Back in the days of AP Lang, we talked quite a bit about personal philosophies. These were usually in the forms of This I Believe assignments or a well (or ill, depending on your view)-timed 7 point creed blog question. Basically, we explored guidelines you all use to determine your various paths and inform all your decisions, and some of you had some interesting things to say about that. Some others had a hard time trying to put into words exactly what their guiding principles are. I don't blame you--it's pretty hard to do.
But, we are, for better or worse, a gang of intellectuals. And to that end, we shall explore a bit further.
Many of you use music as a gateway. To sanity, to serenity, to solace and/or to solitude. Music, to many of you, is an escape from the harsh realities of teenage life.
So, now it is also going to be a tool in which you come to a greater understanding of how you see the world, and how you see yourself. I'm trying to ruin music for you--quite the opposite, actually. I am kind of hoping you'll get a clearer understanding of why you like music that you do.
Think about all the music you love to listen to. Specifically, think about the lyrics to songs you love. Now, I want you to pick one or two songs that adequately encapsulate how you feel about life, your life. Of course, like a quote, nothing can COMPLETELY "sum up" your entire life--I understand that. But many songs, either through explicit or implied messages in lyrics, can at least provide a concrete example of either what you want out of life, what you want out love and how you want to be perceived, taken, understood etc.
So, your task this week is to tell us about a song, copy a few of the refrains/chorus/passages, and explicate their meaning(s) to you.
Try to pick ones that have some depth and that will provide a deeper understanding of your innate beliefs.
I have had a lot of favorite songs in my youth. They ranged from the most popular song on the radio to ones that no one has ever heard of or listened to deeply. To be honest, a lot of the songs on my favorite list now have no lyrics because they’re classical pieces. However, one song that has managed to hold onto its position as number one has been there for quite some time. If you ask the right person, they would consider it a classic of our generation or of those slightly older than us. It’s Island in the Sun by Weezer. This is the one song that always manages to bring me to a place of solace, no matter what mood I am in. I never tire of the melodies or the refrain and am convinced that I never shall.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stanza goes as follows: “ When you’re on a golden sea, you don’t need no memory, just a place to call your own, as we drift into the zone.” From my elucidation, it means that when you find that one place that will always level your mind and make you feel a deep-routed happiness, you don’t need to remember happy times in order to feel happy. You don’t need photos or mementos, you just need your body in that place, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells. Your being in that place alone is enough to make you happy, truly happy. The final part about how “we” are drifting into the zone of calm satisfaction also hints to the fact that happiness is most often something that has to be shared. This interpretation of mine means a lot to me because it has become my ultimate goal in life, to find one place, whether a physical location or mental state, that will always be able to make me happy. In other words, it has focused my life’s goal to not only finding happiness, but figuring out how to get there. It’s a goal with a direction and has lead me for many years. I will admit while blushing that the final part of the stanza also points to a side path I wish to take in life that will also lead to life-long companionship. But that’s not the focus here. The focus is that this song brings me away from the life I have now. Granted, sometimes you have to be in the moment, but this song also allows for that too, because it simply puts me in a good mood as I am listening to it. So it both directs me to the future, the “island in the sun” I am searching for, while also allowing me to enjoy the present.
I have always know the power of music because my entire life has been immersed in it. I can remember humming along as my dad practiced his euphonium before I could play an instrument of my own, and my dad tried to start me on trumpet when I was around six years old. This appreciation of music made me realize at an early age that music fills the holes of language, like the blog post we had a few months back. But, even with this knowledge of the power of music and song, I have to admit that forcing myself to put into words what I usually only felt, has made me quantify just how much music helps me. Art in general is just incredible in the way it can express things words can’t. I try to live my life immersed in art, and as a result, this blog wasn’t challenging but refreshing, in fact, I am now convinced that art is the only universal language we have and so respect and appreciation for it could turn out to be the best way to find out who we are and where we want to be in this world.
Tommi, I don't know many of Weezers songs but for sure do I know Island in the Sun and I completely understand why you would choose this one. This is a perfect song that in a way sums up you as a person. You tend to find the smallest things in this world beautiful such as all the sounds and smells that are surrounding and that is exactly this song. Great way to tie things together girl; yet again another amazing blog post!
DeleteI too am a huge fan of the song "Island in the Sun". I was actually considering that song as a potential candidate to write about for this blog, and when I saw that you had chosen it I had to read your interpretation. I'd have to say that this song evokes the same emotions and thoughts for me as it does for you.
DeleteHonestly so many people have told me to listen to a few of Weezers songs, but I just never got around to it for one reason or another. But after reading your post about Island in the Sun I'm defiantly going to listen now. Maybe after listening I can relate to how you feel when listening to it.
DeleteReading your blogs are always interesting because I can see a lot of things in common. I remember listening to my dad sing in the car, and he actually taught me music by having me sing songs back to him. And life being something music can't define in and of itself is also a pretty big thing I agree on. Awesome post!
DeleteI absolutely love this song and I never took the time to interpret it but after reading your post I really admire your take on the song. Even the very carefree tune of the song fits its overall meaning. I also believe that this song embodies who you are as a person because it gives off the vibe of embracing serenity and happiness.
DeleteAfter having read the task for this weeks blog one song immediately came to mind. I wouldn’t call it new, but I wouldn’t call it old either. The song is “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield. There are so many reasons as to why this song, that of which I first heard in 2004, approximately 10 years ago, has still retained a spot on my list of “Favorite Songs.” It’s not one of those songs that preach about relationships problems or how you’re “feeling twenty two,” but one of those songs which manage to lift spirits and encourage others. My favorite line, specifically, is “I break tradition, sometimes my tries are outside the lines. We’ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can’t live that way.” From an early age, people constantly tried to shape me to be what they perceived I should be, and seeing as I was that child to do as her family pleased, I became that person. However, that person was never “me.” Along with that, I was also the oldest, so I was always looked at as an example for my three other siblings. Apparently “all eyes” are on me. Everything I do everyone will see. I felt suffocated and pressured into being this perfect human being that had to maintain this impossible role. I felt as if I couldn’t be myself and I ultimately lived my early years in fear of failing my role as the perfect child. However, I soon realized that my family loves me, and they’ll love me for me. Sure, the bar of expectation is still set to an ultimate high, but at least I can be me while striving for their scholastic demands. When I realized that I didn’t have to keep up with this imaginary character, I became happier with everyone and especially with myself. As for making mistakes, I make lots of them. I used to be terrified and I was always cautious with my actions which in turn stopped me from doing a lot of things that would have made me happy, but once again I’ve come to a realization that mistakes are okay. That they’re there for us to make, so that we can hopefully learn from them.
ReplyDeleteAnother line that I absolutely admire is “No one else, no one else, can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins.” As I previously stated, one of the main reasons I love this song is because it’s one to lift spirits. This song never fails to ensure me that I can always start over. That nothing is ever permanent and that I am the only one who can write the book that is; my life. This song is full of motivational sayings that only encourage me to be me. This song puts emphasis on the fact that you are in sole control of who you are, what you do, and what your future will hold. It teaches you to take chances, reach for your inhibitions, and to not care what others perceive of you. To this day, whenever I feel as if I’m losing myself, I listen to this song and that feeling of utter bliss and reassurance always finds its way back to me.
If you haven’t heard of this song I suggest you give it a listen. It’s more on the “girlier” side, but the lyrics pose so much power. “I am unwritten.”
Oh wow I have not heard that song in the longest time! It used to be one of my favorites back in fourth or fifth grade! And back then I never really paid attention to the lyrics of the song but after reading your blog post I realize that this song was a perfect choice for you. I can definitely relate to the feeling of needing to be 'perfect' for someone else, especially family members. This song says exactly that.
DeletePaula, I never was a huge fan of this song really until just now after reading your view behind the meaning. I can see how this song holds true meaning to you. It fits you well because you tend to stand tall and always seem to be you. You are your own person and should never have to be someone you're not. So what if the traditional way isn't your way of doing things, going out and trying something new makes you, well you!
DeleteI was really considering using this song actually. I absolutely love this song and everything it says in it. The quotes you chose from the song are my favorite parts of the song as well. This song just makes me happy and makes me want to change. I’m glad that you realized that everyone makes mistakes and its ok to make mistakes just like the song is saying. This song is saying that it’s so hard to describe a person in words especially someone like you so I think that this song really does relate to you.
DeleteI know how you feel when you say that “all eyes” are on you. Being the eldest has always attached that burden on me. It seemed as if every single move I made was being watched and a single misstep would lead to being a disappointment in some way. I can’t lie and say that I no longer feel this way and that I’m not afraid to just be me. However, I am starting to accept it. I am starting to accept that we can’t really please everyone and sometimes we have to do things that would just make us happier. Yes, it sounds selfish to put my own happiness before others, but sometimes, the stress that is put on us due to these “expectations” is too much and we have to think of what makes US happy.
DeleteReading this made me remember how much I enjoyed this song as a kid. I always forget about it, and then wind up stumbling on it again somehow and loving it. I definitely agree that the lyrics are fantastic!
DeleteI love the lyrics to this song and I also love the fact that the lyrics speak about starting over. On top of that I love the song in general because even as I respond to this post I'm singing the song in my head.
DeleteMusic has been a device that many of us use to relief all the pain, stress, anger, and thoughts that we have locked inside of us. When I feel down, or when I’m in the mood, I go for a run and I blast Pandora, hoping for a song that alleviates my stress and anger. I know this is going to be surprising, but most of the time, I hope Roar by Katy Perry comes on the radio station because the words that Perry uses makes many listeners feel venerable. The song is meant to be a break up song, but I use the song to make me feel bigger than my doubts and problems. When I’m on my run, and I feel like I can’t go any longer, I listen to the song because it makes me feel like I can do anything and that I shouldn’t let anything try to break me. The last time I remember listening to this song, while I was running, was a few days ago in gym class. I was not having a good day because of someone, so I decided to run, after a while the song came on, which made me feel better because the song was speaking to me. My favorite part of the song is “I went from zero, to my own hero” because it basically says that you’re the only person who can save yourself. You’re the only person who can remove yourself from your problems and you’re the only person who can find the answers to your problems. At that moment, I realized that I was the person who needs to understand that there are going to be people who suck and there are people who aren’t worth your time and don’t deserve your friendship. After listening to the song, I felt a lot better because had to consider myself a hero and the hero who can save myself.
ReplyDeleteLike previously mentioned, everyone uses music to find comfort and solace. Ever since I joined concert band, I was exposed to so much music that comes in handy when I need to relax. Even though I don’t know a lot about music, one of my favorite songs that I have heard in concert band is Buffalo Dances by Robert Smith. The song has a Native American touch and so many different parts that makes you want to pay attention and hope that some parts are played again. Although the song doesn’t have any words, the different instruments heard make you follow the song and admire the changes and the different types of sounds that complete such a great song.
Overall, we use the powerful, metaphorical lyrics of songs to describe our emotions and to express ourselves in ways that we sometimes cannot. When we feel angry and upset, we may think that the only solution to our problems is to yell and act abrasively, but sometimes, we should listen to these songs that are great representations of your feelings. Even when songs contain no words, the melodies that are played are meant to mollify us and make us appreciate the world of music.
David!! I am in love with your blog post!! Not only do I also use this song as motivation but I also believe it makes me feel stronger and helps me push the doubts out. I'm all for the positive way of doing things and if something as simple as a song can make someone motivated then I say go for it! I also can see how you're the only person that can truly save yourself because even after all the support and help it's up to you to make yourself your hero. Great respond!
DeleteI listened to "Buffalo Dances" and I see how you can find it so enjoyable. The music itself is just purely beautiful. Also, I enjoyed the perspective that you bring in from concert band. The only thing that is better at transcending ourselves than listening to music is actually playing music and I appreciate that input.
DeleteDavid, I love Katy Perry. I understand how you feel about the situation you described in your blog and how good it feels. Roar, it definitely the song that pushes you to get over any obstacles in your life. listening to the buffalo dance, just made me smile. I love it. Music is food to our souls. Great job.
DeleteRoar by Katy Perry. I wasn't expecting that song to be picked but no matter, it's a great song. Like many of her songs I find it to be inspirational and fun. And like you I've used this song differently than it was originally meant to be about. Roar and Dark Horse are part of my favorite songs. Also Buffalo Dance sounds interesting so I can't wait to take a chance to listen to it.
DeleteIn all honesty, the songs I love the most, I love for the tune of the piece as a whole. Most of them only incorporate short versus of interpretative lyrics that flow with the instruments. However, there is one song that never fails to make me cry. It has the perfect ratio of laconic lyrics and a wonderful tune that together represent the feelings I feel that no one ever sees. The song is called “Intil” by Menomena and is a six minute song of wonderful music and a repetition of the same six stanzas. As lame as that sounds, there isn’t another song that brings out the feelings it does, and that is pretty cool. Since there aren’t many lyrics I’ll just type out the whole song: “I never thought I'd lie. But you don't wanna know. So now there's a divide. We used to be close. In order to be nice. I only show you half. The rest I gotta hide. 'Cause you don't understand. Sometimes I say too much. Times that I'm with you. I'm really not myself. 'Cause you don't want the truth. You want someone else. Sometimes I say too much. I admit. Sometimes I say too much. I admit...I never thought I'd lie”. Kind of sad for a girl made out of sunshine and flowers right? The emotions this song brings out are emotions that are usually kept in a box deep within my mind and heart and I’m really not quite sure what lyrics in this song bring out the tears. It’s like all those feelings are kept behind a dam and then this song comes in and breaks that dam down and there’s a flood of emotion. And in the midst of that flood I’m a tad too overwhelmed to really think about why the flood happened. I obviously have theories but I find them too personal to share with people. Although this song doesn’t necessarily reflect my innate beliefs (I don’t think?) it’s the only one that really has substantial lyrics. I don’t necessarily listen to music to feel I kind of use it to escape my feelings. So the happy-go-lucky, eccentric rhythmic music I usually listen to is so I can get out of my head. Some of you might not understand this blog but hey, it’s the truth yo, I’m even confused by it.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I just needed to comment on the fact that you listen to Menomena too which is really great (because you are the first person I've met who actually knew about that band). Which also leads me to say your music taste is pretty fantastic because we seem to enjoy all the same bands. And I agree that for a song to really bring out emotion it's more than just the lyrics but the music and how they all come together to form an amazing song. Even if you can't necessarily relate music to your own life I think all good music should evoke a emotional reaction, whether it's to tear up to smile happily and tap your fingers to the beat. (What I'm saying is that eccentric rhythmic music is also amazing. Probably preferred).
DeleteI found so much sincerity reading your blog post. I feel as if everyone uses music to "escape" reality. For instance, whenever I'm sad, I tend to blast music in my room to where I feel it has drowned out all my sorrows. Others tend to play music that resonates with their current state of mind, but I tend to do the opposite hoping that it'll distract me from my emotions. I've never had a song over power me to the point where it's lyrics have made me cry. I'm guessing that those specific lyrics hit a certain nerve for you. It's amazing how music can truly affect someone.
DeleteDani, I love the contrast that you made between yourself and your song choice. It's great that you were able to admit that you have a song that brings out a more vulnerable side to yourself than what others are accustomed to seeing. It is more than okay to cry and be emotional; it shows that you are human. Everyone should find a song that brings them to tears and just embrace it.
Delete"If people said eat loads of cake
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't want much anyway
And then you would've and stuffed your face
And looked like King Henry VIII
Present; We're told off every day
For living our lives the wrong damn way
"Suck my left one!" is what I say
If I want six coffees a day!
Women, men and in-betweens - why don't you just stop dieting?
Go bake, eat cake, go cheer, drink beer!
Worrying is boring me!
Cuz women should be women, girls should be allowed to be girls"
Supermodel's Legs by Marina and the Diamonds
This may not be the most amazing song in terms of music (but enjoyable in a pop-y sort of way) but it expresses a sentiment a lot of girls, especially teenage girls can probably relate to. There's a constant pressure to conform to certain beauty standards- according to advertising all girls should be incredibly thin and flawless, like the airbrushed supermodels you see on magazine spreads. But it's an impossible goal, especially when actual supermodels don't look very much like supermodels before all the makeup is caked on and photoshop chops them to pieces. All girls have felt this pressure, including me. But somewhere along the line I realized how stupid it was to try and mold myself into something someone else wants me to be, and into something I never could be for reasons beyond my control. I think the attitude Marina expresses in this song is the one I too have adopted- or at least tried to adopt, although it can be hard to keep on certain days. Because worrying about every single thing about your image is beyond stressful and should be discarded in favor of being appreciative of who you are. And it is ok to treat yourself, to eat cake sometimes, to just acknowledge that you're not a terrible person for not looking picture perfect. 'Girls should be allowed to be girls' is such a concise statement that shows what is wrong with our current society. Because girls aren't allowed to be girls, not when everywhere they look there are countless images telling them what they should be. They can't be themselves in a world that doesn't appreciate who they are. The part in the song about 'if people said eat loads of cake' and how you would eat cake even if you didn't want it is absolutely true upon further thought because it shows that we're really just listening to this bogus advice even if we don't want to and it makes us unhappy. In fact, it may not even be healthy for us. So really if people could stop listening to what these advertising companies tell them and if beauty standards could stop being so impossibly skewed then we would all be happier. Because girls really shouldn't have to worry over how thick their thighs are.
(part 1)
(part 2)
ReplyDelete"Now, the world can be an unfair place at times
But your lows will have their complement of highs
And if anyone should cheat you
Take advantage of, or beat you
Raise your head and wear your wounds with pride
You must stick up for yourself, son
Never mind what anybody else done"
-Ambling Alp by Yeasayer
I think the songs I relate to most, or allow myself to relate too most, are the ones with a positive message. I'm the sort of person who would rather listen to uplifiting songs when I'm sad then cry my eyes out to something depressing. Ambling Alp is a good song in that regard because not only is the music catchy and up-beat but the lyrics also give sound advice. Because yeah, even if you're having a terrible day, or week, or month, or even year you have to believe that things will get a lot better soon. And it's important to have respect for yourself and believe in yourself even if no one else seems to. Their opinions of you shouldn't be allowed to hurt you either. It's just a song that acknowledges that bad things may happen to you but nevertheless, things won't be terrible all the time and you can't let others control your emotions like that.
(On another, slightly less serious note, if there is one song I've felt the need to blast lately it's 'All Men Are Pigs' by Studio Killers. In light of some recent events.)
When I thought to myself, "Paige must have picked some politically-charged song to reinforce her feminist dogma," I was merely making a joke. As it turns out, this was actually the case. As usual, I agree with your underlying premise though you have exhausted me with your largely abstract music collection over the years, so I will save myself I ton of Googling by just walking a few doors down when we work on the final project.
Delete'Politically charged songs to reinforce her feminist dogma' is about half my music taste, if I'm being honest here. I spared you all by just choosing one.
DeleteOut music tastes really are similar... I've meet few people who like Marina and the Diamonds but I like how you use music to adapt an attitude you use to help yourself not to express what you are, but what you want to be. I can say the same for myself and some others
DeleteWhich is awesome that people are working towards positive self improvements and not lingering on what they don't like about life
DeleteI have never been a huge fan of Marina and the Diamonds but I always admired the messages that she conveyed through her songs and through her whole "heartbreaker" image. Just thinking about all of the social pressures that women face make me sick and I really respect Marina for making a song dedicated to addressing such a big issue. Being the feminist you are, I understand why this song means so much to you and I think that an attitude that goes against beauty pressures is vital to living happily.
DeleteMusic is what defines us. The type of music I listen to at a particular time, shows the type of mood I am experiencing at the moment. “Music makes the music man survive,” true. As a very diverse person I listen to all ilks of music such as pop, rap, R&B, reggae, country music and many others. Over the past years when I started to gain interest in the lyrics of songs not just the beat even though the beat holds a greater percentage in developing an interest for a song. Dream Big by Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand, is the song that remains on top of my playlist whether rain or shine. Growing up, I have always believed in the power of dreams and dreaming is the only way you could create your magical world. I can’t select a line in the song because every single line in the song holds a special place in my heart and life. “When you cry be sure, you dry your eyes cos better day are sure to come and when you smile be sure, smile wide, don’t let them know they have won, when you walk, walk with pride, don’t show hurt inside cos the pain will soon be gone,” the lyrics of this song as being one of my source of motivation since I am always on the edge of given up. The song teaches me to dream big because better days will soon come and even though some of my dreams might not come true, I made an effort. Another song that holds an equal position as the Dream Big is Patience by Nas ft. Damian Marley. This song expresses or perhaps defines the world in two different ways; in the eyes of old and in the eyes of the present generation. Nas introduces the song as a song for the people. “Can you make peace when you fight war, “sabalie” (means patience in Jamaica) the lyrics of the song expresses how many wealthy people and the government are taking advantage over the less privileged people. They fill peoples head with lies, making them believe that they are trying to better their lives when all they look for, is they own priorities and selfish gains. This song teaches me to be a better person and help make a difference in the future. So many of today’s music, have had some redefining moments of music in my life, since we are mostly looking for something we could dance to, however these two songs mentioned above would forever remain of top of my playlist. Long live Music!!!
ReplyDeleteI had never heard the song Dream Big by Ryan Shupe so I decided to listen to it before I replied to your post and I really like that song Stav! It’s such a nice song and it really just lifted my spirits and made me really happy. I think that this is a really good song to live by! I agree with your last statement, Long live music. I hope music never dies as well because it is so powerful in lives of many people.
DeleteStav, it's amazing that your enduring positive attitude manifests itself in every conceivable way. Even in music. This blog gave me a flashback to one of our Academic Team bus rides where we listened to "Big Balls" and how genuinely into it you were before the hilarity of the chorus kicked in and killed both of us.
DeleteI'm glad to see everyone posting all these positive and happy songs. Because sometimes when you're in a bad mood you just need a good upbeat song to cheer you up more than anything else (especially a song that will get you dancing and singing badly in your room). It's really good to see someone else who draws a lot of inspiration and joy from music. People who don't like any sort of music are probably some sort of evil soul sucking monsters, let's be real.
DeleteStav, I’ve never heard of the song Dream Big by Ryan Shupe, but I’m glad that you decided to show us this song through your blog. Thank you for showing us a positive song, which truly showcased who you are. You’re always one who finds the positive sides of things, which is evident through your song choice.
DeleteStav, I too see music as an outlet that allows me to dream. I find your perspective endearing as you constantly seek out becoming a better human being by reflecting upon the music you listen to. Many people only listen to music for the aspect of entertainment. However, I think that there is much to be learned through this unique outlet and much to be expressed that isn’t possible in regular conversation. Well done!
DeleteStav I truly enjoyed your blog because it shows that you really love music. The songs you enjoy are songs I have never heard of. These songs must be amazing for you if it can inspire you to dream big. These songs have so many meaning from so many phrases and that is astounding. I can never have a passion like that and that okay because you can. So overall thank you for showing us amazing songs and thank you for this post.
DeleteMusic is a huge aspect of my life. I listen to music constantly throughout the day. I’ve probably listened to a total of over a million songs. I’ve heard some amazing, inspiring songs and some ridiculously bad songs. I love music because no matter what the artists is singing about there’s always a way to incorporate the song into your own life. So many songs have made a huge impact on my life which is why picking just one song was unbearably hard to do. I couldn’t decide if I should use an old classic song or a new hip song. When I first read this post I was going to analyze the song “Turn Down For What.” I would talk about this unexplained “what” that we are not turning down for that could essentially be anything you set your mind to. What exactly are we not turning down for? Who knows! But considering that the song only contains a total of 4 words accompanied by a sick beat it’s almost impossible to relate this song to my life.
ReplyDeleteBeing a dancer I’m exposed to so many different types of music. Music and dance just go hand in hand. At Dance competitions I hear sometimes over 500 songs. Anxiously waiting to hear if someone else uses the same song as me and praying it’s not better than my dance. From crazy hip hop mixes to classical ballet songs I’ve heard just about everything. One dance that a group of people on my team do is to a song called “sink or swim” by Lewis Watson. I think everyone should listen to this song by the way because it’s great. I chose this song because I think this song really relates to my life and because the dance my friends do to this song is just absolutely beautiful. Every time I watch this dance I get goose bumps because it’s just that amazing. Well the song is about how you make a lot decisions in your life and with these decisions you can either sink or you can swim. There will be a positive or a negative outcome with each decision that you make. The only way you can know the outcome though is to just go for it. Follow your heart and be spontaneous. The lyrics I love the most are when he says, “Let it out, don’t let doubt ever have its day.” He’ saying to just do what you want to do and don’t let anyone ever doubt your decisions. Although I do not always do this I think that this mentality is good to live by. I always want to just go with my gut and do what I want but I don’t always do that, because sometimes I think it’s just better to do what everyone else tells me to do to make them happy. I try my hardest to not stand out but this song inspires me to do otherwise. I also love when he says “Don't be scared, who cares if we lose again.” That part is pretty self explanatory. The reason I don’t always do what I want to do is because I’m scared. The song is saying that you can’t be scared to make decisions that you want to make. I also love the way Lewis Watson’s voice just flows with this beautiful music; it’s just a great song.
I really liked that you pointed how relatable music is. I have always considered music like poetry, just set to a rhythm and just like poetry is often just abstract enough to come to your own unique interpretation, I guess music holds the same power. I also thought it interesting to hear want a dancer thinks about music because you are actually moving with the music. You are physically expressing what you feel the music is saying and that is a very unique perspective that I appreciate. You clearly have a great sensitivity to music so I found it interesting to read about what music means from your view point. And of course, I have to say that by the excerpt of the song that you wrote, it certainly seems to hold a lot worth expressing, both through dance and through life as a whole.
DeleteKassidy, it seems as though it is a great song and it is true we should not be scared to make decisions but fact is we are and I thin that one thing this song is here for is to try to alleviate those fears so we can just live life. I mean we only have one and how much damage could one decision possibly make? We just have to make a better one next time.
DeleteIt's safe to say that music is very important to you because music revolts around your dancing. I think that all the songs that you dance to express yourself even more because those songs contain lyrics that have vivid emotions that the visual interpretances sometimes cannot make. The song that you mentioned seems to have a very interesting moral or meaning. The description that you provided seems to relate to everyone's life.
DeleteTo begin I have to say this blog is music to my ears. Music is my life. My everyday vacation from reality. The minute those ear buds touch my ears my imagination blossoms and I drift. I drift into myself and create my own fantasy world full of everything I want. The barrier music provides and creates protects me as I let my mind play out my thoughts and ideas in specific details to relieve anything pent up. No holding back because I know it's a place no one can invade. And the song that comes to mind when I consider the music that helps to do this is "Isshun no Chiri" by one of my favorite bands Aqua Timez. Since I was young Japanese music has held a special place in my heart. There is just something comforting and unique in the language when I here it. But the song and the lyrics hold such a great meaning to me since I first heard it a few years ago. Like most foreign songs if I really enjoy the flow of the music and lyrics I research and translate it to see what it translates to. For "Isshun no Chiri" there was already parts of the song in english mixed with Japanese which served in pushing me later to translate the rest. But forever that part will be engraved in me.
ReplyDelete"I know it’s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising
Kicking about seemingly tired sun rays becoming useless in a picture of the future which is being sketched
I know it’s not always easy but
I know somewhere that the sun is rising
A hundred agreed that the powerful moonlight rusted the spoon."
And that part still makes me shiver with anticipation at the first half of the song. Since everyday I try to keep that type of hope and assurance flowing through me so I don't fall into a hole of self-pity, or overall depression. It also reminded that I'm a "fighting dreamer" (for those of you familiar with Naruto) when pondering or stating my future, but I still focus on the present. But towards the end of the song again there was an english part and touched me in another way.
"The sun is rising, running over the hills
We live to believe that everything comes full circle
We give, but we take what we give
People will praise and then ridicule the righteous, won’t be the latter
Be prepared for a invasion of minds
In the water so watch mostly we are all
After absorbing those lyrics I reviewed myself and realized that I'm only human. And the statements leading up to "Human" is what I see true in people, but it also gave me a sense of comfort. Comforting in the way of reminding me that I'm human so its ok to be human, to act certain ways sometimes. Though in the end to rightfully learn and grow from my actions. I'm always so thankful for listening to this song. No matter the partial language barrier I still sway to the soft guitar sounds and then rock along with the more upbeat parts. Everything about the song always makes me feel beyond my expectations as a human in society and look over like a god in a sense. But manages to keep me grounded in the end so I can find my way to keep moving forward.
Your use of a Japanese song makes me regret that I discarded the option of using a song in another language almost immediately.... my love of kpop shall forever remain hidden now. But I think it's really great that you did choose some foreign language songs because I think a lot of people disregard them just because they're in an unfamiliar language but they can resonant just as deeply. In fact, not knowing what the heck the singer is saying forces you to just focus and enjoy the music more than you might have otherwise and just being able to cross cultural barriers through music is an amazing experience. (And then sometimes you might not even want to know what the lyrics really mean... might destroy the image you were getting from the song in your head. Knowledge gained from experience.)
DeleteI'm really fascinated that you have developed an ear for music in a different language. For me, the meaning behind the lyrics is just as important as the way the song sounds so I find it really interesting that you can still form an attachment to a song that you don't yet understand. You have really sparked my curiosity and I think I'm going to start looking into music in other languages. As we established in a previous blog, sometimes other languages hold expressions that can't really be translated, maybe listening to those expressions in music is the best way to discover them.
DeleteI agree Sotiria it is pretty cool you like music in a different language than you speak, personally I think it broadens your horizons. Another thing is I do the same thing when I listen to music, I like to imagine things, like the future and different situations but it is a way to help me relax and unwind. and finally that song is inspiring and has a good message engraved in it.
DeleteThe fact that you strayed from tradition and picked a song that isn't all in English is pretty cool. I admire your love for a song in a different language. It's great that this type of music helps keeps you grounded, whatever makes you happy is what you should listen to,
DeleteGreat blog. it is inspiring to know that you motivated by a song that is not all English. It is important to know other language and it is incredible to get motivated by music in that language. This blog post has brought individual perspectives which is motivating. Great music and great job. I wish I could hear you sing it..
DeleteIt's very interesting how you like songs that are not in English. Sometimes, I find it diffcult to understand songs in Spanish. So, I think that songs in Japenease is very interesting because I had no idea that you enjoyed that type of music. After I read the lyrics, the song seems to be very interesting because it's so motivitional and has a very great meaning.
DeleteComing up with an answer for this post was honestly really difficult because there are so many songs I could choose from because of how often I listen to music. Music is definitely a safe zone for everyone. We all go to music when we are sad, stressed or in need of motivation, almost as if music has an answer to everything or at least has something to relate to for that person. Now I could touch on my absolutely all time favorite song "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber and I don't care how much you all laugh at me but this song always seems to calm me down and motivates me to keep going clearly by its name "never say never". I go to this song whenever I doubt myself or whenever my confidence level is really low. But thinking I have already mentioned this song in one of my first blog responds I figured I'd also use something different. Okay, so not that I feel invisible but the song "Invisible" by Hunter Hayes, fairly a new song, caught my attention the first time I heard it. So being me I had to look up the lyrics to really get the full feel of the song. My favorite lines from it would have to be "you're strong enough to win without a war" and "never be afraid to do something different." These lines, along with many of the others from this song get me thinking of how it's important to be yourself and that it's okay to go out and do something different sometimes because different is okay! Being quote on quote "different" isn't supposed to be titled in a bad way. Being different means you aren't afraid to stand up and fully be yourself. If every single person in this world were exactly the same that would be plan out boring. Everyone has different things about themselves that make them unique. This song makes me realize how no matter now small you feel or how invisible you may seem to others, as long as you express yourself and be who you want to be then that's really all that matters!
ReplyDeleteTo start off, you should never be afraid of talking about what motivates you or makes you feel better. The lyrics of the Justin Bieber song are definitely straight forward in their message and so I can see how it holds its confidence-boosting power. As for the Hunter Hayes song, I don't think I have ever heard of it, but by the sound of the lyrics, it is just as up-lifting. In music, I find that it is not necessarily who sings the song but what the means, so if these songs make you feel better in any way, be proud of that and keep listening.
DeleteI love how you weren’t afraid to show that a Justin Bieber actually does motivate you. I do like the lyrics that you picked for the Hunter Hayes song. I love how this blog just continues to show how everyone found positivity through songs. We shouldn’t be afraid to be “different” or be ourselves. If we believe in ourselves, we are strong enough to fight through challenges. I love your explanation on what this song means to you and thank you for sharing a great song.
DeleteI'm not gonna like, I definitely smirked when I read your choice in song but not because I don't agree with you. Although his present day music is the epitome of crap, he did have his perks when he first started out. I liked this song specifically because, as you said, it motivates you. Songs have a way of doing that to people. I've always wondered how with a simple beat and placement of words, a song can fill a person with so much emotion. This song gives me that same motivation you do. That nothing is impossible as long as you keep trying. P.S.- I thought you were gonna choose a song from One Direction seeing as we're both huge fans, lol.
DeleteWell, I admire the fact that you not scared to proclaim that you listen to Bieber. the life of the artist might be questionable but sometimes the lyrics in the music shows their inner character. I don't listen to Bieber anymore but your blog has thought me to admire the lyrics not the artist because I must confess " the boy got it". I like the quote on quote. great job.
DeleteI like how you end this blog post with the belief that different is okay because you're completely right. If everyone was the same, the fun in life would be gone. Different is good and it always will be.
DeleteDon't feel bad about listening to Justin Bieber. If he makes you happy, then forget people that try to make you feel like less than a human being for listening to him. Seeing as I am not a huge fan of Bieber, I have never taken time to listen to all of his songs in their entirety. The tidbits I have heard of "Never Say Never" do radiate extremely positive vibrations. This is a great pick-me-up tune. No matter what people keep telling you about Bieber, hold your ground and continue listening to the music that makes you happy!
DeleteMichaela I really liked your post. The songs you chose are song I probably will not listen to but that okay because I understand the message. That what you are trying to say is that life is full of people who are different and that is okay because it is. I mean I don’t like Bieber but I am okay if other people do. All I am saying is that being different is okay and that is doesn’t matter what other people say because if that song is your confidence booster than that is great. So overall great job on this blog Michaela because it really opens my eyes.
DeleteYour choice in song was a honest and great pick. Never say Never isn't exactly on my top favorites list but it's not terrible. But I'd never laugh at your choice in music because if this song does something good for you that's all that matters.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI listen to a variety of music from the radio, Pandora, or just searching through YouTube and I do enjoy it. However music for me is just music. There is nothing special that music can do for me. When I get sad, angry, or just plain confused I don’t listen to music to find the answer. Music is just a form of entertainment for me. I listen to music so that I don’t feel bored. I know that people say that music can affect the soul but for me I don’t understand. I can comprehend the fact that people can be so passionate in the form of music but I never had that passion towards music. Of course I do listen and enjoy music, but I don’t believe music is the answer to our problems or maybe that is only for me that music is never the answer to my problem. However even though I am saying that music is just sound there is just one song that really capture the idea of life for me. The song is Best day of my life by American Author. And this song is the first song I listen to before I begin my day. It lyrics is my mantra because it spins me into a positive vibe to take on the day. Through the lyrics “I'm never gonna look back, woah I'm never gonna give it up, noo Just don't wake me now .Oo-o-o-o-o-o This is gonna be the best day of my life My li-i-i-i-i-ii-ife Oo-o-o-o-o-o This is gonna be the best day of my life My li-i-i-i-i-ii-ife” These lyrics really represent what I try to do everyday which is that I am happy to live each day as the best day of my life and that I am never going to let the past ruin what could possibly be the best day of my life. This song is amazing to me because of it catching tune and amazing lyrics that really describe my life. The song just motivates me to take on the day regardless of challenges I will face. So overall I feel that music serves to motivate a person it not the answer it only a motivation to help people get on with their lives. Even though I feel that music is never the answer it doesn’t help for music to be a motivation that can help me go through the day.
ReplyDeleteThis post was really surprising to me, Michael. I never met someone who thought music was just that and not something that can affect you so much mentally. People just seem to be connected to music in some way and to know that you aren't is a little sad for me only because with out music I would not know how to express my self. But it is good that you can find music that you can relate to and use to help you.
DeleteMichael, I find your perspective to be unique and intriguing. I am one of the people that associates with music very directly so it is interesting to see that you find disconnect in something so natural to me. Either way, it’s nice to see that even though we hold different opinions music is something that can still connect us. I like that though you don’t connect with music you use it as a tool to maintain a positive outlook on life. An optimistic attitude is hard to come by so great job and keep up the good work!
DeleteI love how you picked this song. I love listening to thing song, whether it be early in the morning or late at night. This song is the type of song that makes you wanna dance and immediately lifts your spirits. It's lyrics pose great meaning for it tells you to live everyday to the fullest. Writing this, I'm singing the song to myself for it's such a catchy tune that never fails to get caught up in your head. What I really liked in this post was how you said that you never really had a passion for music. I have to agree with you. While I listen to music everyday, it's mostly for enjoyment and a somewhat "escape" but it's never something I'm truly "passionate" about. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not something I need, but I like having it around at me leisure.
DeleteEven though this song is not my cup of tea, I admire the fact that this is the song that you chose to listen to every morning. It truly does radiate a positive message. I feel as though everyone should have a song that helps them along with their day. If this song truly does send you happiness, then by all means, listen to it until the cows come home! It's all about what puts a smile on your face and brightens up your day.
DeleteThat's great that that song is a motivator for you. I feel bad that you don't feel the emotions of music though because it's really quite a sensation :(
DeleteI admire the lyrics of the song you picked I feel like if there is a song to start your day off with religiously it should be that one on lyrics alone. I also thought it was rather sad that you don't feel anything towards music because I feel like there are so many songs with a message and I feel like everyone should get to experience that.
DeleteMike's position is one I totally respect. I often find that people get so passionate about their music that it gets annoying. Music is one art form. Perhaps you're a person moved more by sculptures or portraits or maybe just the imagery of a good novel. You should experiment! You never know what you'll like!
DeletePart One:
ReplyDeleteAfter reading over this week's assignment, I automatically thought that I could relate a Beatles song to my life seeing as they are my favorite band and that they take up a lot of space on my iPhone. Much to my surprise, I could not find a single Beatles song that relates to my life, not even "Hey Jude", my favorite song. While scrolling through my playlist, I stumbled across multiple Jimi Hendrix songs, one of which being "Little Wing". I felt as though I was running low on options, so I decided to press play to assuage my fears of being unable to complete this assignment. Immediately after the perfectly executed guitar opening came the stanza that describes my life and my tidbits of my thought process. I could not believe that I had found a song.
The first stanza to Hendrix's tranquil masterpiece goes "Well, she's walking through the clouds with a circus mind that's running wild. Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairytales, that's all she ever thinks about, riding with the wind". I feel as this quote encompasses my life and my thought process because I am a bit of a dreamer. Time and time again I find myself repeatedly slipping into daydreams and I cannot help it. I have to find something to focus on; something with which to occupy my mind, or else my brain is going to take the vacation of the century. I find myself fantasizing about adult life, about my future house, and even about the future town in which I would like to reside. I want to be a successful psychologist or English teacher in the future and I even want to get married and maybe even have a couple of kids. Couldn't you just imagine little Jasmines running around and doing Jasmine-like things? I want to live in an extremely spacious home located near a beach, or maybe I could get my husband to build a beach in the backyard or something along those outlandish lines. The dreamer in me just wants to have a relaxing adulthood free of pain and strife even though the realist in me knows that I am going to encounter a few struggles as I age.
Jazzy, I admire your dreaming spirit. You have never been afraid to draw outside the lines and create a world for yourself better than the one laid out before you. Most people let themselves be limited to their own circumstances but you aren’t afraid to branch out and see how beautiful life can be. I think that Little Wing embodies you in every way possible because of your unique perspective and your love for life. Keep dreaming ;)
DeletePart Two:
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to describing the way I perceive love, I would have to change songs to Janis Joplin's "Get it While You Can". Even though the beginning of her song talks about being against fighting (I really don't see why countries need to go to war with one another. It's stupid and far too many people are dying) and being unable to trust people (I have never had issues with trust until this year of high school. All I can say is that I have learned my lesson), the stanza in the middle of the song is the most relatable to my slightly cynical view on love. The excerpt that absolutely tugs at my heartstrings is "Don't you know when you're loving anybody, baby, you're takin' a gamble on a little sorrow? But then who cares baby? 'Cause we may not be here tomorrow, no. And if anybody should come along, he gonna give you any love and affection. I'd say get it while you can, yeah"!
I recently found myself in a situation in which this particular stanza of "Get it While You Can" was on replay in my mind. Despite how hesitant I was to let myself completely fall, I knew that this "gamble on a little sorrow" could potentially be worth it. I knew, as the platitude goes, "all good things must come to an end", but I decided to go forth and fall just a little bit. Much to my surprise, he caught me. In the midst of my gaiety, cynicism began to deluge my mind; "Jas, I don't know what he sees in you, but you'd better enjoy it while it lasts". Just as soon as he had caught me, he tenderly set me back down on the plush grass. He could have dropped me and ran away, but he didn't and I will always respect him for this. In retrospect, I suppose I was getting it while I could.
Although it took me some time to find songs that explain how I view certain aspects of my life, I must say that it was time well spent. Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" is able to take me away from reality and allow me to dream about the future, which is greatly appreciated. Janis Joplin's "Get it While You Can" allows me to have a slightly cynical view on love and romance without feeling guilty about it. For some reason, I keep thinking about how temporary things are and that at some point, things are going to dissolve like a sugar cube in a glass of water. Maybe I just need to allow myself to be caught up in the moment in order to escape this overly realistic mindset. Whatever the solution is, I know I cannot expect to build healthy relationships with this constantly lurking in the back alleyways of my mind.
Music has always played a significant role in not only my life but in my family dynamics. Several of my family members are extremely musically inclined and have more talent than most people can dream of mustering. That being said, I have always associated my life with music but not in any point of time have I selected a favorite song. I’ve always seen music as something that cannot be expressed in simple terms and have always linked it with emotion. Yes it is something that we listen to, but I think more than anything it is something that we feel. We get lost in a world apart from our own small spheres and see the perspectives of others dealing with similar situations. Even when we seem completely alone, song lyrics can bring us back and relate to us in ways that cannot be expressed through common speech. That is also why I don’t think that any one song can define me. I base the music I listen to off of how I am feeling at the time. I could say a theme song of mine could be “Happy” by Pharrell Williams today because of my cheery spirit (which I never would because I despise that song) and then change it to “Numb” by Linkin Park tomorrow because of a frustrated mood. The music I listen to shifts with the emotions I am currently experiencing. That being said, though I do not offer myself to the confines of one concrete song to define me, there is a group of music I often find myself listening to daily and is generally the first Pandora station on when I get home; Disney music. That’s right I said it and I am not ashamed to admit it, I completely with all that is in me love Disney music and I could listen to it for days on end. I’m honestly not sure why that is but I think it has much to do with the fact that Disney music reflects the better components of my life. It brings me back to childhood innocence, creativity and boldness. It reminds me where I came from and all that matters to me. This may seem farfetched but it’s true. I find Disney music to be a true inspiration in my life and it always resonates within a special place in my heart. The variations of the songs tie in multiple lessons as well that I consider being necessary to get through life successfully and most importantly to enjoy it on the way. To name one of many examples, “Hakuna Matata” in the Lion King emphasizes the importance of not worrying as it says “it means no worries”. This to me is a huge lesson because I have a tendency to over think everything and worry often so it reminds me to take a step back, see the bigger picture and just to roll with the changes I face in my life. Disney music soothes my soul and mind and I am thankful to be able to listen to it and apply it on a regular basis. I don’t know where I would be without it.
ReplyDeleteii admire your blog posts all the time and i don't know exactly why but this was well said!
DeleteFrancesca I think I starting to understand why people can be so passionate with music. Like in my post music is just sounds to entertain myself. But after reading your post it really opens my eyes to the wonder of music. I will probably never experience this feeling but it was nice to understand where people are getting these emotions towards music. I really like how you say “We get lost in a world apart from our own small spheres and see the perspectives of others dealing with similar situations. Even when we seem completely alone, song lyrics can bring us back and relate to us in ways that cannot be expressed through common speech.” Which speaks wonder I really appreciate how you have this emotional connection to music.
DeleteWoah, there's no shame in listening to Disney music O_o That's probably some of the best stuff right there. Although it in itself encompasses a lot of styles, but still. I am also a big fan of the feel it has, and I listen to it when I'm feeling down. Great post!
DeleteFor some reason I tend to associate you with Disney and I think it just may be because of your passionate love for all of it's aspects from the characters to the songs. I like that you enjoy listening to these songs so much because it shows how you are not afraid to embrace your childhood, which many of us are hesitant to do. I admire how you find importance in these songs because they have basically shaped you into who you are today.
DeleteI too have a love for Disney music and I think it's because it always has a message or a meaning behind it and it's beyond the usual topics of drugs and money that I find today's music often drifts to on top of that it's really catchy.
DeleteI never really related my life music. I mean, obviously I listen to music and pretend to be in a music video (who doesn't?) but I never had a song and thought that "Yeah this is my life" because no ever wrote a song about a hilarious, handsome young spanish kid (in all honesty they probably have but that's besides the point). Anyways, as I was looking through my ipod, I stumbled upon a song that I hadn't heard in a while. "I won't back down" by Johnny cash is pretty self explanatory. It's a song about how to never back down to the world. In a way, I've always tried to never give up or back down from a challenge. It's second nature to me. Even when I know that the best thing to do is back down and let things take their course, I refuse to. I just don't like the feeling of quitting. The line in the song that gets me the most is "Well I know what's right, I got just one life, in a world that keeps on pushing me around but I stand my ground and I won't back down." It's basically how I believe I should live to my life. I know what's right and wrong, I don't need anyone else to tell me that. The world is always pushing for me to make the wrong choice. It's always pushing the option to cheat, the option to run, the option to hurt. But I know that I need to stand my ground against the world. The only thing that evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing. I'm not saying I singlehandedly stop all evil, I just know that the world gets better one person at a time. Another song that I relate to "One Grain of Sand" by Ron Pope. This one relates more to my view of love and relationships. In my past, I've noticed that I do a lot for people who really don't see anything long term with me. The lyric that I always think about goes "I don't want to hold you if you want to go, and I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't." In all my past attempts in relationships, I've always felt like I was giving my all to someone who was holding back. It's a feeling that diminishes my own self esteem. So this song makes me think about how letting go of someone who won't go match the effort I put foward for them is the best thing for myself. It's a wake up call whenever I need it. Music has a way of reaching into the thoughts that people stow away. It's kind of magical. Music is magic.
ReplyDeleteI can tell by your choices in music that you look to it for life advice and just pure wisdom. It's interesting about all the different things people get out of music.
DeleteI could very easily evade any talk of how I truly feel about things by naming some punk rock or pop punk songs and claiming that I am just a jaded youth but that wouldn't properly represent who I am. Now I am not denying that I am jaded and or a youth, I am both of these things but the music that gives me peace also reveals something that I guess people could perceive as a darker part of who I am.
ReplyDeleteI've dealt with depression and anxiety for what seems like forever (only about 3 years) For me the most reassuring thing I can feel is when I can relate to someone, when its made clear that I am not the only one going through the shit that my mind buts me though on a daily basis. So now to the music, both of the songs I have in mind are by a band named Andrew Jackson Jihad, weird name but a great band. They are more lyrical than just musical, their songs are the perfect example of what happens when you put instruments behind poetry. The first song of theirs that always gives me peace in my worst moments is "Truckers are the blood", they have a knack for naming their songs after lyrics within those songs. This song speaks to the pain I have felt in my worst of days, the line "I hope I can forgive me, for having the nerve to exist." sums it up pretty perfectly, sometimes I feel lower than low, like I have hit the bottom of everything, and this songs helps remind me that I'm not the only one who feels this as often as I do, that I might feel lost and alone but someone else has made it out of where I am, so I can too. The next song is a bit less downerish, it still speaks to one of the "problems" I have but it is still a bit more light hearted. Like the last song, the reason I enjoy it is because I can relate to it. The song speaks to something I feel quite often and it comforts me in a way. From their newest album Andrew Jackson Jihad released a song titled "Kokopelli Face Tattoo" Now for backstory time. I get frustrated very easily and very often, and that frustration often turns into anger when It is due to dumb or bad people. I cause myself a lot of unneeded stress because of shitty people bothering me so I have taken to using the chorus of this song to remind myself to not sweat the shitty people, this chorus is "Hey dude, I hate everything you do but I'm trying really hard to not hate you. Hating you won't make suck any less." I sing this in my head a few times or I blast this song as I walk through the halls so that I remember that getting angry because someone suck, just isn't worth it. As always I really don't know if I answered the question or not but I feel like I did a pretty good job maybe, so yeah I also never know how to end these things. You'd think after almost a whole year of writing them that I would have mastered these by now but alas, I have not and now you are left reading a bunch of nonsense, have a good night :)
I knew you'd pick AJJ; it would be a travesty had you not. I am a huge proponent of their music, not because I necessarily resonate as much with it as you do (all though there are many things in their songs that nearly anyone can relate to), but because I know it speaks to so many people and helps so many people.
DeleteEver since I can remember music has been an escape for me, it allows me to express my emotions without saying anything. Being silent has always been one of my traits I’m one to not say anything until all my emotions push me to a point where I cannot just simply stay silent but all the while music is there for me to relieve some of the pressure im feeling, whether it be from grief, pain, or even happiness it is just a way to be free. Over the years my tastes in music has changed dramatically, when I was a little girl I would rap to the songs my dad often listened to but as I grew older I developed my own taste of music I phased out of the rap genre except for one artist in particular, Eminem. His music is one of my favorites and has been for a long time because he talks about real life situations that a lot of people deal with and his music helps people get through their problems. The first song that came to my mind when referring to a situation like this would be “Till I Collapse”,
ReplyDelete“Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak
And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up
But you gotta search within you, try to find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you
And get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter
No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face, and collapse”
In my opinion this song is about just getting back up and continuing with your life no matter how much one wants to give up. I feel like everyone has struggles in their life and some are worse than others but everyone has a different pain tolerance and they might need that motivation in order to continue on. And the song goes on to motivate people to not only get back up but do everything they can to be the best they can at what they do.
“Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth
Till the smoke clears out…”
What this means is he will do everything he can to do well even though he is tired because that is what strong people do. This song just shows people that though they might think they are done they have a little more to give and it’s not over yet. This song relates to me personally because I know the combination of school, home, and athletic lives can overpower us mentally but we just have to push through it and things will get better, because if we do not give up in our weakest moments we can only grow from that. I know at one point this year school was at its hardest point along with crew and it was a lot and my parents were having problems which weighed down on me to keep my brothers and sisters taken care of a long with chores and I felt like no one cared, my parents were preoccupied my best friend was caught up and my other one lives far away, it was kind of just me dealing with all that at my age so I just liked to listen to Eminem’s songs and not just this one, many of the songs that mean the most to me are written by him.
Eminem always has the best songs!
Delete"Am I Wrong"
ReplyDeleteAm I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?
I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
Just cause everybody doing what they all do
If one thing I know, I'll fall but I'll grow
I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
So am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
Am I tripping for having a vision?
My prediction: I'ma be on the top of the world
Walk your walk and don't look back, always do what you decide
Don't let them control your life, that's just how I feel
Fight for yours and don't let go, don't let them compare you, no
Don't worry, you're not alone, that's just how we feel
Am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real?
(Oh yeah yeah yeah)
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
(Oh yeah yeah yeah)
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right, right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right
Am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
So am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real?
(Oh yeah yeah yeah)
Now am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
(Oh yeah yeah yeah)
But that's just how I feel,
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
The song I chose was “Am I Wrong”. This song is pretty new but it says a lot and has meaningful lyrics. The first and third verse sum up the entire song. To me when I hear this song it is something that I can relate a lot to which is being your own person and getting that judgement from other people when you choose another path that nobody expected or wanted you to. As teenagers we all go through this because now we come to the age that we are forced to make life changing decisions and we are all question if we made the right choice or not.
More in the third verse than the first I can relate too as can you guys. It shows over coming that fear of failure and doing what you want and what makes you happy. In the end that is what life is about and people that hold you back on that should shut up and let you live. This song tells you to get over that negativity and make your own positivity if you have to. I absolutely love this song!
Being a person who's always loved music, I've never had an insane amount of favoritism over what my favorite music is. I tend to like swing and jazz music over everything else by a bit, but not enough that I'd say it was my overall favorite kind of music forever. I guess I like it partially due to the way it always has a happy demeanor, while still being able to talk about anything. It could be talking about a good day, a bad day, found love, lost love, good people, bad people, or even nothing at all, while still being rather fun to listen to. I like it because no matter what your feeling, or how bad your day is, you could always listen to it, and address the problem, whilst still cheering up. I just really enjoy it. But my favorite song itself is one called "Being Alive" from Company. Its a song about love and growing up, and it has amazing instrumentals, and the melody is beautiful, and Its just amazing to listen to, and I have always enjoyed it. But one thing here I don't think I can do is sum up my life with lyrics, Partly because I am still figuring out who or what I am, and trying to define me in general just seems like I'm trying to do archery in gym, only in the dark, and the arrows are made of sausages, and so is the bow. But I guess in that regard a song that I think fits my mindset is "Corner of the Sky" from Pippin. Because the lyrics talk about wanting desperately to find your purpose, and that's how I seem to feel nowadays. Sooooo yeah :p
ReplyDeletePart 1: Over the years, I’ve heard many songs that possess lyrics that I can relate to. It’s so extremely hard to narrow it down to only two songs that pertain specifically to me. If I could, I would analyze the importance of most of the songs on my general playlist, but that would take forever. When I think about the songs I relate to, I often find that these songs pertain to the mental and emotional battles that I find myself going through almost on a daily basis. This leads me to my first song of choice which is “Migraine” by twenty one pilots. This is one of my favorite bands mostly because I really appreciate their purpose for making music. This is the first song of theirs that I ever related to because of it’s emphasis on the metaphorical “mental battles” that I find myself going through. Although there are many remarkable lines contained within this song. The line that really stands out to me states:
ReplyDelete“'Cause sometimes to stay alive you got to kill your mind”
When I first listened to this song, I found this extremely intriguing. The verse that contains this line spews out metaphors mainly about suicide but I had never really considered myself suicidal. So why did I relate to it so much? To me, the idea of metaphorically killing your mind is important to the sake of one’s sanity, my sanity more specifically. The power that your mind possess is fascinating, terrifying, and a little bit of both. I personally find that my mind contains an unhealthy amount of negative thoughts that degrade my value as a human in very extreme ways. More than anything, I am filled with doubt at my own abilities and my own potential. No matter how often I try to mask my negativity with positive thoughts, I can never seem to hide the fact that I truly think that I am meaningless. It’s hard to “kill” something that literally controls you but I truly believe that the ability to shut off all of one’s empowering thoughts is the real key to happiness, sanity, and serenity. These types of thoughts are like boundaries that are keeping you from living peacefully. The excessive power of these thoughts are usually what prevent me from taking up certain opportunities because I am often convinced that I am doomed for failure due to my incapabilities. If I knew how to “kill my mind” I’m sure that I would be much more confident with everything I do. Even though these lyrics were originally meant to express thoughts of suicide, I believe that I can relate to this line because it specifically pertains to the action of shutting off your mind in order prevent the inner demons from controlling oneself.
Part 2: The song “Be Calm” by fun. is another song by another one of my favorite bands that I have grown an attachment to, especially because I have the tendency to overthink and stress over the little things. Living with such overpowering thoughts filled with negativity often bring me down and wear me out. This song in particular consists of a balance between both strong and graceful instrumentals and it goes along with the overall meaning because it represents the constant internal war between the positive and the negative. Lyrically, there is also a back and forth battle between the two opposing forces, but there is a line in particular that sums up the mental and emotional chaos that I go through. The line states:
ReplyDelete“You hate your pulse because it thinks you're still alive”
Hearing this line for the first time gave me the chills. This line alone brings me back to the whole idea of being worn out by everything that my pessimism entails. The negative thoughts and emotions that run liberally throughout the inner workings of my mind can really suck the life out of me. Some days I find that the feelings I present for the world to see are not entirely true to how I actually feel. Often times I will act carefree and bubbly when I communicate with others but there is a good chance that I am emotionally and mentally drained on the inside. Recently, school has been one of the main factors that usually lead me to feeling internally dead because it has created a great deal of burdens that weigh me down gradually day after day. Everyday I go through the same routine and I repeat the same cycle in the same way a robot mindlessly goes through the actions that it was already programmed to do. Even though my heart is beating in a healthy manner, my mind is worn out and lifeless.
Both of these lyrics are so simple yet they possess such deep meanings. I know that I can’t be the only one who can relate to these lyrics which gives me a feeling of serenity in a way to know that I’m not the only one who experiences such wild mental and emotional wars. If anything, these lines are what really make me think about who I am as a person and it helps me get an understanding of who I am as a person (because we are always discovering something about ourselves). These lyrics are what sum up who I am in ways that I could never completely explain. They may not mean much to someone else but they mean the world to me
Music, like all art forms, has the ability to arouse emotions and sympathies for the artist’s expression. It is my firm belief that the only music that can firmly encapsulate a person is the music that that person creates. Everyone’s experiences and feelings are unique and distinct. The power of art comes from the similarities of this experience and the commonalities that link humanity.
ReplyDeleteWhen I resonate with music, it is because it synchronizes with my state of mind, and even perhaps the immediate situation I am in. My mind fluctuations like f(x) = sin(1/x) as x approaches 0. (sorry, that was the first thing that came to mind).
So to pick a song that encapsulates everything I am going through in life right now would be inadequate, to say the least. I could narrow it down to one particular situation, but that would be to neglect the other equally important aspects of my life. Perhaps I just have not listened to enough music. I digress.
My favorite music tends to be hard rock. Not for the lyrics – I usually could care less for them. But something in those mammoth power cords and gargantuan riffs resonates. I feel as though it symbolizes human passion at its core, and I want my music to arouse that passion.
As far as lyrics go, I appreciate those lyrics that answer the same questions the classics try to answer and those that speak to the human condition. For example, the Euthyphro dilemma in Jay Z’s small part in No Church in the Wild scored major points with me, because I look to art to help illustrate and argue grand philosophies like these. I can of course appreciate those that just narrate the artist’s life, as that just provides more experience to learn from, but it would be so much better if the artist drew inferences from them.
So I suppose I still have to post a song. How about All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled? It speaks to me deeply, for I also experience the same dilemma of constantly winning.
“All I do is win, win, win no matter what
Got money on mind, I can never get enough
And every time I step up in the building
Everybody hands go up”
Charlie Sheen and I both can really resonate with the core message of this song. I chose All I Do Is Win because all I do is win.
I also feel as though the references to arms trafficking and the selling of enormous quantities of illegal drugs complemented by subsequent drive-by shootings really speaks to my inner gangster.
That yearn for the thug life is such an integral part of the human condition and it really imparts the urge to go out and “ride tonight”.
I am of course being satirical, because I really had the urge to experiment with some bathos in my writing. On the real, I feel as though rap music, though it may outwardly seem obnoxious and arrogant (perhaps inwardly as well), characterizes the human id in a way that few other genres can successfully do. The ability to listen to some charged man tell you that all you do is win is oddly reassuring. It reveals the private hedonist desires that Freud claims drives us all. And I would have to agree with him (though I really hate agreeing with Freud). So even this song, as ridiculous as it may seem, can accurately describe my general drive for achievement that few other songs could accomplish quite so brazenly.
I listen to a variety of music not liking one genre more than the other. This entire means is that I know a lot of songs and the number is always expanding. I could hear a song I like on a commercial and then all of a sudden it’s my new anthem it’s on my IPhone, Kindle and any other device that could possibly hold it because that’s how much I love music. I love it to the point that I could listen to the same song one hundred times and never get my feel of it. Music moves me, it moves me to dance, sing(albeit not very good), laugh, cry and think and so many other things because when I listen to music I am so tuned in that I feel what that artists feels when they are singing/rapping that song. The music I listen to represents everything I think now, everything I want to experience, and everything that I don’t experience but want to gain insight into.
ReplyDeleteThe first song I picked is fragile by Tech N9ne the whole song is about an aversion to criticism about what the artist does make music and how despite the fact that one goes into the music knowing how tough it could be they thought they could handle it. I can definitely relate to the artist in his not wanting criticism but one part that really gets me is when the artist says “I've spent all night long scared of tomorrow, broke my alarm” which in my opinion is that artist saying that they have a fear of what the next day brings so much so that they want to stop time. I feel this as a fear of what my life will bring the next day and I don’t really want to face the next day’s challenges. One way I feel about life in general is that people spend way too much time fighting with each other as opposed to being nice to each other basically being human to each other. One song that represents how I feel is where is the Love? By black eyed peas. One part in particular is:
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
This part truly says what I think at times that in the news it doesn’t show anything good going on the world to the point that we have become desensitized to tragedy and we think it’s normal or even okay when really it’s not.
I like how you appreciate music a lot and how you said that you enjoy almost every type of genre. To be honest, I don't know if I can say that I enjoy every genre because most genres doesn't have a great connect to me or I cannot relate at all. I like how you used a song by the Black Eyed Peas because the lyrics are very explicit for a group of people who are always followed by the media.
DeletePart 1
ReplyDeleteI must have spent a good hour trying to decide what song to use. As someone who enjoys blues and rock, I don’t listen to many songs with deep meanings. I know the term “rock” can by sort of broad and apply to many bands like the Beatles, U2, and even Coldplay. Bands like these are capable of somewhat deep lyrics. But as someone brought up with AC/DC, I’ve always known rock as the genre of music with roaring power chords, thunderous drums, and tons of energy. With these wonderful things, however, comes no real lyrical content. And the content that is there does not really reflect me in anyway. I’m very far away from some womanizing alcoholic who resents all forms of authority whatsoever. However, it does portray a lifestyle that, despite its immorality, is a desirable one. A life of no responsibilities coupled with the ability to break rules with little or no consequence is a little more than desirable.
Since I have already talked about Acca Dacca, one of their most noted songs to embody this lifestyle is “Bad Boy Boogie.” The song starts out with some killer guitar chemistry between Angus and Malcolm Young that’s liable to shake any good sound system. The intro then rips into an addictive verse that begins with Bon Scott’s lyrics: On the day I was born the rain fell down. There was trouble brewing in my home town. It was the seventh day, I was the seventh son. And it scared the hell out of everyone.” The heavy ensemble of guitar and drums along with the dark ambiguity of Bon’s lyrics doesn’t so much reflect me. Rather, it reflects the lifestyle I sometimes wish I had. It reflects the energetic spirit that I naturally have but is always crushed by school and other social conventions. The song then progresses into a chorus: “They said stop, I said go. They said fast, I said slow. They said yes, I said no. I do the bad boy boogie.” Though it’s not particularly literary genius, it reflects an admirable contradictory personality; a personality that defies authority and empowers the individual. Most of all, it evokes this image of freedom and autonomy. A life where someone can make every decision and not be chained to any sort of responsibility is a life that I wish I had. The next verse: “Being a bad boy ain't that bad. I've had me more dirty women than most men ever had. All you women come along with me. And I'll show you how good a bad boy can be.” Now before I’m accused of being some kind of pervert, I would like to take a moment to reinstate my never-ending monogamy to What’s-Her-Face. This was unavoidable since there isn’t an AC/DC song that doesn’t have some sort of sexual reference in it. This verse reiterates that notion of freedom and overall bad-assery of a simpler life free from responsibility of stress. I don’t have any womanizing bone in my body but let’s face it… who wouldn’t wanna be so downright awesome that every desirable partner possible wants to be with you? The song then goes into another chorus: “I said right and they said left. I said east and they said west. I said up and they said down. I do the bad boy boogie all over town.”
Part 2
ReplyDeleteHere is much more of the same but what makes this part powerful to me is the build-up Bon has in his voice by this point. In many live versions, the song gets quiet while Angus performs some sweet blues licks and strips for the audience quite hilariously. He often moons the crowd as he transitions from his school boy uniform to a pale and miniature version of the Hulk. And that’s where the song grabs me the most. The power that it has comes with the passion of the performers and my ultimate image of AC/DC just being a bunch of head-banging badasses. If you’ve seen them once, you can just imagine their performances to all of their songs including ones that were never played live. They do more than talk about the rock n’ roll lifestyle; they live it and love every bit of it. After this spectacle, the song reiterates much of the same attitude: “I wanna tell you no story, tell you no lie. I was born to love till the day I die. I just line them up and i knock them down. And they all came running when the word got round. I said up, they said down They said straight, I said round. They said lost, I said found. I said free and they said bound. Bad boy boogie.” And that there is rock n’ roll.
Personally I listen to various types of music. But, the music I enjoy listening to the most is rap. I know it's unexpected but I feel like I can really calm myself down. When I'm angry or upset all I want to do is scream or get even more mad, but I do nothing about it. With rap music, most of the time has a yelling-tone and can sometimes come off as mad or just aggressive. I guess the music is a gateway for me because it is how my feelings are at the moment. Also I like rap because there is no BS. (sorry.) Everything is spoken straight up, and I like how some lyrics are so vulgar and bold- no holding back. Two of my favorite songs are When I'm Gone, by Eminem, and Soundtrack 2 My Life, by Kid Cudi. Both rappers are amazing artists with a huge amount of intelligence. They're my favorite because they are telling their life story in 1 song. In when im gone the chorus is "And when im gone just carry on, don't mourn, rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that im looking down on you smiling and I didn't feel a thing, so baby don't feel no pain, just smile back." Whenever I hear this song I can't help but think of my father. It's just funny how you can put somebody elses words into somebody elses body image and think of them saying it. I also like soundtrack 2 my life because of that reason as well. It's weird but I can't help but think of previous events in my life that have occurred. I love rap because it is poetry, but strong and bold poetry, that speaks for me when I don't know what to say.