective. On one hand, it's upsetting to think that our time in high school is passing and we are all growing older right before our very eyes. On the other hand, we are not officially leaving each other yet and there is no point in rushing goodbyes, especially when farewells are not always permanent.
DeleteJunior year has not been the best time for me, if I'm going to be completely honest. It was one of those things that seemed like it was off to a good start but somewhere in the middle I lost control of the vehicle and it ended all in a horrific, fiery crash. But that's just me being melodramatic about personal issues. So enough of that. Obviously this year wasn't a constant string of catastrophes with no good moments in between because I would have lost even more of my sanity in that case; and consider I'm still walking and talking and not cackling to myself (in public, at least) there were a lot of good things. Mostly this year afforded me the opportunity to get closer to a lot of people I share classes with. I'm not exactly stellar with that whole art of 'social interaction' so there's nothing like good old fashion classrooms to shove people into close proximity with me every day and force them to interact with me. But all those interactions made the year better for me and I'm glad I was afforded the opportunity to get to know everyone a little better- because all of you are honestly amazing and fascinating people. I am particularly fond of everyone in twelfth period Lang- after stressful days it was nice to come into that class and be able to share uncontrollable laughter with all of you. Lang could be stressful, certainly- beyond stressful in periods when the work started piling up tremendously- but I always enjoyed the company of the people in the class (including Ms. Bunje, and even occasionally those wandering seniors who drop by... hope they all enjoyed Lang 2.0 in their senior year). I had fun in a lot of my AP Classes really and it certainly was not because of the work. It was because I have classes with some of the best people in the school and I'm glad I'm pretty friendly with all of you. Hopefully this summer I can keep in touch with all those AP friends instead of retreating to my fortress of solitude, which is my more natural inclination. I'm not good at trying to recall specific memories on the spot so I know I'm being sort of vague but the enjoyment I get out of school, what little there is to be had, has never been from the work or the setting but rather from the people who inhabit it. So thank you all fellow classmates and teachers for making this year more than just a complete burning wreck it could have been otherwise. We all made it through this year together.... just one more year of high school left!
ReplyDeleteI agree, this year was definitely not the best in terms of my mental and emotional well being but I can't help but appreciate the bonds that were formed between classmates, even if some of these friendships are minor. Even though I dreaded most of the material and work that was contained within each hellacious AP class, I can't deny that I enjoyed being in the presence of many friendly peers. I hope that the friendships that I have formed this year continue to become stronger during our final year of high school.
DeleteI totally agree with you in the face that, ironically, all my AP classes were my most fun class. However, that's not to say that they were the easiest either. I feel as if everyone grew closer as a group due to the heavy workload because we were all forced to depend on one another. Whether it be texting someone about having a vocab test the next day or posting on the AP Lang Facebook Group a simple reminder, we all were intertwined in a sense. Most of us, AP students and all, are in the same classes and when you see someone for 6 hours a day 5 days a week, you tend to make really good relations with one another. I, in particular, am that type of person to become really close friends with someone just because they're in most of my classes during a year. I've made some great friends this year and I'm really glad because without them all these classes would honestly be torture. The saying that 'whenever you're with your best friends it is always a good time' is very much true. Without my friends, I think I really would have dropped out of calc, killed myself within the 3rd reading log, and gauged my eyeballs because of the 5th chem test I've failed in a row.
DeletePaige, I agree. The people we met this year have helped us walk through our problems. I felt like Junior Year contained a lot more wrecks than expected, and I am glad that this year is finally over. I am also glad to have met you. Even though I talked to in the beginning of the year, I really admired talking to you because you were so unique. I really hope our senior year is a lot better than our junior year.
Deletehahaha, no matter what school-related atrocities happen, they can't strip you of your humor Paige. Through all the stress, we made it. Things happened and we adapted.
DeleteThat was positive in a way that I think I tried to be in my blog but that I didn't end up doing very well. Blah! I do love your writing. But anyway. I really wish I was in 12th. It just seems like a better time to be able to take in all the Lang things because I'm not dead, or late to school. Plus I adore everyone in there. Though I adore the people in my class, too. And one year left! Ah! I've been talking about college a lot lately actually. Don't wanna think about it. For now I just have to focus on the premise of having more school and take care of that first. Even the thought of not having Lang work anymore is weird, but in a few months there will once again be more than enough things to do to make up for it. Sadly.
DeleteI really can’t believe the time for a goodbye blog is already upon us. I remember everyone telling me at the end of sophomore year that junior year would be the fastest year of my life, and while I believed them, I did not expect it to fly by this quickly. I feel as though I blinked my eyes and here I am saying farewell to my fellow AP Lang classmates on June 15th. Someone please tell me how it is already June 15th! I still remember the first day of twelfth period Lang like it was just last week, mostly due to the fact that I had never dreaded walking into a classroom as much as I dreaded Lang that day. All I had heard from former Langers for months prior was how grueling and hellacious Bunje’s class was, and my attitude that day most definitely reflected my fear of the impending doom surely awaiting me behind the butterfly-laden door of 204.But after spending only a few short days with Bunj, I had a cautious sense of relief that assured me that (no matter the work load) everything would end up being okay. And it absolutely was. Even though not one of my classmates can proudly say that they did not utterly despise the endless TSTD’s and RRL’s that Lang entailed throughout the school year, I think we can all look back and say that those assignments taught us something. And for me personally, those assignments went far beyond sharpening my ability to analyze text and recognize lit terms, they aided me in my time management skills and overall forced me to be a more organized and prepared person. Those are lessons that I am very thankful to have had the chance to learn in Lang this year, and I feel so much more conditioned for my future after having taken Lang.
ReplyDeleteBut aside from all of the school work, Lang was an enjoyable experience for me in so many other ways. Not only did I grow to love Bunj and the class itself, I absolutely adored all of my classmates and the diverse personalities and characteristics that they shared. I don’t know what I would’ve done this year without Vincent’s constant silly antics, Neil’s ongoing confusion with basically everything, Dan’s jokes that always take me forever to figure out, David’s fast talking, Aubree’s excitement with shouting out lit terms, Danielle’s countless puns, Gabby’s bubbliness, Paige and Tommi’s amazing Ops, David’s various accents, and of course being able to make fun of my little Mick. I appreciate each and every one of my fellow Langers in too many ways to name now, but just know that you all made this year so much fun and considerably tolerable considering the amount of work we often had to do.
And one more very special thank you to Ms. Bunje for being not only a fantastic teacher, but a shoulder to cry on, a mentor to confide in, but most importantly a friend to lean on no matter what. You have helped me with so much this year, and I don’t know if anything I say will ever be able to express my gratitude for that. But this is certainly not goodbye, I’ll be sure to pay you visits next year, especially as I begin to freak out about college and need your calming words to bring me back down to earth. Love you Bunj, thanks for a great year.
We share very similar opinions on the way this year went by. While I thought the year did start off progressing quickly, there was a momentary delay in things towards the middle of the year, a little before death month. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think it was during the time where things with my parents got a little shaky. I'll spare everyone the boring details because you've all heard me rant about my parents one too many times, but I would like to say that overall, this year did progress very quickly. I think that happens every year though. Heck, I feel as if high school in general is all just one big blur and we're coasting through at a speed of 75 mph. SLOW DOWN LIFE. Then again, no, don't. I'm so excited for senior year and I can't wait to make it the best year yet. I've never been so excited for school but the anticipation is killing me. Bring it on senior year, bring it on.
DeletePart 1: Without a doubt, this entire year felt like a roller coaster. I wouldn’t compare to any roller coaster though, but despite my lack of knowledge on amusement park rides, I’ll do my best to describe this year in a mediocre but figurative way. For me, the wild ride of junior year began right when I buckled myself into the first car of the roller coaster. I already knew that I was setting up for doom so I sat there anticipating for the terrible things that would soon be coming my way. Before the ride even started, I sat there mentally preparing myself for all of the frightening loops and drops that everyone had talked about. Even from a stationary standpoint, I could clearly see what terrible things were yet to come. But of course, I chose to put myself in this situation and I just couldn’t back down. Eventually the ride started and I was already fearing the first drop that was approaching at a slow but stressful rate. Once I finally reached the top of the hill, I started to panic when I saw every sharp turn, steep slope, and terrifying loop that had been laid out right before my very eyes. Here comes trouble. Suddenly, I felt my heart jump as I was dramatically sent downhill at an alarming rate. Not too long after that, I went through a long chain of multiple twists and turns so I barely had time to breathe. Even though I was in fear while going through the most extreme stages of the ride, I came to find that I was more intact than I thought I would be after each obstacle that seemed to come and go at the blink of an eye. There was not a single dull moment and it seemed as though everything appeared to be one surprise after another, even with the prior knowledge I had. At this moment in time, I am at the stage where the ride has officially ended, but I am still buckled in, waiting to arrive at the initial docking station but also pondering over everything that I had just experienced. I can easily recall some of the most rough and dreadful moments in the ride, but I’d be lying if I said that it was an unenjoyable experience overall. Now that it’s almost officially done, all I can do is sit here and reminisce over both the good and the bad. Even though I am relieved that it’s all over, I can’t seem to mask the fact that I am already feeling a strange sense of sadness as I prepare to leave the entire experience behind and make it nothing more than a memory.
ReplyDeletePart 2: Speaking in a more straight forward sense, I can’t help but cherish some of the good things that came out of one of the most dreadful years of my high school experience so far. Now that I think back to it, some of the most memorable moments this year all stemmed from the new major and minor friendships that I formed over the course of this year.The workload that came from rigorous courses was what mainly helped me form closer bonds with others. It’s a fairly bizarre concept but it holds true to any situation. Sometimes the best things come from the worst scenarios. Once I became fairly comfortable around most of my classmates, I found myself becoming much more expressive than I had ever been in the past. I have always been someone who likes to stand out, but this year my uniqueness was manifested through a great variety of ways. Whether it was occasionally writing down outrageous things in my essays or performing a dance solo to song consisting of acapella dubstep elements, I believe that I have created a much more distinct identity for myself. Lang in particular really helped me express my creativity and personality due to the broadness of essay and blog topics. There were so many different ways that I could answer these different prompts and sometimes I hated the lack of structure but at the same time it really helped me expand my mindset. All in all, I strangely appreciate all the experiences I had through this course along with its stressful assignments. I could go on and on about the great memories that were made even in toughest times, but I have to stop at some point because, as we all know, there is an end to everything. I don’t want to see this as a goodbye post because “goodbye” can carry such a depressing connotation. Sure, I may be saying farewell to Lang class but I’m not going anywhere yet, not for another year at least. Everything from this year is a memory now but we all still have another year with each other where greater memories will be made. As the famous Dr. Seuss quote goes, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Also, smile because we’re all still alive (but barely breathing) even with the many hardships that were faced. Take a huge sigh of relief because we have made it this far and there’s no sense it stopping now. It was quite a wild journey to ride the roller coaster of junior year alongside my fellow langers but it’s not quite over. Not yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely happy that this year has caused me to form a friendship with you. I mean, I've known of you for a few years, but getting to actually get to know you, and sit next to you in class has truly been a great experience. Having not taken this class, I would never have gotten to know the fun, nice, and smart person that is Emily Hoang, and while we both may be getting out of the roller coaster, theres still a few more rides to be had before we all get out of this place.
DeleteEmily, I really love the fact that you used that Doctor Seuss quote in your blog! I have often referred to that quote in life and have made it a partial representation of how I want to live my life (along with all of my other Disney quotes but I digress). Though I am bittersweet about this year coming to an end I am extremely happy that it happened. It grew me as a person and gave me wonderful life experiences and friends that will carry me through the rest of my life. I also found your rollercoaster analogy to be incredibly accurate and it described this year perfectly. Great job!
DeleteFist of all, I want to start by thanking my ap lang period two class. I would be a lost soul without all of you guys. I could go from having the worst day, but as soon as I stepped in room 204 my negative attitude would begin to turn around and I would have a smile for the rest of the day. Second, I would like to thank you Ms. Bunje. Thank you for pushing me to go above and beyond and conquer what I thought was the impossible. Thank you for always being there for me whether it was giving me a compliment, or pep talking me when I wasn't working my hardest. I can honestly say you are the best teacher I ever had. Not only were you my ap lang teacher, but you were my life teacher. You taught me not only how to be successful in the classroom, but in life. Your positive outlook on life has motivated me to do everything in my will. Your soft spoken and powerful words taught me to chase my dreams. And last but not least your spicy attitude has taught me that I can be a saucy woman with a lot of class. I can't thank room 204 enough for molding me into the person I have become this year. I have never been more rewarded with my hard work and dedication. I'm truly going to miss this class more than anything. I love you all and I thank you all for doing more than you'll ever know for me. Your positive attitudes have shined through me and showed me that just like all of you I can conquer the impossible. Good luck in everything you chose to do, and may life grant you all with all of the success and determination. Have a safe and healthy summer langers!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful summer to you too Log! I'm going to have to agree with you, wholeheartedly, that Bunj is really a wonderful person. I came into 204 thinking she were this hellacious teacher who had no sympathy for anyone, but she quickly proved those ignorant thoughts to rest. It's safe to say, and ironically might I add, that the person who gave us hell (work load wise) was also our own little oasis who guided us and provided comfort. Bunj was my favorite aspect of 204 as were the people of period 2. You all made junior year a memorable one, and for that I thank you.
DeleteI see that one of the gift's of 204 is universal: confidence. Have a nice summer Logan!
DeleteWow, I thought the end of the year would never come; I can’t believe junior year is over. I remember walking into 204 like it was yesterday. I can’t believe that all the Reading Logs, TS/TDs and Vocab quizzes are all over. Those nights when I finished my homework really late seemed to never be over. Those days when I dreaded Wednesday are over. Although I’m afraid of losing time, the end of the year gives me so much pleasure and happiness because there is another chapter in my life that awaits me. It makes me so happy to say that I passed Lang, and that I learned so much throughout the year. Even though my Junior year wasn’t what I expected and was filled with a lot of stress and problems, I must admit that I had so much fun along the way. I’ve learned in and out of the classrooms. I’ve learned to serenade someone with an extended metaphor that would never make sense. I’ve learned that complaining about something will get you no where. I met so many great people, and made so made many friendships with people who I never thought I would be friends with. I’m so blessed to have walked into September with a schedule that made me who I am today. I’m so glad to met teachers who have changed my perspective and have devoted their time to change their students. I am so proud of all of us for reaching higher and higher and completing so much. I’m so glad to say that I will soon be a senior. I would have never thought that I would be sitting in 204 and writing a blog to commemorate all the great times I had my junior year. Since, we are not graduating, we will see each other next year, and I cannot wait to spend the last days with such great people. I know most of us don’t talk to each other, but I must admit that everyone in our class is so interesting and contributes something to our school. I cannot believe that in a couple of months, applying to colleges will become my only priority--holy heck, where did time go? But anyway, I am so happy to have completed my junior year. I am so glad of who I have become and I cannot wait until the great things that await all of us. And even though its hard to say goodbye, I know that everyone has a memory of our final years at Oakcrest. I know that everyone has felt happiness towards this bittersweet goodbye.
ReplyDeleteIt's really unbelievable that we actually did it, we actually survived. Where does the time go... really?
DeleteDavid, I completely agree I cannot believe this year is over already and it is upsetting because another year has by passed me so quickly but I am also so excited to be one step closer to senior year and college. we have learned so much and matured so much together and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to go through this change with.
DeleteSpeaking of building new friendships, I didn't expect for us to become friends this year! Davey, you are truly an amazing person and you are so sincere in all that you do! In addition, your sense of humor is spectacular, the "Your Family?" remark had me laughing like a hyena! Thank you for being an amazing friend and have a happy and safe summer!
DeleteDavid you post really hit me hard. It really is over and we survived and I can’t believe how fast time went. All those times of quizzes, reading logs, and tests had made the year unbearable but there were great time. I really am going to miss everyone but we will see each other again so yeah. David I hope you have a great summer and I cant wait to see you next year.
DeleteI never was very good with nostalgia. When someone asks me to recall the highlights of a past event, especially something so comprehensive as this, it is generally difficult for me to recall the right parts, the truly magnificent moments. It’s not to say I can’t reminisce, it just takes some time. The thought that my time in Lang is almost completely over simply overwhelms me. So, in a desperate attempt to manage and organize my thoughts, I took advantage of a different strategy. I looked at my first blog post, to see exactly how things turned out.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of academics, which obviously consumes the lion share of my life, I can’t say I’m disappointed, not in the slightest. Despite my previous reservations, everything seemed to turn out alright. I haven’t messed anything up; I did what I had to do, and so much more than I could have imagined in the process. My resume is padded to an insane degree, but that is only half the story. This is the first half I have to consider, the achievement part. The second part is that quixotic question that seems to plague all education forums: did I actually learn anything? Will the skills I acquired and honed this year prepare me for the trials and tribulations ahead. I would wager that they have, most specifically in AP Lang. I am most assuredly a better writer, and more interestingly, a superior speaker (who’d have guessed Lang would help with that?) In general, introspection was never something I was fond of or good at, but Lang forced me to develop that ability. I feel indescribably more prepared for college than I was at the start of this year. It doesn’t really make it less scary, but it has yielded me some degree of confidence.
So my favorite moments in Lang – I can’t merely enumerate them all! I guess that is a nice problem to have. Ms. Bunje’s Holocaust-shoe joke will forever remember burned in my brain (lovingly) as well as our School Video, because I really loved it. Occasional Papers were always fun, as it gave me the chance to display my unique voice that only became prominent this year (that means I learned something – right!?)
One of my predictions was correct: I got absolutely no sleep this year. I really have no idea how I did it, but now I am a functioning insomniac, and a high-functioning one at that. I might not live very long, but I’ll surely get a lot of work done.
But I am almost in shock that I actually did it all. I am not too concerned that Lang is ending, seeing that I have Debate next year (I will be far more emotionally distressed come this time next year).
I just wanted to say it really was an honor and a privilege to learn so much alongside such talented and wonderful classmates. I learned so much about all of you and learned so much about myself through you; there are few experiences that can create this rapport. It’s really over guys. Okay, it’s hitting me now. I wish you all the best and I hope I see you all next year!
And it was all thanks to a truly wonderful teacher that I really will never forget. Thank you Ms. Bunje. In her words, onward and upward!
It really is hard to recall specific moments on the spot; I agree with you completely there. Something about human nature just causes your brain to blank every time someone asks you for the specific details of something. A school year is a long time to cover so it can be excessively difficult to look back and pick out one moment, especially when we had several classes every single day. But you picked out some good moments we've had in 204 despite your dilemma. I'm glad we could all have a class where it was so easy to make jokes and laugh together and just have a good time despite the hard workload. See you next year Neil!
DeleteI barely can remember a thing from this year too, i really don't think its an accomplishment to be a high-functioning insomniac -____- Neil! You need sleep! i hope you become rumple stiltskin and sleep away the summer... but you wont.
DeleteIt is a HELL of an accomplishment to be a high-functioning insomniac. I'm really glad that your voice and personality has had a chance to evolve in the general eyes of the public. You have never failed to be entertaining.
DeleteFor once in my life, I am speechless. I'm truly having a difficult time trying to formulate any of my thoughts into sentences for this blog. I feel like I have gained an entirely new family over the past 177 days. Even though I have had class with some of you since pre-school and beyond, I have never felt this close to any of you. The only people that I really knew in this class were Tom, Taty, Soti, and Tea and Cookies (Tamirah). Despite having classes with the rest of you in the past, all of you were foreign to some extent. I would pretty much sit back and watch everyone branch off into their own cliques and I would stay with my posse. As the days turned into weeks and as the weeks turned into months, I realized that all of us had one thing in common. We were (and still are) awkward to some degree.
ReplyDeleteOut of all of the things that were said and done in room 204, I have to admit, our general classroom discussions were my favorite. I always found it interesting to hear what others have to say about certain topics. When it comes to opinions on things, I feel as though my close friends and I have the same thoughts. Even though it makes it easier for us to get along, it would be great if there was some ilk of opinionated difference between us. Even though I would not always agree with what someone else was saying, it was wonderful to see that not everyone thinks like me. A world full of Jasmines would be too strange for me!
I was also quite fond of our weekly blogs; they allowed me to express a facet of myself in a way that I was comfortable with (I'd rather read and write something than be asked to go from the top of my head. It's just a comfort thing). Similarly, OPs were things that I could never get tired of, even if I did have to rewrite mine a few times. I'm not really the kind of person that likes to cry in public, even if I am in a terrible situation, but some of the OPs made me tear up. You are all my family and hearing what you had to say warmed my heart. Thank all of you for being my siblings and helping me get through my third year of high school.
Ms. Bunje, thank you for being a wonderful Lang teacher and a wonderful life teacher. By being in your class, I have determined that I would like to be an English teacher when I grow up. I doubt I'll be as great as you are, but I can try. You are someone that has made a difference in my life. I am honored to be able to say that I am one of many students that had the privilege to be taught by you. It has been a spectacular year and thank you for everything!
Jasmine, it is the last blog you have written that I will read and that's a little upsetting because I have grown fond of you. I barely knew you in the beginning of the year but now I feel as though you are a great person and I am glad I got the chance to become your friend. I also agree with what you wrote on the blog I feel as though this class has helped me in many aspects.
DeleteJazzy, it has been quite the ride this year! We’ve been through ups and downs and I am so happy to note that one of the best ups was your crazy and whacky sense of humor! No matter what I was stressed about you were always an encouragement to me and could call a smile whenever I needed one. I’m glad this year was such a positive experience for you and I hope it’s something that you will carry with you always. You’re a very passionate person and I think you’d make an excellent teacher. Keep dreaming big girly!
Deleteyou're so cute JP,and i love your perspective of lang. I also was inspired to be an english teacher. Dang we're too similar. Love you JP stay awkward!
DeleteReading your reply makes me want to delete mine and completely start over. I don't think I did it right. There are too many nice things you said that I feel like I forgot about. How could I forget to express my love on the concept of OPs? They were basically the greatest assignments. And class discussions. Maybe I just blanked out while writing mine. Ah. But, I am honored to have known you so long Jasmine and to have already been your friend. However, I'm pretty sure our opinions aren't very alike. I'm not very 'Jasmine'.
DeleteJasmine I'm going to miss your craziness and simple awesomeness. I had such a great year with you from doing work together or going on trips together. Like you I'm a little speechless in response to the end of this school year. But I'm glad that we all made it through.
DeleteJasmine I understand how hard it is to come up with the last post. This post is will contain all the final words for our junior year and AP Lang and I believe that your post was amazing. I also have to agree that the general discussion was amazing. This year was great and it was nice to have a friend like you with me. Have a great summer jasmine and I can’t wait to see you next year.
DeleteLike you, I really enjoyed blogs, OPs, class discussions. I found them to give me a sense of freedom, and that's not what you typically feel when your in a classroom. The people in 12th period specifically along with Bunje's acceptance of many things are what gave me that sense of freedom. I hope that it was the same for you.
DeleteIt is time to say farewell to A.P Lang, it is sad but exciting at the same time. I feel this way because I do not want to lose my classmates for such a long time but it means we are another class closer to being seniors and for that reason I’m ecstatic. This year in general will be a year I will never forget not only because of all of stresses in this class but also those days where we just relaxed a bit and became a little closer. I will never forget the countless hours spent on reading logs, TSTD’s, vocab, essays, quizzes, etc. I absolutely hated every minute of it mostly because it took me so long even grasp how to correctly accomplish any one of these tasks. Though this taught me educational techniques, it also taught me things to better my personality. All of these seemingly impossible tasks became easier over time until I finally understood things and could keep up with everyone else, they taught me that even though things may seem impossible at first if you stick to it and try harder you will succeed or at least improve over time. Another thing this class has taught me through blogs is to open up. One of my serious flaws would be to bottle all my emotions in until finally one little thing would set me off (though I may seem quiet that’s just me bottling everything I want to say in) I may not have completely stopped doing this but blogs are a release at least once a week and that’s better than nothing. Another thing I learned this year is through the vocab because now I can speak to people who are much smarter than me and I have a better chance of understanding what they are actually trying to say. Now for the fun days like when we were making our star, or A.P Lang’s got talent, the how to’s, and too many other days to count. Honestly this class always gives us a lesson whether it be an academic or a personal level, there was never a day where I didn’t learn something new from someone and I think that is a great thing and I can say I have had no other class like this in my life nor will I ever have it again (probably). So for everything you have taught me about myself, the world, other people, and of course English I would like to say thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteAlonna, it must be a twin thing because I couldn’t agree with your post more. I am extremely ecstatic like you for senior year but I am not willing to let go of constant discovery. I will miss school over the summer because I like to constantly learn new things and gain new skills. It will be hard to be apart from an environment I am so used to for the next couple months but I think that it’s only preparing us for when we walk away forever. I hope senior year is the best yet and I will miss reading your posts. See ya round kiddo!
DeleteI can’t wait to be a senior with you because we are going to cause so much chaos together. Like you said it’s sad that it’s over but I’m happy too that all work like RRL’s and TSTD’s is done. Also just so you know it was a great honor sitting next to you this year. Talking and freaking out with you was the best, but I’m certain it will continue next year too.
DeleteI especially look forward to senior year because it will be nice to finally go somewhere over the weekend and I will be texting you everytime a movie I like comes out to come check it our. I also agree about all the work and it truly did teach me a lot
DeleteIf someone were to come up to my younger and more naïve self at the beginning of junior year and tell me time would elapse this quickly, I would have laughed in their face. In September I felt like summer was a millennium away and now it’s almost here; I guess life really is a vapor. I can describe everything and nothing about this year in the word whirlwind. At times I’ve found myself bracing the storm and at other times I’ve basked in golden sunlight. This year is saturated with a very bittersweet context and I am honestly not sure how I feel leaving it. I know I’m ready to move on but I also know this was the last year keeping me connected to what once was a carefree life. We no longer are kids with our futures way in the distance; we’re less than a year away from them. My mind is playing a game of Twister over the thought that in a few short days we will be seniors and in a few short months high school graduates…LIKE WHAT! I know that this is obvious and old news but nonetheless it still occupies my thoughts 99.9% of the time. Though this is our last blog, there is no way that I can say goodbye. I in all honesty despise them. I think they cause more pain than they are worth and they are the one angle in life that keeps me pessimistic. Some people think goodbyes are new opportunities; I’ve never seen them that way. That is why I am relieved that there’s still another year holding us together, to buy me some time before I have to whip out my puffs box.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, my absolute favorite part of this year was the Virginia trip way back at the end of September. It seems like it wasn’t even this year or like some distant memory. But it was incredible and the friends I made on that trip are wonderful people; I only wish I had come to know them sooner. I also really enjoyed prom, way more than I thought I would. I always saw prom as an overrated and cliché high school experience but I can honestly say I will look back on my junior prom and smile. It was a night I could just enjoy myself and not worry about anything else and that is a rarity indeed. The rest of my favorite parts of the year fall between now and then. I enjoyed the school and home balance I had towards the end of the year and I for the first time all year was able to breathe. The lack of stress caused me to be able to actually enjoy my life. Despite the infinite amount of work we had that drained the life out of me I still was able to persevere and find joy in everything. I know I’m stressing joy but any event that experience it in I consider to be my favorite. Every good experience I want to remember and the majority of this year I will hold in my memory forever. So thanks guys and "that's all I gotta say about that." :)
Franny, you're correct; prom was amazing! I'm really glad that I went and I'm even happier that you were there having the time of your life! Lang is now over and we will be able to spend more time with our families. It has been a long and hard run and even though everyday was not a glamorous day, it was all totally worth it. I am able to walk away from my junior year of high school with a plethora of knowledge and it is all thanks to Bunje. Have a wonderful and safe summer!
DeleteTruthfully I nearly forgot all about the Virginia trip. That was so much fun especially Bush Gardens. And it is amazing how quickly we’re nearing summer, senior year, and then graduation. But spending time with you this year was a real treat. I really enjoyed your company on the trip to New York and I hope during the summer and next year we do a lot more stuff together.
DeleteI especially loved the VIrginia trip I think so jmuch because that it was at the beginning of the school year that we were still optimistic and naive about the work load. I also loved spending time with you in gym and how could I forget the joys of prom it was truly fun hanging out with you this year.
DeleteFrancesca it had been great school year and I can’t wait to hang out with you again next year. I understand how difficult it is to think about senior year and graduating and the whole college experience. This is supposed to be the best time of our live and it was because of the whole year. I really enjoy the Virginia trip but I can’t remember any specific detail from it, which show how far ago it was. Time does move fast and it about to be over. Francesca I will miss you but I will be happy seeing you again next year.
DeleteAlthough this may sound like an excuse for me to get out of typing a lot, I really don’t remember much from this year. In the first months after receiving the heavy dosage of homework, I told myself “robot mode.” Don’t question the work, don’t think too much, just do. It’s like the butterfly that is my free spirit cocooned for efficiency reasons. If I hadn’t shut myself down, I probably would be an overwhelmed drop out with PTSD (orrrr P-TSTD ;D). However, there were some times where I truly absorbed the chaotic bliss of junior year. I remember after the Virginia trip, I was after school and was having a complete meltdown. I was roaming the halls, because what else is cross country anyways, and I was drawn into 204. I sat in there (sorry Bunje, you weren’t there) with only the sunlight illuminating the tin foil stars and neon lit. projects. The wind blew through the window and the stars all swayed and in that moment I just let the tears roll and I have never been so comfortable in a public place. Taking in the atmosphere, I knew 204 was a good place and I couldn’t have spent the last 40 minutes of my school day with any other group of people. That falcon first amendment made us like a family and I’m so thankful for that. Not only have I gained a lang family, but boy have I acquired some time management this year and I don’t regret a single homework assignment that pushed me to drop the idea of procrastination. Speaking of procrastination; pray for snow days. Wear your pajamas backwards and inside out with a spoon underneath your pillow because boy, were those days perfect for getting work done. A nice little break mid-week can do some good. And although I can’t remember specifics, there’s a lump of satisfaction in my heart for this year and I’m happy to say I’m a survivor of 204 lol. This class has taught me so much in all aspects of life. Bunje, your passion for education will never be forgotten. You actually inspired me to consider being a teacher. So thank you, thank all of you for playing such a great part in my growth as a person.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that everything has passed so quickly this year? I’ve been trying to figure out where the time has gone away to. And now that I think about it, it went away while I was complaining, laughing, or crying. This year was full of so many new and different things which I learned from most importantly. The work required of me was difficult, and on some usual days even painful. But from every single assignment no matter what my doubtful thoughts had been, I still walked away with something learned so I can improve and move on. I learned to discipline myself in a way so that I made time for the odds and ends I believed deserved none of my time. I learned another level of patience when dealing with work, people, and myself. I learned to make new friends and bring other friends closer.
ReplyDelete204 on the first few days felt like an awkward island in the middle of nowhere, but evolved into my second home. A second home where we spent countless mornings blabbering about something before actually getting into the serious stuff. A place where there were days we sat angry, sad, happy, or sick as a dog. A place where we yelled, cried, and best of all laughed. Every day I walked into something unique and never predictable. I loved Dom’s craziness, and I loved listening about Jasmine’s boy troubles. But 204’s best moment probably had to be watching Taty perform as the adorable Catbug. I will never forget Rebecca. But it’s time to say good-bye to 204 because I need to move on. Though just because I moved on doesn’t mean I’ve ended the small quirky family that we’ve become. I’ll never forget what happened inside that four brightly colored walls. I hope everyone learned something useful from this year together and I wish everyone the best of luck for whatever you do next. Hope everyone has a great summer and I can’t wait to be seniors with you all.
There are a lot of things I’ll miss about this year one thing I won’t miss however is the workload. All those TSTDs and RRLs that I’m sure as hell that one day I’m going to burn and then there was the enigma that was AP calc that I’m sure the majority of my classmates could commiserate and discuss the many confusing aspects of Riemann sums for hours on end. However, despite all the work and the confusion and the hell it was all made better by all of you my classmates because within every time there was a time where I wanted to bang my head against the wall on account of all of the work there was at least five times in between that I found myself laughing whether it be from the many hilarious comments from Dom or just the whole class in general it made that day all better. It is through each and every one of you that I encountered within all the chaos of this year that made it all better. I look forward to classes with every one of you next year and if I don’t have you in one of my classes I’m sure I’ll see you around. But after that I kind of makes me sad because there won’t be another school year to see you within the withering halls of Oakcrest we’ll all be in college or in the military or just in life at which point only the firmest friendships will last so the next time we see each other will be at some reunion in the most distant of futures which is why I will savor this time and not wish for the for the future because that will be the time I’m apart from all of you. So see you for now and if I don’t see you in this last couple days of school see you next school year.
ReplyDeleteHmm I honestly don’t know what to say. This entire year has been a blast with y’all in AP Lang. I remember the first day of walking into 204 like it was yesterday. I knew everyone in the class but not enough to actually talk to anyone. When Bunje started talking I was like oh no, what the hell did I sign up for.. I was honestly so scared for this class, I was afraid it would be too hard and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the work. I remember Bunje saying, that we would all be guaranteed an F in this class and I was not ready to get an F on anything. The biggest thing I was nervous for was if Bunje was going to like me or not. I was so scared she was going to hate me and I would do horribly in her class. But it actually ended up being quite the opposite. I ended up loving AP Lang and I’m so glad I stuck with it all year. I remember about 3 people that I saw on the first day, I didn’t see walk into 204 again. I am so glad I was not that person that dropped out on the first day. I learned so much in this class. Although the TS/TD’s and RRL’s, the Big Book assignments, the numerous essays, vocab tests, and Lit Terms quizzes were all very tedious I am so thankful for them because they have helped me a lot this year and will continue to help me in the future. Although there were many all-nighters to finish lang work and being so stressed out I could rip my hair out, it was all worth it. When you leave calculus class when the year is over you know you won’t use half of that shit in your entire life, ever again. But when you leave lang you know everything you did, you will use again at some point in your life. I can’t even tell you guys how horrible of a writer I was when I entered lang…. It’s just so tragic I can’t even talk about it. But now I’m actually pretty confident in my writing, all thanks to Bunje! So I said a lot of this in my OP but I’m going to say it again, not only have I learned so much from Bunje but I’ve learned so much from you guys too! Reading your blog posts and listening to each person in class discussion, I’ve learned so much about everyone this year! I’m so glad I got to know all of you, you guys are really great people and you all inspire me greatly. Looking back on the old calendars, I’m glad it’s over but I’m actually more sad than glad. I’m sad because I’m going to miss this class and I’m going to miss everyone in it. But it’s ok because I know I will be in classes with you guys next year and I’ll be at Bunje’s everyday during my study hall so this isn’t goodbye, I’ll see you guys all next year! : )
ReplyDeleteWhile the middle of things is usually the most comforting part of the whole ordeal, the middle of the Lang year was by far my least favorite. I can feel the fact that we lucked out, because other than the homework the whole class was pretty easy, and may the great Lang gods not smite me for saying it but I never really took any of the work all that seriously and never thought anything was particularly difficult. I was just lazy and that’s what made it bad, and that was my own fault so I didn’t really care. But we’re talking about good things so! My focus will be on all that other stuff.
ReplyDeleteI genuinely enjoyed the beginning of the year. I don’t really remember the kind of things we had to start off with, but I was really good about studying things and I seemed to do well on quizzes and such because being fresh into the school made me a good studier and I was super proud of myself. But what I liked most were the blogs. At least the Race and Hell blogs and that kind of thing. I was really into them. My answers were always well thought out beforehand, and I was just really genuinely pleased with the things I wrote. I don’t remember for which, but David read one of my responses while we were on a Skype call and then preceded to profess his undying love for me, presumably because I was just so brilliant. (some slight exaggeration in that sentence if you didn’t catch it) All the stuff I wrote in the beginning made me happy. And that’s also around the time I started talking to Gabbie and Emily a lot, simply to better deal with all the work we had to by working on things together, at least at first. Since then we’ve all become pretty close and we’ve planned what is likely to be my most daring and adventurous and wonderful summer yet that will be kicked off this Saturday when my concert-watching virginity will be taken. Yay!
Actually Em and Gabbie were probably the best things Lang gave me this year. Their company made it all kind of awesome. And of course they inspired me to do my little Catbug skit, and they’re probably the reason anything I did in Lang was memorable at all. I feel like as a person and a student they made me suck less, because I was less nervous about things since they’re the kind of people that are encouraging even when they shouldn’t be and are almost too outgoing. So the talent show things were great. I got to pretend to be a 5 year old ladybug cat thing, and see Emily being a ‘normal girl’, and hear Jasmine say Bunje had a big butt, and watch lots of people make different kinds of food, and that kind of thing. And those school projects. So much heartache. But it was a good chance to work with people I really liked, and after spending so much time with them we’re pretty used to each other, and will celebrate tomorrow with a sleepover because everything’s done.
All in all, I liked Lang. Or it was worth it at least. The people I got to spent time with made it worth it, and a lot of the assignments were things I never really had to do before, so that was pretty good, too. Now that it’s the end of the year and I’m doing the last blog, I’m almost a little nostalgic, but really nothing has hit me yet. I have 4 total hours of school left as a junior but I don’t really feel any different, nor do I expect to when I officially become a senior. I’ll still have all these people I care about around me, and I’m sure I’ll be one of those terrible seniors who just shows up for no reason and takes a nap in the bean bag chair. I’ll be obnoxious and haunt 204 even if kills me, at least occasionally.
I know that you already know this because I read my OP to you, but I would just like to say for the second time that I'm really glad that we took lang and our other three AP classes. This year has been great because of you and Amelee, so thank you. Thank you for staying up with me until godly hours of the night to do work (even though you were also doing work), thank you for being a friend. In the beginning of the year, I decided that it was about time that I chose a select group of friends who I wouldn’t mind calling up after I graduate, and I’m really glad that you happened to waddle into my list.
DeleteYou are a dork and a bit of a liar. But I have to say that I love the way that junior year has made you evolve and grow so :P pttt
DeleteIt finally time for the last blog. The blog post that will contains all the last words that will sum up the final moment of AP Lang and junior year. All the experiences we have learn in this year will pave the way towards senior year and our bright future. Throughout the school year there has been many sleepless night and countless work. However there have been fun times and memorable times. I can never forget the times in room 204 from the anxiety of test taking to the tears of joy. That room will always contain so much nostalgia that will bring up the intense emotions that is within us. I am sure many people are feeling sad just from thinking about the final day of school and I am sure a lot of people will be crying on the last day. Even though the year is ending it feel like the bonds we have created won’t end. I have never had a year that went by so fast like this year and it is probably because the year was amazing. Like there are many days where time went by so fast and there were days when times stood still however the time it took to get from the beginning of school to the last day was like a flash of light.
ReplyDeleteThe most memorable part of the year for me will have to be the crazy discussion that will always happen in class. Also all the ridiculous antics in class from wild occasional papers to the AP Lang talent shows. These times will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the relief I need to get through the hardship of AP Lang and the whole school year. There have been troubled times and difficult hardships but with classes like second period in room 204 I know I can overcome these challenges. This class really did help me with my writing and reading skills without a doubt. I really want to thank you Ms. Bunje for an amazing year. I wish for everyone to have a safe and fun summer and I cant wait to see you all next year for our final year at Oakcrest High School.
It’s sometimes hard to believe that this school year is ending. To start things off, congrats to all of us for getting through this school year. So many things have happened this year. I’ve learned so much about myself and in school. There were so many memories that are hard to forget. They were both good and bad, but memories nonetheless. I learned to manage my time and to fight through to finish my work. We’ve gone through countless hours of doing TS/TDs, reading logs, etc., but it was all worth it in the end. It doesn’t matter how many times you stumble, as long as you get to the end and finish. So many things have changed this year and many things have happened, but I do believe that I have changed for the better. Yes, this is quite short, but I don’t want to say any more because it’d give away my OP. This year’s been crazy, but it’s also been great. Thanks for a great year and I hope to see you guys in my classes next year.
ReplyDeleteAt the top of the list of things of which I am no good...Goodbyes....
ReplyDeleteUghh I'm terrible at this. Well, I should explain the "this" so as to not commit the cardinal sin of ambiguity.
I don't like endings. Well, when I get right up close and personal thinking about it, I don't like beginnings either.
I guess that makes me more of a "middle" person.
The awkwardness of first impressions, the anxiety of expectations either met or not met (depending on what they are--both can be stressful)--it's a jumble of heart-thumping, shallow breathing and knots-in-the-stomach over things said, unsaid, done or undone--ugh. It's all horrible.
But, like most things in 204, this is not about me.
So, in the interests of keeping this blog all about you, I would like you to think back on our year together, compile your best memories, anecdotes, lessons, words of wisdom and final requests and say farewell to our Lang class, in any way you would like.
Odds are, you may all have each other in classes again next year, and if I'm very lucky, perhaps I will be blessed enough to see you gracing 204 for Debate and Discussion (or EPA or AP Lunch...whatver. I'm not picky) or just during your free time. It will be my sincere pleasure, indeed. If not, though, please know that it has been a humbling and enlightening experience to meet you all--and one I'll not soon forget.
Thank you all for an amazing year. You have been a gift, truly.
So, there's really nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. It's been quite a ride to see all of you grow as people. I want to focus on one key part of Lang: OPs. I really enjoyed having OPs he because they let me release my creativity. They was no set minimum or no passing. It was just my thoughts on paper. It was fun being able to share that with all of you. It was a the single most enjoyable part: and while I will no longer be able to share my op, I'll continue to write. I'm going to miss so much but OP's take the cake for me. Which also means my wonderful, ready to listen class. I'll miss all of period 12 and Bunje, it's been an honor. Thank you
Watching 204 fall in love with you has been a delight Dan. It's good to know that everyone you meet is at a consensus: "You so small that it cute."
DeleteIn May of freshman year, I met Bunje. I had already heard about the rigor of her class and that most people were terrified of her. For some reason, I imagined her being a cute little old lady with curly white hair and a really dull room...probably because of Ned's Declassified (which might be why I wasn’t scared of her)...but that is not at all what I found. I walked into her room and I was in complete shock. It was like I had just stumbled into my dream classroom (I didn't have a dream classroom before). There were stars hanging from the ceiling and clouds taped around the room, and I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to stand there all day and stare at the shiny tin foil stars and the pretty clouds hung on the wall...and then there comes Bunje...taller than I expected and not white but bright red hair and young! She said, "Who is this little person?" I can't remember much of what happened next...except that as Mike G. and Emily Ding trailed me out of the room, I decided that I wanted to take Lang. And here we are, three years later after a year of Lang. Although I wouldn't want to go through another year of Lang, I'm glad I chose to take it this year. My writing still sucks, but at least it sucks a lot less now, so thank you, Bunje.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of the year would probably have to be these last few weeks. Even though the magnet school project was extremely stressful at times, I still enjoyed doing it because I got to know Francesca and Jasmine more. The five of us (in our group) spent about 18 hours together each week because we were working on the project. The work wasn’t particularly enjoyable, but we still managed to have some fun doing it. We ate a variety of yummy foods, talked about the proper texture of butts, watched Emily dance, video taped Emily standing on top of Taty and falling off of Taty, took an extremely dramatic picture of a squirrel, and made an awesome ninja video. What more could I ask for?
Well, I could ask for a talent show I suppose, but you already did that, and it was a blast. I got to recite Cuil Theory while stretching, doing yoga, spraying water and throwing animals at people in an English class. It’s quite a bizarre setting...and performance You would never expect something like that to happen...not to mention my finale. I never thought that I could be scary (creepy yes, but not scary). I mean, someone said that it looked like we were in a horror film about a girl who was possessed by the devil, and you looked scared out of your witts. I was actually going to use my demon voice for the last few lines, but I got so caught up with everyone’s laughter that I forgot.
It was a nice opportunity to practice acting and to work on my stage presence for other things like declamations. This last declamation was my favorite because one: it was written by Watsky and two: it was really funny to watch and hear Aubree react to me cursing. Actually, it was really funny to see how everyone reacted to the poem because everyone has such a unique personality and I find it interesting to see those personalities in action whether it was listening to someone else perform or performing themselves. I enjoyed seeing everyone in twelfth period grow and improve and find out more about themselves over the course of this school year. I’m going to miss all of them. This year has been great, and thank you for always being so supportive, twelfth period.
I feel as though I have contributed to the sarcastic remark that ambiguity is a cardinal sin. That’s amazing actually. If there’s one good thing to take away from this year, it’s the amount of laughter that I have enjoyed. There has not been one day where I haven’t been brought to my knees in a state of uncontrollable respiration. I really wish I had written everything that I everyone has said down somewhere so I recount all the times I genuinely enjoyed my junior year. That’s way too general to recount, I know, but it really is the number one thing that sticks out. But another general yet relatable aspect of this year is the relative extroversion of all of us this year. The atmosphere of 204 has been tolerant for the most part. This has facilitated an uncensored exchange of ideas across several mediums and many topics. And I have appreciated getting to know you all on a much more ideological basis. And even if you never directly expressed an opinion in class, his/her personality would still seep out in the form of reactions. It was easy to identify the trolls, the reactionaries, and the apathetic. I would like to think that I have evolved from an apathetic into a troll and that’s all fine by me. I genuinely enjoyed getting up in front of a class and being able to express my thoughts without any kind of censorship, and I reciprocated this right by being patient throughout sessions that I just disagreed completely with. I have been waiting for something like this for a long time. I’m just somebody who likes to argue. Not for the sake of being a pain in the ass but just because I like gaining perspective on ideas. It seems that most believe that arguments to need to be avoided at all costs in order to save any kind of a relationship. I believe it’s the total opposite. I tend to get along with those who can take a punch and reciprocate it accordingly. I respect that whole-heartedly. And I believe that there is no better way to discover what makes a person tick. Getting to know all of you has been a great pleasure and privilege. I just hope that AP Lit will afford us an atmosphere of open discussion that will allow us to continue to grow both individually and collectively. I love the fact the 204 doesn’t pretend that the students are collectively little angels. We are both vulgar and vocal. We don’t sit and pretend to be polite when in fact we are now at the apex of our rebellious spirit. And for that reason, there’s no better time to live through.