Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow...Creeps Into this Petty Pace from Day to Day...

...and now I'm quoting Macbeth.  It's madness. Computer-inspired madness. My life, I swear.

In any case, at long last, here we are: Blog numero uno for week of Dec 9.  A simple one, as I said it would be.  It has, as you will see, nothing to do with the title, but then that just provides further insight into the maelstrom that has become my life since the Great Computer Crash of '13.

This response, and your peer responses, is due by Thursday night.  Tomorrow (Wednesday for those of you keeping track) I will post a more introspective query and that one will be due by Sunday night.
Onward and upward.

Tis the Season, as today's snow day would indicate. So, in that spirit, I would like you to compose a sort of reverse Christmas (or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or any celebratory designation) list. I would like you to think about the edifice you inhabit for 5 days a week/7 hours a day.  The Oak. El Oako. The Falcon's Nest. Oakcrest High School.
What holiday gift(s) would you like to bestow on our school?  Now, since EVERYBODY will undoubtedly refer to the time of year when AC is at a premium, let me just take that off the table right now.  So, no gifting us air conditioning.  After all his time, it's kinda our thing that we don't have it, am I right?  No? Ok. Well, everything else is fair game.  Think building-wise, think academics, think demographics, think budgetary, think aesthetics, think faculty, think anything and everything related to our school. What would you like to give the Oak for the holidays?  As always, expound on your answer.


  1. I never really thought about making up a Christmas list for our school because it never crossed my mind, and because I think our school is good as it is now, but I guess there are a few things that I would like to add if I had the chance. I know everyone will hate me for saying this, but I think that our school should be gifted no air conditioning. I think our school wouldn’t function properly if we did have air condition; no air condition makes Oakcrest, Oakcrest. I honestly don’t mind coming to school when its 100 degrees outside and 106 inside. I believe that if Oakcrest had air condition, we would freeze to death because we have been habituated to sustain the heat, and soon enough, everyone would importune to remove the air condition.
    I know you guys are going to hate me for this, too, but I also think that it would be awesome if Oakcrest was gifted the Mullicans. I think if Oakcrest had the Mullicans again, we would be a completely different school and we would meet so many different people and become a very diverse school. It may seem that we are a well-rounded school already, but I think it wouldn’t hurt if we became a little more diverse by adding more people to our school from another demographic area. Since I live in Hammonton (which is 10 minutes from EHC), I really don’t know a lot about Mays Landing, so I think it would be interesting if we could fellowship with people who live in a different area, who can introduce us to so many new ideas, and who can add a little more athletic greatness to our school. I know there are people who absolutely hate the Mullicans because they’re weird or because they have a nice school with air condition, but I really don’t mind. Even though, I wasn’t in Oakcrest during the pandemic of the Mullicans, I would really like to experience how they act and how they think and what they can bring to the table. I know I may sound whimsical or stupid, but I would really like to experience their presence and meet other bright and creative minds.
    Another thing that I would like to gift Oakcrest is maybe a new fitness center in our school because our gym isn't so perfect and a weight room isn't enough. I think it would be awesome if Oakcrest could get a big cardio room that is right next to the weight room because I get so bored walking around the weight room with Dave Wiggles and Paige, having nothing to do because there really isn't thing a variety of so-called "fitness" things to do. I think that the cardio room would be perfect not only for gym class, but for athletes in their off season or their conditioning sessions. There are so many schools that take so much priority in their athletes that schools have the best fitness and athletic facilities to improve the seasons of their athletes.
    I know that I can’t go to Mr. Money tomorrow during lunch and ask him if Oakcrest could get a new addition to our gym and weight room or new students from EHC, because he’ll just laugh at me but it would be a really nice addition to our school if there was a chance. I personally think that if Oakcrest had the chance to have Cedar Creek students go to Oakcrest and a new fitness center, everyone would benefit from the simple additions.

    1. Dave, although I would like to have air conditioning during my last few years at Oakcrest, I agree with you 100%. Our lack of air conditioning is what makes us Oakcrest. However I find the addition of students from Mullica to be a bit overwhelming. Where are all these kids going to go? How is anyone going to get to class on time? Yes, it would be nice to see new faces every now and then, but it's too much for me to fathom at the moment (as far as space is concerned).

    2. I am really fascinated that you thought of adding Mullicans to our school as an element of your gift list to Oakcrest. It's definitely thinking out of the box if you ask me. Also, if we had the room for them I would also like to see the return of these students. After all, it's more students that can experience how great Oakcrest is and stop making fun of us. But again, we do have a small school which could spell problems, but as this was a blog topic where anything is possible, I applaud you for your ideas.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This was actually really creative and I'm going to have to agree with you. Everyone knows Oakcrest as the school with no air conditioning and really it isn't that bad, minus a few extremely hot days that is. I also think it would of been better to keep more students in our school. Instead of building Cedar Creek they could of remodeled some sections of Oakcrest to let it fit more students. And as for the fitness center! I would love for a new and improved one. Being an athlete I love working out and I would find it so beneficial for the extra space in our school. Great ideas!

    5. I really liked this post! When I made my Christmas list I never even thought of the Mullicans. I think it was because they were a bit before our time that I totally disregarded them altogether. I do agree with you, however, that it would be nice to see some social diversity in the school. But rather than just bringing back the Mullicans, I think we should have a bigger student/foreign exchange program. It'd be so cool to see kids from all over the world come to Oakcrest and experience the feeling of being a falcon. I've always wanted to go abroad and meet new people and embrace new cultures. If I recall correctly, we once had a guy transfer to Oakcrest, for a year, from Germany. I didn't have the chance to meet him seeing as I had no idea he even roamed the halls of Oakcrest, but if I did I would have definitely asked him a couple of questions or two. With that being said, we should aim for a bigger, better student/foreign exchange program. It'd be interesting to see French people, German people, etc. sport blue and gray and socialize with our fellow peers.

    6. Dave, I think that you have some interesting and unique ideas for the school that I never would have thought of; in particular the Mullicans addition. Though I have transferred schools several times I have been with the same kids (for the most part) since sixth grade. I have made wonderful friends in that time however I think your right that it’d be a refreshing experience to bring new bright and athletic people to Oakcrest. I know there’d be even more limited spacing but I think the relationships we’d gain would make the claustrophobia worth it. Great Christmas list!

    7. Dave, I am amazed by your creative idea on this blog post. However, from different perspective one might agree or disagree with your ideas. Personally, I agree with you because there is something in life that makes you or something special regardless of the benefits, and Oakcrest is no exception. Furthermore, people have complained for years about the air condition yet they still graduated. So what is the point if we do not air condition , students graduated with good and bad grades. Great idea. Well, Mullicans are great inclusion because I believe once there are different people in a room or building social interaction are set to increase, however making people learn more about different people and behavior. Excellent job.

    8. Space is a huge concern! Even though the freshmen class coming in was smaller than usual we still find ourself cluttered. It would be awesome to maybe expand the halls or even just make our budget go towards things to help it.

    9. A cardio room would be perfect! In the winter, when it's too cold to run, it would be the PERFECT addition. I was actually just thinking about it a few days ago. And I don't know much about the mulligans, but anything that adds some more flavor to Oakcrest is an appreciated gift.

  2. Part One:
    This blog post is really exciting me so I’m not even bothering with an introduction but going right into it. So loosen your wallets everyone, here we go.

    This may seem to the majority of you as senseless but if you knew for yourself, you wouldn’t dispute this. First on my list is new equipment for the Oakcrest Marching Ambassadors. If you’ve never noticed at football games, the really tall stand on which I stand during performances is incredibly unstable. Everyone move I make on it results in violent swaying and shaking. It is literally held together with duck tape. Yes, duck tape. It’s probably the greatest safety hazard I’ve encounter in my life, it’s even worse than my father’s driving. Additionally, all of our instruments are far pst their due date for replacement (yes instruments have lifespan limits). Once at a really important competition, one of our drums fell apart, as in broke into pieces and had to be held together with luck. Most of our instruments have broken keys or can’t be tuned or play certain notes. Henceforth...Santa...pay a visit to the Guitar Center.
    Second, I would gift this school a turf football field. It’s really sad watching our football team lose but watching them lose and then walk off the field covered in their own school’s mud is even worse. I genuinely don’t mean for that to be a rude statement or a joke at the football team’s expense. It’s embarrassing for the school as a whole because it shows that we can’t even keep up a small field. I truly believe that if we had better equipment for the team, they’d perform better.
    Third, I gift the entire student body tablets. These tablets would be programmed for the specific use of education. They would hold digital versions of all our textbooks so that we would never have to carry a textbook again (until college). Additionally, they would have virtual notepads and attachable keyboards so that we also didn’t have to carry around binders or notebooks. Nor would we need agenda books because these devices would have calendars built in that could also set reminders to force us to remember to turn in work on time. No more sore backs or arms from all our books, what could be better than that?
    Fourth, NO MORE SMARTBOARDS. Need I say more? If I do just ask any teacher that has had problems with one (meaning you could ask every teacher in the school...except Matlack of course).

  3. Part Two:
    Fifth, a nice face lift for the building itself. I think that a fresh coat of paint, especially in the vibrant blue and clean gray or black colors of our school, applied to our walls, would really make Oakcrest seem emotionally like a more vibrant place. Even if we didn’t get new lockers, since logistically I feel like if we got bigger lockers, we wouldn’t be able to fit enough for everyone in the school, at least pretty lockers would make a positive difference. Furthermore, I would give the school a lot more lighting. From going into other schools or just remembering what Davies was like, I realize that Oakcrest halls are really dim. Cleaner, brighter lighting would definitely improve the atmosphere of the school.
    Finally, I would give Oakcrest a comprehensive plan for improving the educational aspect of the school. What exactly that plan would entail, I couldn’t say since I know so little about how to get kids eager to learn and to get all types of teachers to become better at their jobs. Whether it is actual meaningful, effective training for teachers or programs for students designed specifically for that group of student’s needs. It may even be a combination of both and then some. I don’t know what exactly as I said, but if I actually could help this school in anyway I would. Oakcrest is great school and I wish that I could love coming here everyday, but some fundamentals just aren’t there, it’s these fundamentals that I want to give. I want Oakcrest to be not just a magnet school but the best school. If I ever make significant money in my life, Oakcrest is one place where I would spend it, and I hope that every other student of Oakcrest that goes on to be so successful feels the same.

    1. Tommi, I think your gift list for Oakcrest is thoughtful, but I don’t think that having tablets instead of textbooks is a good idea. I think many students wouldn’t benefit from the tablets because there are many students who get very distracted and wouldn’t get enough work done if there was an electronic device in their hands instead of a textbook. Because my bother goes to Davies, he gets a netbook and he really doesn’t use it as much as the school intended. I also think that having tablets is not a good idea because many students unfortunately don’t have an internet connection in their households and when technology fails, the whole world is in tumult. I think that you really didn’t see the whole student body because there are students outside of the AP world that aren’t as fortunate as us. To solve your problem about carrying so many books, I think that you should definitely start using your locker; it would save you a lot of energy.

    2. Tommi, my largest concern for getting every student in this school is our budget. I understand that grants and things of that nature can be worked out, but for some reason I feel as though our school is financially inferior to the schools around us. I would love to have a tablet that could take the place of all of my textbooks. Everyone's back need a break!

    3. I really appreciated the fact that you chose "presents" that were related to all aspects of the school. From the building, to the performing arts program, to our athletic departments, and to our education, you've found something to gift El Oako. I think my favorite was the "NO MORE SMART BOARDS" one. I loathe smart boards. We all thought they were cool and helpful at first, but that was before we finally had to use them. They are literally more annoying and troublesome than my two little brothers combined. I say we stick it old school with dry erase boards and chalkboards. I think without smart boards, teachers would finally be able to teach more rather than continuously fret over how to turn on the stupid thing. Santa, if you're reading this, please do us a favor and just take them away and don't bring them back.

    4. Tommi, I think that you have some of the most thoughtful, productive and well rounded components of any potential list that could grace Oakcrest. Your first point of getting new marching equipment and a turf field made me laugh because I have had similar experiences with the sports I play and can unfortunately relate. As far as the lighting goes, I never realized how dull the hallways were until your comment and I think it would be an effective way to lighten the tension and drab atmosphere of the school. I admire your ambition to make it a better place one day and I hope you succeed in whatever you do. Wonderful list!

    5. Tommi, I am short of words because you pointed out something so little people have never considered. The idea that most of our instruments are old and out of shape, is really disgraceful to the name of Oakcrest. However, it is to the best of our own interest to wish for a replacement. Coloring the school with the school colors brings out a lot of school spirit. This I believe would create the kind of atmosphere, students would be proud of their school. Nice job.

    6. I really liked that you gifted Oakcrest something for every aspect of our school. I honestly had no idea that the state of the marching band equipment was so terrible. I really don't think that the student body pays enough mind to the marching band, and that is a shame. You guys definitely deserve new instruments and equipment, that would be a great gift. In terms of the football field, I could not agree more. A turf field would be a worth while investment I believe and it would serve to give athletes a safe, nice-looking field to play on. A turf field would most likely increase the spirit of not only the football players but the fans too.

    7. I have friends in the marching band and I didn't even know the state of affairs was that bad. That just shows a testament to the spirit and willpower of the people that go here. You know if Gami had instruments that were even an iota off key, they would be pestering the school for new instruments, which they would instantly get, for whatever reason. But not only do we have inferior instruments, but we take those same bad instruments, and make a sound superior to their's, showing that you just can't buy superiority. But I do agree that the band needs a bit of financial stimulation, because if they had that, the sky would be the limit for them.

    8. I like how you thought to ask for tablets because textbooks can be a big hassle sometimes. Because when you really need it the thing is at home because you can't bring it to school at the sheer bigness of it. A tablet would make it a lot easier to reference the things you need to know that can only be found in a textbook. It is also a good idea because it will make all the things we do significantly more organized.

  4. I just wanted to start off by saying that I honestly love Oakcrest. Sure, we may not have the most architecturally beautiful school or five star lunches or even the best athletic fields (CAUSE ALL THE DISTRICTS MONEY GO TO CRAP CREEK AND GARBAGE GAMI), but I’d rather be known as a Falcon inhabiting the oldest, most run down and “weave infested floors” (as people like to say) than as a Brave or a Pirate. I love our school, the people who inhabit our school and just the overall spirit that lingers in every corner of our school. Oakcrest is so much more than just a “school,” it’s practically a second home. If it weren’t for the stress of tests and homework and grades and all that jazz, I think I’d actually love waking up at five in the morning, five days a week. I love Oakcrest so much that it honestly saddens me to hear rumors about the possibility of Oakcrest having to close. I think I’d be more upset over the fact that other students won’t be able to experience the wonderful things that come from Oakcrest as I have in these past three years. But there’s no room for pessimism! It’s Christmas season after all! With that being said, my Christmas list for the Falcons Nest is quite simple:
    1.) A new main entrance and 2.) Nicer classrooms
    Firstly, I would bestow upon Oakcrest a new main entrance. When I first started school at the Oak and my mom had to drop me off to take my ID pictures and my mom and I spent a good ten to fifteen minutes looking for the main entrance. It’s pathetic, I know, but it happened. I think with a more evident and profound main entrance more kids (and teachers for that matter) would actually enjoy having to go to school. I mean, have you seen Ocean City’s main entrance?! It’s beautiful, and yes, I know we don’t have the money for something as august, but it is a Christmas list and a girl can dream! We shouldn’t be hiding the doors of Oakcrest, better yet I think we should be showing it off. The front doors resemble those of an old hospital. Maybe a splash of royal blue and glitter and a big sign would do it justice, but that’s just my cup of tea.
    In addition, a need for nicer looking classrooms is also at the top of my list. Is it just me who wishes to spend the majority of my day in a more livelier and, for lack of a better word, prettier environment? The colors of the classrooms are a variation of pee yellow and booger green. It’s disgusting. If the colors were more bolder and the desks were a little less run down then maybe those kids who continuously slander the Oak would finally shut up (but who actually cares cause their opinions are irrelevant- just kidding! Oh wait, not really). The teachers are great, the students are on par, but how can we actually function without the proper tools and environment? It’s a personal opinion really, but I think it’s about time we’ve invested in “redecorating” the classrooms.
    Its been a long time since I’ve written a Christmas list and having to write one for El Oako was definitely interesting. I don’t think I’d change anything in our school other than physical attributes. The lunches are getting better, although I wish they still had fries every Tuesday and Thursday, and the teachers have always been nothing but supportive and enthusiastic. If I were to add a third item to this list, it’d probably be to change the attitude of some students in our school. Those who look past the physical qualities are the ones who see/experience everything El Oako has to offer. If anything, I wish I could bestow upon those pessimistic kids the ability to look past the dusty floors and grimy bathrooms, because if they did I know, without a doubt, that they would enjoy having to go to Oakcrest as much as I do. When I become rich and famous one day, the first thing I’d do is buy One Direction (yes I said it) and secondly, donate a large sum of money to the Falcons Nest. This school means a lot to me and I’d hate to see it in shambles. Screw Gami and Cedar Creek, Oakcrest is where it’s at.

    1. I really appreciate that you mentioned that you get upset listening about Oakcrest closing down because I really want my brother and sister to go to Oakcrest because it really is a good school with really awesome teachers. I think that your Christmas list makes a lot of sense because Oakcrest really needs a new look because there are rooms that look plain and dull and very dark. I think that a new entrance would add a little spunk to the first impression of new students.

    2. It's nice to hear someone that believes in Oakcrest as much as I do. As such is the case, I am also very glad to hear that when when we all become whatever our dreams depict, there will be other people who wish to donate to this school. The more I think about, the more I'm startled by the fact that there hasn't been a hugh donator to Oakcrest. If you think about it, Oakcrest has graduated thousands of kids, you would think that at least one of them came to be very wealthy. My question is where is that person, or those people? The only thing I don't agree with is buying One Direction haha...in a few years they are going to break apart anyway just like every other boy band, I'd focus your funds on the Oak.

    3. Of course my first comment would be yay for One Direction! But on a more serious not, I love your ideas. Oakcrest really is a great school with so many opportunities. But for its physical appearance sure it isn't the best. I think a new front entrance would make do just fine. It would add a little sparkle to the environment of our building. As for the classrooms yes that is for sure, I am not a huge fan of the colors of all the rooms, that needs to change. Falcon Pride All The Way!

    4. The possibility that Oakcrest could be dismissing it's students for the last time in the next couple of years truly saddens me. I wanted to come back and teach either English or psychology at Oakcrest. I wanted my children to go to Oakcrest. Oakcrest has become a crucial part of my life and I hate that I will one day have to say goodbye to it. I don't care how old our building is, facelifts can prolong the life of our school. I want this school to be around forever (which is obviously unrealistic). Who knows, maybe the tax payers will pull through in the end to help extend the life of our school...

    5. Paula, if there is one thing I cannot stand it is absolutely the way that people bash Oakcrest! Yea sure it has its ups and downs but what school doesn’t?! I really think the experiences we have there are unique and it is truly disconcerting to think of it potentially closing. It has so much to offer now but I think it will continue to get better over time. As far as your concern of the aesthetics of Oakcrest I absolutely agree it could stand for some renovation. The building of a school should be reflective of how wonderful its environment is. Great post!

    6. Paula I completely agree with you some things Oakcrest needs are some renovations, only to make the school more livelier. I really think this should happen because who wants to spend the majority of their time in a dull place.

    7. I also hate to hear people talk badly about Oakcrest, especially those who have no idea what they are talking about! The thought of Oakcrest possibly having to close in a few years is utterly disheartening to me. I love this school, and I would hate to know that so many kids missed out on the opportunity to experience all of the great things that we have over the past three years. Our building certainly is not reflective of the people inside, but it would be nice if that were the case! I think your idea of a renovated main lobby is a great one. The lobby is the first thing that people see when they come into our school, it would be nice if it looked a bit more lively and Oakcrest-y.

    8. I love how passionate you seem to be towards our school. Just like you, I want my sibling to go to Oakcrest because of the great times that I’ve had here, so I am glad that he’s going to be attending Oak next year. Before I even moved here, I heard of bad things about Oak, but truth is, your high school experience also depends on the group of people you hang around and how you involve yourself with school. I’m glad that you’re planning to donate to Oak if you get rich, but I don’t think you could really buy One Direction. Well, I hope that the little things that people don’t like about Oakcrest would be fixed and Oakcrest would become the school that people would wish and want to go to.

    9. I actually like the tablet idea! I think that kids will still take advantage of that though while the expenses would be high as well. I think our budgeting could go to other things but i think it's worth a shot! Great response by the way!

    10. I think the aesthetic additions would really be awesome (even if I'm a vintage kind of gal) just imagine oakcrest in a building like cedar creek! Wow. Your blog definitely but me in the whimsical Christmasy mood

    11. I really enjoy the idea of making Oakcrest look better. We don't have the nicest school, that's a given. But if we were able to spice up Oakcrest a bit we could easily be on par with other schools. People wouldn't have as much leverage over us because the aesthetics of our schools would match theirs. It would also just make Oakcrest look like a happier more welcoming place. That can never be overlooked

  5. Well, the thing that I would like Oakcrest to gain is something that very few people think about, but something that the drama club has talked amongst themselves wanting endlessly. A thing that would greatly benefit Oakcrest would be a Performing Arts Center. Although, it is wishful thinking, because the only way for us to have one, with the was the school is already built is to build one on some open ground in the school, which we do have, but we don't have nearly the funds to make one. Now you might be thinking "But Thomas! We already have one! It's right in the entrance!" and to that I say "Poppycock! What we have is an auditorium. Fit for the occasional guest speaker and barely able to pull out a quality concert, whether it be choir or band, and guarantees Oakcrest will have slightly above par at best sets, regardless of how much money the drama club makes. We have one dressing room, for both genders, and every single one of our costumes, meaning that we have to use classrooms for our changing, and go all the way down the first 300 wing hallway in order to get a drink of water or use the restroom, to the point where people have to go on stage dehydrated or desperately needing to use the restroom because they simply did not have the time to spare to do either. Gami has a two dressing rooms, a makeup room, and a bathroom, all soundproofed. Cedar Creek at the very least has two dressing rooms and a bathroom, as well as the most beautiful PAC out of all of the three schools, even if the stage is a tad small. Both have rather new sound systems, and microphones that actually work, as well as having professionals or at least vaguely qualified individuals come in to do their sound. While we have students running our sound system, with someone who not only has never taken a media class in his life, but is in straight classical classes running the sound backstage (not saying that that is a bad thing, but they could have found a more qualified person just sitting around in the audience.) Our arts programs are by far better than Gami and Cedar Creek's. Our Choir has had more people in all state than Gami has in all south jersey. Our band won nationals, just like theirs, only in a better division, and despite the significant lack of funding, and the crappy stage we get, we put on shows that are easily on par with Gami, and blow Cedar Creek's shows directly out of the water. What we need is to stop having the school pour money into our football team that has won 4 games in the last 2 years, and give some of it to the arts here, that go severely unnoticed. Instead of giving the football team outdoor locker rooms, how about you use some of that funding to give our arts programs a sound system that wasn't around when disco was still alive, or give us microphones that don't give off feedback when gently whispered into. Or at the very least, son't wait until the ending bell has already rung and everyone is in a frenzy to decide to remind people to come to see the concerts or shows. If our administration spent half of the time, effort, and money on our arts as it did for our godawful football team, our arts programs alone could bring this school back up to the reputation it so rightfully deserves. We easily have the most talented arts programs in the district, and if we gave them the same attention we gave our sports, we could have the best arts program in south jersey, possibly even the state. So what I would want Oakcrest to get, would be a new Performing Arts Center, but realistically, I'd just like Oakcrest to recognize the performing arts.

    1. Tom, I know I have said this before but I have never met someone so passionate about the Arts than you. I used to think that funding the arts was a waste, but after reading your response I am clearly wrong. It’s very disappointing that Gami has a better Performing Arts Center than us. I never knew that Oakcrest was far more superior to the other district schools at the performing arts. I totally agree with your argument, I honestly think that investing and funding our football team would probably be the worst thing to do. I honestly consider your gift to Oakcrest as one of the best possible investment there could be.

    2. Tom, I am sure you can already guess that I totally agree with your position on the performing arts center. I hear the choir sing or hear individual members and am amazed at their talent. Unfortunately, once they pick up one of our mics, their talent is automatically undermined by a poor quality system. You've started a fantasy in my mind about what the Oakcrest performing arts could become with this gift. I even have to agree with you about the football team. While I am not brave enough to put to words what you have said, I do agree. I don't understand why football is the only thing this school cares about, it's really frustrating as I am sure you know and I hope it changes one day.

    3. This blog was really well written with such a great voice. I think it was great that you brought this up because our performing arts are amazing! Yes so are our sports but I as well feel people don't give much interest in our performing arts, which is sad. The drama has put on so many amazing shows and they deserve a better area to practice. I hope one day this wish comes true!

    4. It actually bothers me just how much money the district spends on the two other schools and totally neglects Oakcrest. I 100% agree with you on the fact that our Performing Arts program is so much better than Absegami's and Cedar Creek. It's honestly so disappointing to see that Hess has a better auditorium than we do, yet they only use it to show the occasional movies and amateur Christmas shows done by elementary kids. Not to be mean or anything, but shouldn't those who posses more talent have the better equipment to do so? I've been to a few of Gami's and Creek's programs and it's safe to say that we display much much MUCH better plays and musicals. Our performing arts program is actually one of Oakcrest biggest success' and yet no recognition is given whatsoever. It's disheartening. I hope sooner or later, hopefully sooner, you guys get the recognition you guys deserve. Great job on yet another blog post!

    5. Alright honesty time, had this been 4 months ago I would've disagrees. I would've said that the way we spend money is completely fair. What I was ignorant of was the immense talent we have here in Oakcrest OTHER than sports that we completely neglect. After seeing firsthand just a few people perform, my perspective changed. The money has never been shared equally. While the soccer team gets new uniforms almost every other season and never has to fundraise, the arts suffers greatly and it's honestly a very big failure on the parts of many people. I would love to see Oakcrest become filled with life in the performing arts, the talent in Oakcrest is far from just varsity athletes.

    6. Tom I completely agree as I did for many of the other posts, but I did so because I believe that all these new features will make the school much better than it already is but better than our neighbor schools. This performing arts center is great because I know plenty of people that have such great talent that would fit perfectly in this area.

    7. As a part of the Performing Arts program in our school, even if it is just choir, I do wish that more money would be given to the Performing Arts program of our school. Our school is filled with amazing singers and has a successful band, yet they barely get any recognition. It’s disheartening to watch people’s performances get interrupted due to mic malfunctions that are due to the poor sound system that Oakcrest has. People might say that the arts do get recognition, but it’s really not as much as sports teams do, even if they do have a losing season. I mean I applaud the school’s support on our sports teams, but why do the arts never really get much support? I do hope that the Performing Arts program of our school does get better so great actors and singers, such as you could get recognized.

  6. I wouldn’t want to be a part of any other high school. I know our building isn’t the newest and brightest places to spend every day in or the fact that it gets a bit hot during the warmer months, but I wouldn’t go to another school if I had the choice. Falcons Nest is home and I absolutely love it! On that note I don’t have many things I would like to improve on our school due to the fact that this school has so many amazing opportunities to give to the students. We have so many great electives to choose from, a ton of different sports to be involved with and more clubs than I can even count. Though I do have two things I’d like to act to my Christmas list for El Oak! I started in the dance program last year just taking the dance class in place of my gym period, which by the way was such a great choice! We have an amazing teacher, and the recitals are so much fun! The only thing is I don’t believe we have the best area to practice. The dance room at the very end corner of the lonely 400 wing isn’t the largest of areas, and it gets very crowded with more than 15 dancers. Now being on the dance team, there are 25 of us dancing at a time which gets really difficult. On top of that, our mirrors are not real! If you poke them, they dent in or break, it’s not real glass! The other thing I would like to give to Oakcrest would be new bathrooms. Now being that we are only really allowed to use one bathroom I would wish they were nicer looking. Honestly, well at least for the girls’ bathrooms, they are really gross, and smell terrible. Not all the stall doors close for one, and the ceilings are really scary. The lighting is awful, and besides all that, the colors of the rooms are so ugly! My question is why brown? It’s just all around annoying to go into those bathrooms anymore. Now they did redo the bathrooms by the lunch room, which are a beautiful blue with automatic toilets and sinks. I wish our bathrooms that we use daily would be gifted with a remodeled area.

    1. I'm glad that someone brought up the bathrooms. I really did not even think of it while writing my own response, but after reading your response I am tempted to edit my own. The bathrooms at Oakcrest really are disgusting, there is no kind way to describe them. Especially now that we are limited to only one bathroom for the entire student body. Cleanliness is very important, and so is having stall doors that close and lock. Gifting Oakcrest renovated bathrooms was a great idea!

    2. I love how passionate you seem to be towards our school. Just like you, I want my sibling to go to Oakcrest because of the great times that I’ve had here, so I am glad that he’s going to be attending Oak next year. Before I even moved here, I heard of bad things about Oak, but truth is, your high school experience also depends on the group of people you hang around and how you involve yourself with school. I’m glad that you’re planning to donate to Oak if you get rich, but I don’t think you could really buy One Direction. Well, I hope that the little things that people don’t like about Oakcrest would be fixed and Oakcrest would become the school that people would wish and want to go to.

    3. At this point I thought that all the things wrong with the bathroom would be hopeless to talk about. But since Christmas is coming closer it wouldn’t do any harm to ask to redo one of the ugliest parts of the school. And I’m glad that I’m not the only one who thinks the ceiling is very creepy and scary.

    4. Thank you for reminding me about that! I almost forgot about the dance team. I had the chance to spend some time in the dance room this summer for a show I was in, and it definitely was not fun. It was stuffed with at least 20 people, and got unbearably hot rather quickly, and I also got very annoyed by the mirrors. The Gami and Creek people I did the show with were also completely amazed that we didn't even have real mirrors, because they thought that that would be a given, but sadly, nope. I wholeheartedly agree that the dance facilities should also get a revamp, because, although I have yet to see one of the dance concerts, I know for a fact how talented all of you guys are, and you deserve facilities to reflect that.

    5. For some reason, I have this preconceived notion that the girls' bathroom is like perfect. Nice to know it's as horrible as ours. (Or I suppose it is not nice to know). If they are going to limit us to one bathroom, it should at least be nice. #HumanRights

  7. Christmas has consistently been one of my favorite holidays since my most primitive memories. I am often comforted by the image of putting ornaments on the tree, listening to the Christmas station on Pandora and drinking eggnog. It’s the season where everyone seems to be a little nicer and finds a mutual spirit of good cheer. It also brings me back to the origin of the world’s greatest hope; a tiny baby sleeping tenderly in a manger bed. I think that’s what it is; the hope that Christmas brings which strikes a chord in me. It allows me to take a step back and despite of how chaotic my life may be, see the beautiful simplicities of life. In this I somehow am reassured that I’m not living mine in vain. I reflect on the most memorable components of it and more deeply appreciate the blessings that have graced me these past sixteen years. These blessings are what carry me through the turmoil and trials I face. I see the greater things that are sure to come and know that there is a purpose for me in such profound hope. That being said, the first and foremost gift I would like to bestow on Oakcrest for Christmas would be just that, hope. It is something so precious and fragile, even the gentlest hands can abuse its soft quality. Yet, those that are fragile when grasping it become immutable. Despite what we like to believe, we are young and naïve. There is much that we still have to learn and quite frankly we never will know everything. There will be people in our lives that try to belittle us and situations where we feel all is lost. However, despite of our fear, pain or sorrow we have the option to pick ourselves up and keep going. This doesn’t happen naturally as the body is weak. Rather, our willing spirit is there to remind us of the solid source of hope that we possess. Therefore, if I were able to give all in Oakcrest hope I know that they’d have the strength and the will to continue moving forward. It’d be able to see its greater purpose and strive for more than whatever predicament it currently finds itself in. If there was one other gift I could give to Oakcrest this Christmas season it would be confidence. I know this has been a difficult skill for me to acquire and is truly something I still struggle with now. The problem with many people, especially us insecure teens, is that we lack the confidence in ourselves to pursue our dreams. We deem them unattainable because there is “always someone better” but we never make the effort to try. It’s a shame that we sacrifice doing what we love on the account of what others may think or our fear of rejection. Therefore I would like others to see their potential, embrace it and put it into action. We are all so unique and beautiful yet are blind to the fact because of our neglected confidence. We need to start viewing ourselves as something more. Well, “that’s all I gotta say about that”.

    1. Francesca, I really liked your gift and think it is one that Oakcrest definitely needs. Even though this gift is nothing material it is very valuable and something everyone can value.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This was an awesome post. I agree that the best gift that any person, especially Oakcrestians can have is hope. We always get put down as the ghetto school, slowcrest (despite having better grades sat and ap scores that rich Gami), hocrest (despite Creek having bar none the most sexually promiscuous people I have ever encountered- not that there's something necessarily wrong with that, just saying that they should leave that one out of their arsenal), and brokecrest. It is because of the last one, and its actual sad truth that we need hope. We don't have the same funds that the other schools do. That is a given. But what we do have is heart, superior staff, students, and everything that makes a school enjoyable to go to, and at least makes up for the fact that I people almost get murdered by falling ceiling debris. What we need is to hope, and dream that we can stick it to those rich jerks, year after year, like we always do without fail, and that maybe, somebody will take notice and do something about the best school bar none being so badly ignored. Because over time, that will invariably become a reality.

    4. I like how you asked for traits for Oakcrest because that is something I ignored. When I thought about what to gift Oakcrest with the things I thought about were all tangible but a school without the things you asked for like confidence will always be lacking no matter what things we ask for.

    5. It was heartening to see somehow pursue the abstract in their gifts to Oakcrest. It requires a certain kind of overt morality which is awesome to see and certainly in tune with the Christmas spirit.

    6. I really like the approach you took towards this blog. Something as simple as a sense of hope would definitely change our school for the better. Our school has been running rough but strong for many years and I think that we all need this sense of hope that way Oakcrest can continue to carry on a legacy in a way. This school is filled with great things that outsiders just don't see.

  8. Last night my parents and I went to watch my sister’s basketball game at Linwood Middle School. And of course my first thought as I walked through the front doors of the building was “It’s really sad that a middle school makes Oakcrest look completely pathetic”. The walls were splashed with vibrant colors, the high ceilings and endless polished tiles made it seem massive. I peered in classroom windows and found sparkling new desks and lively bulletin boards. An increasing feeling of jealousy rose up inside of me; I envied this beautiful building that the Linwood kids get to attend every day. But then I stopped and asked myself this important question, are the aesthetics of a building truly a reflection of the quality of the people inside? Absolutely not. A school may have a pristine appearance but be filled with a student body and teaching staff that couldn’t even hold a candle to Oakcrest.
    And so the first gift on my list that I would bestow upon our school would be appreciation. I am utterly sick and tired of listening to people complain about Oakcrest for trivial reasons. And these complaints do not only come from the mouths of Oakcrest students, but random people that spot me sporting an Oak Soccer sweatshirt and feel the need to ask me if “it really is as bad as everyone says?” Well I would really like to know who “everyone” is that enjoys down talking Oakcrest so that we could have a little chat. Because before I entered this school on the first day of freshman year I had fallen ill to all of the horrible rumors also, but Oakcrest has completely proved me wrong. And I honestly do not think that enough of the students or teachers at Oakcrest appreciate it as greatly as they should. Of course I know just as well as everyone else that it gets pretty hot in the summer, the roof leaks, the lockers are just about big enough to accommodate a folder or two, and let’s face it this place is ancient. But while its fine to experience glimpses of disappoint with these aesthetic flaws, they are not reason to lose appreciation for our school entirely. We are so privileged to have a school like Oakcrest to attend every day, full of determined, driven students, wonderful teachers that are always willing to lend a hand, and an administrative team that does everything it can to make Oakcrest the great school that it is.
    I know that appreciation was a bit of an abstract gift, so here’s one that provides a bit more tangibility. In addition to appreciation, I would gift Oakcrest a fresh paint job. While I do love the Oak the way that it is, I firmly believe in the power of a positive environment spreading positivity to the people inside. As of now the colors on the walls of Oakcrest are dull and kind of depressing. Many of the classrooms have walls the color of certain bodily fluids, and most others don’t reflect anything about our school. I think a brush up of blue and white and gray would go a long way in lifting the spirit of everyone that walks into Oakcrest. If we really want to spread Oakcrest pride, walls that represent our school colors are one way to up the effort.
    I realize that most of us would love to gift Oakcrest a face lift. Air conditioning and a new roof would be fantastic, sure. Call me crazy, but I honestly think that dingy floors and water-stained ceilings are what make Oakcrest special. They give it character, or maybe that is just my way of tricking my mind into coping with it. I don’t really know, but what I do know is that I would rather go to Oakcrest every day exactly the way that it is than any other school.

    1. I agree with the notion that in order for the students and staff to feel better, we must make the appearance of the school facilitate that attitude. But at the same time I also get sentimental about the lovable dilapidation of the school. Though, I disagree on the overall effectiveness of our staff as a whole, I do admire the dedication of the few who manage to penetrate the morale of Oakcrest and make it a defining moment of our academic lives.

    2. I like the idea of a paint job, but why restrict ourselves to just school colors put me in charge and i could really lift the spirits of everyone with vibrant colors everywhere making it look like the school swallowed a rainbow!

  9. First I would like to say Christmas or the holidays are my favorite time of the year because it seems that everyone is in such a cheery mood, so it is hard to feel down around this time of the year. The thing I like most about this particular holiday is giving, as cliché as it sounds its true, this is because it feels so much better to give someone something that they truly would love and seeing the look on their face is a mix of appreciation, love, and happiness and this to me is the absolute best. Considering this post is about giving to not just our school but the place where we will grow up and spend/ have spent the majority of our time for four years of our lives, I am excited to answer. If I could give Oakcrest a gift I would give them a grant and this grant (in my dreams would be limitless) would go everywhere it could be used. There are so many things I can think of for this grant I could go on forever but I will narrow it down to three things sports, faculty, and the actual building.
    Sports, I believe there are more students that do sports than do not and we could use better equipment/ funds. Since I am in one of the hardest clubs in Oakcrest, crew which is not considered a sport here, I believe we could use more money for better equipment. It is one of the hardest things to know that we train so hard and are just as good maybe even better but the thing that is stopping us from winning or actually doing good where it matters is heartbreaking and most of you will not completely understand the actual feeling you now have an inkling of what it is like. Not only do I know that crew needs funds but I am sure that every other sport is in need of it too. We train everyday most days of the week, multiple hours a day, for months on end to do well and I believe that we could execute the plan to do well if we have the necessary elements.
    Next is the faculty, they are the people who devoted their lives to teaching, guiding us through the most important years of our lives. Now I am not a person that likes everyone at all but I can honestly say that I have never taken a disliking to any of the teachers I have encountered throughout my years at this school. In fact I generally like all of the staff, they are like a family away from home because to be honest I spend more time with my teachers than I do with my parents. Teachers are the people who create the new world, they are the ones educating the people who will become the new leaders of the world, doctors, businessmen, even the fast food employees, the world will not be able to turn if teachers aren’t there to guide them. Considering all of these things are true I think teachers are highly underrated and deserve much more than they get. With this grant I would give every faculty member a sufficient raise, and with this raise better benefits.
    Finally this grant would go towards the actual building because there are many touch ups the building could use. This school could be more defined and have a better nest. One thing I would add to the structure is a food court preferably with more healthier options than bad but they can still be there too for the days that we just don’t care and could use a burger and fries. The thing is though there are so many student athletes that need to fuel their bodies correctly and would perform much better if they did. This is one thing I would give Oakcrest because I think it would be truly helpful, but in the end our school is great the way it is but every gift each of us gives is fantastic and would make this school unstoppable.

    1. After reading your post I noticed I forgot to mention the faculty. You’re right that they are devoted to us so they can teach us and guide us. They deserve a lot too for all do for us. I only thought of the building Oakcrest and left out the faculty that runs the Great Oak.

    2. I like the fact that you gave the teachers a raise. I didn't even think about that which shows just how underrated teachers are because they do so much for us but we never think much about doing something for them in return. I also like that you mentioned the cafeteria food which I somehow neglected to mention but I'm sure I will when I encounter the green peanut butter or the extra greasy pizza.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Wow.. That was the most genuinely pleasant blog post I've ever read. I kind of feel mean now. But yes sports definitely need the money. We work too hard to fail because of improper equipment. It's ridiculous how much student-athletes have to put up with, and I almost died just having tennis until November. Crew is almost a two season sport. And it's not a sport. What? I'm sorry. And a food court would be so nice. Oh my goodness. With faster lines than the ones we actually have now. And vending machines that are always on! Ah. We need money.

  10. Part One:

    Dear Santa Claus,
    First I would like to start this letter by thanking you for getting me that bottle of perfume for Christmas last year. Seeing as it's almost empty, could you perhaps get me another one just like it? I've been an angel, I promise. And Santa Claus, could you do one more thing for me, pretty please with a cherry on top? Could you please work some of your Christmas magic on my high school? Santa, we are in dire need of dehumidifiers for each and every single classroom. My school also needs a student parking lot and a new paint job. Our school is the laughing-stock of our district. Santa, please give our school a face lift!
    I understand that carrying an AC in your sleigh is a bit much, however, dehumidifiers aren't that much of a hassle. Due to the fact that we do not have air conditioning at this school, our building tends to get extremely humid. The humidity is so intense that even our papers get soggy! The humidity levels are so high that I am 298% convinced that our swim team could swim through the air instead of having to walk to class. This is absolutely absurd. The humidity levels in our school are also unkind to those of us that happen to have oily skin. Dehumidifiers need to be placed in all of the classrooms and in all of the hallways in order to get this problem under control.
    The fact that we are not permitted to drive to school is also quite the blood boiler. While living in my old neighborhood, this issue was quite apparent (especially during my freshmen year). Everyone on my bus was crammed together like a sardines in a can! I didn't mind being stuffed into a seat seeing as I was relatively small my freshmen year, but I did feel sorry for one particular group of people (and I still do). That particular group of people happens to be muscular teenage boys. Seeing as these teenage boys are practically men, they are going to be on the tall end of the spectrum. On top of that, they are muscular. Their muscles make it so much more difficult for them to fit into a confined space than if they had a lanky build! In my first year of high school, this relatively attractive, MUSCULAR senior asked if he could sit in the three-seatter with me. Of course, I agreed (I couldn't just let my future husband just walk away from me). I slid over until I was right next to the window in order to allow him to have an adequate sitting space (or so I thought). When he was finally settled, I glanced to see how much room was left in the seat. Much to my surprise, there were only two inches preventing our bodies from touching. TWO WHOLE INCHES. (A few weeks later this same boy would find himself in an even worse situation. On that occasion, he was sitting with two other muscular boys). If the Oak had a student parking lot and if the Oak let the students drive, all of this could have been avoided!

  11. Part Two:
    Last, but most certainly not least: Oakcrest needs a serious paint job. The walls of our high school look like something out of a faded comic book. Everything is extremely drab (and this is coming from someone with zero fashion sense). Maybe this color scheme was all the rage during the 60s, but let's keep in mind that it is 2013! If the walls ever do get repainted, the new colors need to be attention grabbing! One corridor could be neon green and the other could be electric blue. We could even have a mural by the bathroom in the upper 300 wing! There is so much that can be done with our school other than shutting it down.
    Santa Claus, oh Santa Claus, when you swing by on the night of Christmas Eve, please make sure that every well-behaved girl and boy gets all that they wished for. Give Sally her Barbie doll and Jimmie his toy truck and give Fido a bone for not chasing you back up the chimney. Leave a new pair of shoes for the mothers and leave a new screwdriver for the fathers. After you are done catering to all of the little kids and their families, please stop by Oakcrest High School. Our school needs dehumidifiers since we don't have air conditioning. Our school needs a student parking lot so the buses won't be as crowded. Our school needs a new paint job so it will stop looking like it's stuck in the past. Santa Claus, our school needs more than just an ordinary miracle. Our school needs a Christmas miracle, and only you can help us with that. Stay safe and see you next year!

    1. Jasmine your blog made me smile and laugh out loud, especially at the part with the muscular seniors. But I didn’t really realize that you and many others have to be mushed together on the bus. It would be very nice of Santa to allow us to drive to school and park in a student parking lot. Also our school does need a fresh coat of paint all hands down. Hopefully your lovely letter will get Santa to visit our school!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Muscular Seniors HAHAHA! Parking would be amazing we all know. Let's work on making that parking lot bigger.

    4. Dear Jasmine,
      An excellent job presenting the shortcomings of our school. I agree with you since your ideas such as student parking lot, this I think is a great idea because students get to advance their knowledge in driving before they graduate.it could also be an alternative where students would be corrected in case they did something wrong like text driving. I also agree with you that our school needs an extra ordinary miracle.

    5. So, I was in the middle of doing chemistry homework when Taty told me to read your blog because it is fantastic, and I just have to say that it was totally worth my time. This is probably the most entertaining post I've read this year, and I feel like your personality really shines through in this post (especially in the part about the muscular senior). I also enjoyed that you set it up as if it was an actual letter to Santa Claus because I kind of miss writing letters to Santa and believing in him. Your letter was a nice flash to the past and much nicer than doing chemistry homework.

    6. Goshdarnit Jasmine I love this post. That's why I harassed Gabbie to read it until she did. Then I listened to her cackling over the Skype Call and almost lost all hearing. But I just enjoy you're writing so much. Ah. It's the only way I really feel like I hear from you anymore because we're always busy being such nerds. But anyway. A student parking lot didn't even occur to me. Oh goodness please this needs to happen. I hate the bus. So much. That's why I'm always slow in the morning and I get dropped off, and so far this year I already owe 6 hours of detentions and my dad $100 because I made (and lost) a bet. And I would enjoy an electric blue hallway! We should all write to Santa actually. Someone needs to get on this.

  12. The Oak, being the oldest school, has often gotten the short end of the stick on nearly all budgetary decisions. Oakcrest is due for its own Christmas present, to make up for years of neglect. While of course the first thing on everyone’s mind is rightfully air conditioning, I’ll leave the obvious off my Christmas list. The issue of air conditioning is being faithfully and hotly contested right now and for the first time, the political atmosphere seems conducive for actual change. Ergo, if Oakcrest is to remain open as a school, air conditioning is an inevitability. So, to discuss this would be a waste. Instead, I shall reveal the ultimate innovation in Oakcrest innovation.
    More bandwidth. Remember that week last year when all the students got access to the school's wifi? The school was crippled. Even without the burden of the student's use, the school's internet speed is nothing worth bragging about. In fact, it's entirely unreliable. In accordance with the ideals of pioneers in the field of education, the internet IS the future of education.
    Then of course, the real spirit gift that Oakcrest needs. A falcon. Like a real, flesh and blood Falcon. How many schools can claim to have a school pet like that? It's the only thing that can serve as a true testament to the spirit of Oakcrest. Of course, we need to get Falcon-handling courses for Mr. Money. We need someone to handle it. I've seen a significant downturn in school participation from historical trends from my various activities. A falcon is exactly what we need to energize the school again. I mean, come on -- it's a Falcon.
    Merry Christmas Oakcrest.

    1. You never seize the amaze the masses with your creative ideas. Bandwidth is a commonly overlooked issue and I’m glad you took the time to give it to the appropriate attention as it is integral to the progress of both students and teachers. Also, the inclusion of an actual falcon… is genius. Can we spray paint it blue? I think that would be cruel but maybe we can breed generations of them until a blue falcon is spontaneously born, and we can use synthetic selection to breed a whole family of blue falcons. It’s cool that we can actually train a falcon to come back to its caller so that we can let it loose at school events without fearing its escape into the wild.

    2. Well... I certainly never considered actually getting a falcon to inhabit the Falcon's Nest. But now that you mention it, this is obviously the ideal gift. What better way to strike fear and anxiety into the hearts of our rival schools then a live falcon? Imagine- we could unleash it at sports gatherings to show our superiority. Unleash it on members of the school board to intimidate them into making productive decisions. Or, if we dream big, unleash it on Chris Christie to convince us to give more funding to our school. A falcon is obviously the ideal solution to all our problems - I am truly enlightened now.

    3. This is such a creative and funny blog post! I would have never imagined the gift of a real falcon, but how awesome would that be?! Very nice job Neil!

    4. Your falcon idea is incredible but i say why stop with just one? Why not train a team of falcons and train them to carry Mr. Money through the sky at pep rallies and sporting events?

    5. A real falcon would definitely be something original. How many schools can say that they own a live version of their mascot? It would make a bold statement and it would probably spark controversy among our rivals. This wacky gift idea would definitely add excitement to the Oak atmosphere.

    6. Why don't we just get multiple falcons and come up a falcon squad? WAIT AND THEN WHEN ONE GOES MISSING MATLACK AND MR MONEY GO TO FIND IT, RAIDERS OF THE LOST FALCON HAS A PLOT NOW. Anyways, I enjoy your ideas. In financial lit our Internet slows down on almost a weekly basis causing us to lost class time that I could be using to not do my work for that class anyways. I never thought of bandwidth, I like it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oddly enough I share this love-hate relationship with Oakcrest High School. This school, of which I’ve been attending for almost three years now, has always rented a spot in my life. Not only did my older sister and brother attend Oakcrest but also my father. So becoming a student of the Great Oak was an inevitable part of my life. And every day I’m thankful for having the chance to experience all the wonderful things it has to offer. From the great education I receive to the activities I get to enjoy. I love Oakcrest.
    Although, me and Oakcrest have our bad days when loving Oakcrest would seem to be a faraway dream. For instance, when the day can’t seem to get any worse and a speck of Oakcrest dust gets into my eye. Instantly a horrible taste accumulates in my mouth when recall the fact that the following day I must return to the dreadful place. Or when I’ve “had it up to here” with school in general, and become so irritated of the Falcon’s nest I want to discriminate against all falcon related birds. On the other hand I do share moments with the school where my falcon pride deluges the pride I hold for my own country. It’s the moment where I realize that this school is basically my second home full of my peers that stand as my second family. Unfortunately it’s a home with no A/C and leaky roofs, but holds a welcoming aura similar to my personal home.
    If I were able to bestow a gift or two, to the school I’d give the following.
    1. A lot of Art!
    2. School Make-over (Extreme Edition)
    3. Technology (tech that actually works)
    Lately I’ve tried to figure out why the halls look so creepy and dreary. Well that’s because the walls are BLANK! How is this possible? We need some murals of kids holding hands in a colorful circle or something along those lines. Every morning I walk by huge blank walls, where I wish I could just run by and throw random buckets of paint on. Instead there are scattered posters that state stuff about “responsibility” or “determination” in black in white ink. Students won’t give boring pictures like that the time of day. Our school is brimming with personality so give it some artful touches that reflect the personality.
    Next, the school could use a day to the spa and get fixed up. A new paint job would be nice to freshen the outside up. Then a detailed clean on the inside, but the cleaning done by the students. Everyone is always complaining about that “stupid Oakcrest dust.” Well if we want to eliminate it, let’s get down to business and do it ourselves and the school a favor.
    Finally, my last gift would be the gift of new technology. I would love to ripe those ridiculous smartboards off the wall that are everything but smart. Then I would hand teachers a new laptop that flips into a tablet and a piece of chalk. And give the students their own personal tablet where textbooks and work would be stored. No more depending on the horribly problematic smartboards. Since after all the school deserves this much and more. I hope one day soon these gifts and morre can really be bestowed to Oakcrest.

    1. I didn't even think about gifting our school technology, but that's a really good idea! Sometimes I feel like Oakcrest is still stuck back in the '60s. I mean, I guess the distinction should be made that the school needs technology that actually works. The laptops the teachers have to use in this school can probably be counted as prehistoric relics- I think those deserve an upgrade, at least. I have a friend who lives in Austin who goes to one of those rich neighborhood schools and her entire school got iPads. For every single student. I'm not saying Oakcrest should make a leap like that but don't we at least deserve better versions of things we already have?

  15. Well, this blog is a challenge to me because of variety of reasons; I know my say on this topic might seem a little worthless, because I just transferred to this school. However, to me I would I appreciate anything Oakcrest has right now because my school in Africa (trust me) was worse than Oakcrest. People think Oakcrest has inadequate facilities and they are right but I think we should appreciate what we have now or we might lose everything including the absence of air condition (which might seem like a bad idea and it is but it makes Oakcrest, Oakcrest)
    Certainly, there are facilities in the school that I wish could be improved. Furthermore, besides Education I have developed a remarkable interest in Athletics. It might once again seem a little ridiculous but developing the football field, soccer field, track facilities, gym and the Athletic office et cetera.
    Not everyone has the academic excellence as most people in the school or it could be that one might need a sport in order to get a scholarship for college. Football field, a lot may say that comparison is wrong and people should focus on being themselves but it does not kill an ant if we look upon other schools facilities and ideas to develop our school. Oakcrest once again failed to qualify for the playoffs and I believe once the football field is developed and new gears are given to the players, the players would feel great playing in the jersey of Oakcrest. Think of this, how would you feel, if Oakcrest had a modernized football field? Think of how willing you would come to games regardless of the rain, snow or anything. How willing you would cheer the players, to a point where the ear drums would be broken and opponents would be depressed by the cheer. (This seem to be unpatriotic of me but it certainly improves the spectators that come to games.)
    Oakcrest and the swimming team would benefit a lot from a swimming pool. Despite, the fact that I am scared of the pool, I think students including me who are scared of the water would also be willing to try out swimming. According to health statistics, swimming is an excellent exercise people should be engaged in. The swimming team would agree with me on how Oakcrest does not have a swimming pool they could even practice in. May be next world best swimmer in years to come might come from Oakcrest.
    Finally, I think it would be awesome if the school had an internet radio aside our falcon TV. Why internet radio? It might seem absurd but think of the number of talent Oakcrest would introduce to America and the world at large. May be actors, singers, comedians and athletes could have the exposer they need to be successful. I believe Oakcrest would not only be for just academic excellence (which is very important) but for other talents because we are all different people with particular talents and depending on these facilities talents could be discovered.
    “You can move through life seeing nothing as a miracle, or seeing everything as a miracle. “Albert Einstein (1879-1955);Theoretical Physicist, Philosopher, Nobel Prize Winner, and I believe regardless of our shortcomings as a school once people have being able to graduate with scholarships or no scholarships, we can also graduate and call ourselves as Falcons.

    1. I love your idea of be glad for what we have. Thank you stav for keeping it simple and bringing back the basics

  16. The holidays are always about giving aren’t they?! When we talk about Oakcrest and giving back to it we automatically think about getting air conditioning. Why don’t we all suck it up and think outside the box. Oakcrest is a place we all know we get our education at and have great memories with our peers whether it is at a football game, pep rally or even in class. If I could give Oakcrest a gift I would give it more spirit! I would cover the walls with falcon pride and make sure that everywhere you turned you knew you were welcomed into the falcon nest. It doesn’t matter what color or size you are you are all falcons and are apart of our falcon nest. I always thought that it would cause the student body to come together more as a whole and create more unity within all grade levels and classes. I would also definitely have our bathrooms redone, they are a mess and plain ratchet. I also think that brighter walls would be awesome! Even if the colors are blue gray and white. I simple change is always good, it will give off a new vibe and make the interior of this school look nicer and more school spirited! Another gift I would give to Oakcrest that I am pretty sure people would love and bow down to me for is NEW FOOD! I would love to have new, FRESH food that has real life color to it finally satisfy the staff and students of Oakcrest High School. These are all thing that could benefit Oak but I feel like our teen center could use more things. Teen center is always there to help everyone in need and I feel like as much as I want a turf field I would rather have trips that will benefit peoples lives and even save one. Our school can be grateful for a lot of things that other schools don’t have but it wouldn’t hurt to get a couple gifts for an amazing school with awesome staff and students! I wish we could make Oak an even more amazing place than it already is. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

    1. This is so cheerful and so true! Love your idea about painting the walls!

    2. Dom you are right in that our school needs more spirit but I feel that our school already has a lot of spirit. I am always in class surrounded by the most enthusiastic people. So based on the experience I have to say that we already have a lot of spirit. But I will agree with the idea that we new to redecorate our walls, bathrooms, and the food. The walls could be brighter which can increases student’s mood and bring happiness throughout the school. The bathroom really needs improvement because of the broken stall, sinks, and toilet. Also opening all the bathrooms would be helpful. The foods could be better because I sometimes feel sick after the food. Overall great job on the blog.

  17. Where do I even begin? Well, let’s start off with me saying that I do love going to school at Oakcrest. Before I even went here, Oakcrest was a school with a sort of bad reputation. It also didn’t help that Oakcrest wasn’t exactly the most aesthetically pleasing school and isn’t always the easiest to find. They said that Oak was a school full of bad kids, but I thought to myself that my high school experience depended on the people that I surround myself with. I’m happy to say that I don’t regret my decision to go to Oak for high school.
    With all that being said, two things came up in my mind that I would want Oakcrest to have. One is for us to have more signs to where our entrances and athletic fields are. Another is to change the look of our bathrooms and classrooms.
    I want more signs and more lights placed around Oakcrest. I’ve asked many of my friends to come watch my choir concert, come to my tennis match or watch a football game with me, but there is always one big problem. My friends always seem to get lost and not find our entrances or the way to our athletic fields. One of my friends from Gami, whom I met from playing in an orchestra, was invited to come to a Board of Education meeting held at Oak because their marching band, which she’s a part of, was being recognized for winning Nationals. On their search for Oakcrest, she decided to call me because they had been driving around for a while, but could never seem to see where Oakcrest was. There’s barely any light surrounding it at night. There’s really no sign at all that says that we have to turn into another street before we see the entrance to Oak. There’s really only two signs, one on the Black Horse Pike and another on Harding Highway. There was also a time when I was on my way to a football game and someone came up to me and asked, “Where’s the football game? Is there a parking lot closer to it?” Our school needs more signs and lights to be able to be recognized as the great school that it is.
    Improving our bathrooms and classrooms would help the attitudes of the students and hopefully create a better learning environment. Changing the colors of our classrooms to brighter colors could keep the students from getting bored. The colors of our classrooms don’t help create a more fun environment of learning. Some teachers even say that we need to change the color of the paint that covers the classroom because it reminds them of puke. The environment that surrounds a student does affect their learning. The school’s bathrooms are also pretty pitiful compared to those around the area. There’s a stall that never has toilet paper, a stall that can’t be closed and a poor choice in the color of stalls. Some schools around the area have automatic toilets and sinks, why shouldn’t the Oak have that privilege too? Thankfully, work is slowly being done to improve the bathrooms as they did revamp the bathrooms by the cafeteria and changed the color of the stalls into blue, a school color. They also did put in automatic sinks and toilets. Through it all, little improvements won’t change the fact that Oakcrest is a great school and I love it no matter what.

    1. Ha... don't even get me started on the bathrooms of Oakcrest. But the mythical bathrooms of Oakcrest which seems to be surprisingly scarce these days because somebody up on high had the absolutely briliant idea to only keep one open. What is rotting away behind the closed doors of all the other deserted bathrooms of Oakcrest. Will I ever see there disgusting, grimy walls again? The future is looking grim. But yes, our bathrooms could certainly do with an overhaul. An overhaul to make them less disgusting. But our school seems content to keep them locked up which makes the few remaining bathrooms even worse. But when you said that they could be painted with happier, brighter colors, I think that's a really good idea for the entirety of the school. Sometimes I feel like I'm entering a prison when I'm walking into Oakcrest- the gray environment just gives off that air. Adding color to the walls of the school would really help.

  18. Christmas is a time of giving and I often consider what if one person, one really rich person decided to gift our school with something to make things better. There is a reason why so many have decided to forego going to Oakcrest and it’s not at the fault of the faculty or the students. It’s merely the fact that Oakcrest in the simplest terms is a fixer upper and it takes a special person to see through what is wrong with this school to what is right. So if I were to gift Oakcrest the improvements I make will make it a little easier to see what’s right with this school instead of what’s wrong.
    The skeleton of Oakcrest is great in the inside you have some great students that do well on AP tests, SATs and an astounding amount of school spirit but, on the outside it resembles quite the contrary. Our building is over fifty years old and it looks that way too so what I really think this school is a face lift. I would give the school a new coat of paint that isn’t peeling and floors that don’t seem to attract this dirt. The amount of Oakcrest grime that coats my book bag in one day in The Falcon’s nest would make one think no one ever mops the floors which they do. In addition, I would like to see Oakcrest with some working clocks the fact that in most classes the time is never correct is beyond irritating. The next thing to complete the facelift is some new lights, I like scary movies as much as the next person but, flickering lights do not fit a classroom unless it’s Friday the Thirteenth. The final thing I propose to complete this face lift is a new auditorium. Oakcrest has a great arts program and I believe that the auditorium we have doesn’t give people an atmosphere that really does it justice.
    The next thing has everything to with marching band. For one thing, we need new instruments because my baritone resembles a mellophone, is being held together with duct tape and has a mouthpiece that has become a permanent resident on the instrument, to put it simply the darn thing does not come off (eww). The next is new paint for the parking lot while ours gets the job done it’s also bears more confusion than necessary. The last thing I would add on the behalf of marching band is a turf field because ours sucks. Once it’s half time and the band takes the field it is less like a field and more like a mud pit.
    The final thing I add is purely for me and my own self-interest which is new equipment for the crew team. One thing we need and I hate to admit this is new ergs because the one’s we have now always seem to bear a problem as if having to use the things isn’t problem enough. The next is new boat and oars because using an old boat is hellacious because it’s heavier, slower, and it just brings forth an all-around sucky experience. The last thing is an erg room that doesn’t make want to die because after twenty minutes on the erg in that room it’s like I’m rowing in a sauna. These things are all things I think we can be proud of and that will allow people to look at Oakcrest with a different outlook.

  19. Oakcrest is certainly a school that could use... improvements, to say the least. Certainly I'm glad to be getting an education but Oakcrest isn't one of those rich white neighborhood public schools and it's suffered for that. So it's not very hard to come up with a list of improvements to gift to the school. The first thing that comes to mind as I sit here desperately trying to finish this blog and get to sleep on time is that school would start later. This would mostly be a gift for tired, overworked students who have to mentally battle in order to convince themselves that dragging their body out of bed at six in the morning is really worth it. Even if school started at eight, even that extra hour would do wonders. Teenagers need a lot of sleep and we certainly aren't getting it. I also know there are some classes I wish we had in this school that will probably never be added. In Lang class we were discussing how cool a philosophy class would be, and I would take that class in a heartbeat- if it was an elective. Our school could also benefit from offering a wider selection of history classes- if I'm going to be completely honest, I found American history incredibly boring and would rather learn about the history of other regions or the world. Sadly, the American education system seems to think learning about the history and cultures of others is a useless waste of time so I'm stuck in APUSH- wait, excuse me, I meant Cervi's AP Coin Club. I just wish there were a wider variety of classes offered in Oakcrest period, but that would probably require money we don't have. Of course the best gift this school could receive is money and funding because that would be essential to any sort of improvement made. All the improvements I would like to see in this school would cost a fortune. This school could certainly use an aesthetic upgrade- I mean, it was built over 50 years ago and it's starting to show. But at this point that would just involve building an entirely new building. I guess, when I get down to it, the thing I would gift Oakcrest is a makeover. Just completely change it. There are some good things in this school but honestly everything could be improved. Maybe we can just call in one of those home makeover reality TV show stars to help us along. I don’t want to sound that I’m not grateful for this school but… everyone could use some improvement. Even Oakcrest. Especially Oakcrest.

    1. I agree with you completely on expanding the number of available at Oakcrest. I believe that expanding such opportunities is an investment in not only the students but in grants and prestige as well. We could very well attract more over-achievers and in the long run, raise the standard right here at the Oak. But hey! AP Coin Club is just a synonym for AP Study Hall so be grateful for that.

    2. I completely agree with you that they should have school start later. None of us are getting enough sleep and an hour more of sleep would benefit us all greatly. It would give us the motivation and drive to go to school. Also I think everyone would benefit in some different electives like you said. Some students love certain subjects but they don’t offer them at Oakcrest and that really sucks for those kids that want to learn and talk about the things they love with others.

    3. If they won't grant us with an extra hour of sleep, they should at least give us nap time so that I'm not falling asleep Cervi's class. How do you propose a class to the school board? I would love to have a philosophy class. We should ask Costal about it. We probably wouldn't be able to take the philosophy class next year, but maybe the classes following us would be able to take it.

  20. Well, for someone who doesn’t enjoy the system of schools in general, it’s difficult to keep this from going to a blueprint of an entirely different school. I guess the first thing I’d change, while still maintaining the relative system of Oakcrest, would be the hours we were in school. I say we start later in the morning around 10 and go to school until 5:00. Sports would run from 7am-8:30am. I think that’s perfect! More time in school which equals less homework, more knowledge, adequate sleep. Also the prevention of over indulging on after school snacks since we’d get out around dinner time and early exercise; the best way to start your morning! On top of that, extracurricular activities wouldn’t interfere with school. That would be my biggest wish. I also would enjoy better cafeteria food, we’re growing hungry kids! We deserve better. I also think everyone deserves a study hall. Just some time to relax and catch up. Some people are just working too hard and they could use it. I also wish for “groove buses”. Picture it; a bus, all the seats taken away, shag carpet on the floor and BEANBAGS FOR SEATS. It is the ultimate lounge. That would just be awesome. I find this way better than awkward crammed seats that are horrible for socializing; they’re so secretive with their enormously tall backs. Lastly, I wish upon Oakcrest some gosh darned spirit! Be proud you go to such an amazing school; the people here are amazing, accepting and extremely passionate. Just because it’s an old school doesn’t mean it can’t learn new tricks, although sometimes a classic can’t be beat. If you, my dear Santa Falcon, could lay your magic eggs and make this come true, it would be the raddest, baddest Christmas ever and make some special students very happy. And adequately rested.

    1. Ahh! I love this Danielle! Especially how you said the groove buses! I could agree more!

    2. Your ideas for switching of school hours are perfect! But we need to add to the groove buses! Ceilings made of glass so we can always see the sun snack pockets and optional tea dispensers to calm the nerves after studying are only a few of the possibilities!

    3. This new time schedule would be a great change up to our daily school life. I love the sound of more knowledge and I absolutely love the sound of less homework and more sleep. Overall, all of your gift ideas seem like the perfect way to eliminate the overwhelming stress we often get out of school in general. I am all up for a stress-free high school experience.

    4. Wow Danielle I really enjoy your happy and joyful personality. You are right I read somewhere that the brain doesn’t fully function until after 10:00 am and by start school that way students wont be tired and stressed out. I agree with Emily on the concept of a stress free high school experience, which is something, we all need. But wow that is a very powerful imagination and I am jealous of it. Danielle great job on the blog.

    5. This post made me realize that you are so retro, and I absolutely love it. I mean, I'm not exactly the social butterfly on my bus of strangers, but if we could do that for 12th period Lang, I would be more than ecstatic. I still can't really wrap my brain around the logic of starting school at such an early time. I need at least 3 hours to be fully awake and functioning properly.

  21. Part One:
    Referring to Oakcrest as the “Falcon’s Nest” has always been a somewhat fitting metaphor in my eyes. When I think of a nest, I think of an apparatus that is not exactly pleasing to the senses. A nest is a conglomerate of sticks (and leaves and bark and so on) haphazardly thrown adjacent to one another only to be constructed and unified out of spit and fecal matter. In addition, when young falcons come of age, they are thrown into the world with little preparation of what is in front of them or even how to function within it. Unfortunately, some falcons never learn how to fly. They hit the ground and are left there to die and are feasted upon by other animals and are compressed by the force of a Chevy Silverado running over them and shoveled into woods once there is nothing left but bones. Maybe if they’re lucky, some Native American or Grateful Dead concert goer will pray over their dead bodies, but that’s the best treatment they’ll get. Unless, of course, that Native American happens to be of the Absegami tribe. One should not forget the great war they waged against the oh so common radioactive blue falcons of South Jersey in 1640, but I digress. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Oakcrest with every fiber of my being. This school is my life for about 18 to sometimes 23 or 24 hours a day in all reality. So hating Oakcrest would be practically be like hating myself, but I suppose teenagers tend to hate themselves enough already. However, I do not allow my love of something to make me blind to its flaws. But in all reality, I wouldn’t pick on it if I didn’t love it so much.
    There is no doubt that Oakcrest needs an Extreme Makeover School Edition. Everything from basic plumbing to locker restoration to things I can’t really think of because I’m not Martha Stewart. But I believe in the simple principle that if the building looks good, we will feel better about ourselves in terms of confidence and pride. New York City tried in the 1990’s (it was partially referred to in the “What Pitbulls Can Teach Us About Profiling” essay) and improvements were seen in income and initiative and overall happiness. Not that Oakcrest is totally analogous and relatable to New York City, but if you ask any Maslowian or Carl Rogers-like figure, I assure you that they will endorse this notion wholeheartedly in almost any scenario. If success really begins in the classroom then we should make it so that the classroom doesn’t look an apartment you live in when you sell dream catchers made out of dental floss on Ebay for a living. I am no interior decorator but Cedar Creek seems content with the fact that their school looks like its wearing a giant pair of green sanuks. So why not model that approach? A general grant to refurbish the school into the twenty first century would be a great gift to the Oak.
    A great gift to our best and brightest would include a wider variety of classes (especially AP curricula) including preparation for standardized tests such as the SATs and ACTs. Relatively important and interesting AP classes such a World History, Computer Science, and Environmental Science are missing from Oakcrest’s roster of classes. Though I’m not a fan of how grade inflation makes it so that your A or B doesn’t guarantee a passing exam, expanding opportunities is always a great way to motivate students. I believe this combined with classes or programs that help streamline other important tools of AP nerds can only be viewed as an investment that will help strengthen the reputation of Oakcrest and attract grant money. If only we had a grant from Santa Falcon to help bring those classes to the Nest, we could really help Oakcrest to enhance its academia.

  22. Part Two:

    And for the sake of getting Mr. Money’s falcon foot lodged in my falcon rear end, I must go on record by saying that much of our faculty is in need of an audit. Plain and simple. I will not go into specific complaints for my own sake, but I only want this to ensure that our students are getting the best possible education. Between personal indoctrination, an inability to serve students in critical areas such as extra time for help, and a fascist bathroom system… what can possibly go wrong? These things serve as the many of the distractions that students face on a daily basis. Notice that they do not include the well known talking points and excuses such as cell phones and social lives. Of course, not every staff member is incompetent; many of them are very professional. And I’m not for firing people either; I’m just for making them better at their jobs. But I find it interesting that the buck always stops with the students. And before Oakcrest nationalists flood the hallways, pin me down, and accuse me of hating our nonexistent freedom, I have to ask one question: “Do you guys have a pass?” If we can meticulously manage the hallways, we can meticulously manage the classroom. However, we just don’t. There is a blatant priority issue that exists among the staff. A remedy to this would essentially correct most of our problems in itself.
    I failed to leave out earlier that a nest is also a place of youth, warmth, and family.
    Oakcrest’s greatest asset is its incredible sense of community. We can complain about the relative unattractiveness of our environment and the uncertainty of the world beyond it. But no matter how far a falcon might fly away from the nest, the tender memories of our youth will always give us the will power to venture farther and fly higher. It’s hard to wholeheartedly complain about this school and ask to change it because I know I wouldn’t change any experience I’ve ever had here at Oakcrest High School.

    1. Dearest Wig, I may be in love with your post. I may have said that before.. But whatever. Sorry I creep on your blogs so much, but I already told you how well done this was. Obviously I enjoyed the deep metaphors on the Falcon Nest and Gami and so on, and I agree with you on most points made but I do have one question and I hate to say this in case it wasn't what you were thinking of (though I doubt it) ... Will you ever not be made about the Fresne-pass thing? Sigh. And well honestly I've always been impressed by the amount of APs and stuff we already offer, and maybe it's wrong for me to think that too but I'm not sure we could fit anymore. But yea. I agree. Oak is cool.
      Also. I'm buying you a Santa Falcon for Christmas.

  23. It takes a lot of people to run Oakcrest High School. Not just Mr. money, or Dr. Chicarello, but the staff and also the students. Here at Oakcrest the students play a big role in making the school a better place. All of you may not know it, but you all contribute a great deal. This year I would like to give Oakcrest something not everyone has to make the school a better place. Something that we could really use in every hallway and every classroom. I want to give Oakcrest the gift of pride. If our whole school took pride in the way we reflect off of our school name, Oakcrest would be so much more pleasant. If we took pride in our school and respected it the way we respect our new Mac laptop, or the new nike air maxes, our school would be the place to come. Why is it that everyone is shying away from our school? Why are the incoming freshman wanting to go to Cedar Creek? They're not better than us, none of the GEHRSD students can compare to Oakcrest's student body. We just need the pride and dedication. I'm not saying every student in the whole school, because more then sixty percent of us already have it, but we need the other forty to jump on the band wagon. We need to be the change that we want to see. As long as I've been at Oakcrest, that's all I've ever wanted to see in my high school. The level of respect in which students treat teachers is rediculous. The way the students just throw trash all over the school sickens me to no end. If we just took a little bit of pride in our school, gum wouldn't be stuck on the bottoms of desks or chairs, a "hot or not" list wouldn't be inscribed in the girls bathroom, better yet the signs that dedicated hard working students took their time to make wouldn't be destroyed In the hallways. Giving the gift of pride to Oakcrest this holiday season would make 1876 Dr. Dennis Foreman Drive a whole lot better. Imagine walking in clean hallways, or even accidentally sticking your hand underneath your seat and feeling no ones abc gum. Oakcrest has the top notch kids, now we have to take their dedication to school work and add in pride of coming to school and keeping it awesome. After all, we spend five out of seven of our days here close to seven and a half hours a day, for 180 days. That's a long time. Take pride in everything you do, but take more pride in the place that is going to assist you for the rest of your life. Merry Christmas!

  24. I thought long and hard about something I would like to give Oakcrest for the holidays. Of course many materialistic things came to mind, new books, computers that actually work, new printers, new bathrooms, really anything you can think of. But I didn’t want to write about a specific thing you can hold, if I were to give something to Oakcrest for the holidays I would want to give motivation. I’m not sure exactly how I would do this but I think our school lacks motivation. Of course the less advanced kids need motivation. None of them seem to care about their grades and they honestly have no motivation to get up in the morning. Many of these kids won’t go to college and won’t be successful and I don’t want that. I want everyone to be successful in life. I think it would be amazing if everyone got really good grades and tried really hard to maintain an A average. How cool would it be to say that every person that graduates from Oakcrest this year goes to college? Every single person. I think that would be really amazing, and we could brag about our school to all the other schools. (like Gami) If every single person in Oakcrest was motivated it would make our school ten times better. Student’s would get to class on time and not wonder in the hallway to get yelled at. There would never be another fight again. No one would fail. No teachers would have to yell at students for not doing their work. No kids would be sleeping in class. Everyone would be quiet and working hard! That sounds like a dream come true.
    Today as I was sitting in the gym listening to the guidance counselors talk about the PSAT’s and so many students were on their phones or talking to their friends. If these students were actually motivated and listened and really tried to get a good score it would make everything easier, and it would make everyone happy. Not only do the less advanced students need motivation but we AP kids also need motivation. I myself need motivation. It’s getting harder and harder to keep up on the work we have and many students are just giving up. Sometimes I just go to sleep and don’t finish some of my homework. I think that with the holidays coming up we could all use some motivation to get through all our work. So for the holidays I would like to give Oakcrest motivation and I’m going to start here, you can do it AP Lang students! I believe in you guys to do the best you can, keep working hard, it will all pay off soon. 

    1. I definitely agree with the motivation. It's hard to keep up with the motivation to do the work. Defiantly something I'd want lol

  25. I really love Oakcrest, it may not be very obvious because I am not very vocal about it but I really do love our school. Because of this I don’t really see anything that needs to change or be made better. Yeah the school looks a little old but I like that, the building has character that no new fancy school could ever have. Maybe it gets a little hot but that’s nothing we cannot handle and sure it would be lovely to receive some funding every once and awhile but we still manage despite that so those are things we don’t exactly need. So this leaves me with the question, what gift does the Oak NEED. I could only think of one thing, we need a better reputation.
    If I could give our school anything it would be a better reputation because we get so much crap for no reason. Slowcrest and Hocrest are just a few of our lovely nicknames but why do we get called these things? We are really a nice school, for the most part the students are cool and it’s not like we have a low graduation rate! Oakcrest produces smart kids and we really have some great people that go here but still we get mocked by the other schools just because our things aren’t as new and shiny. If we could just be given a better reputation we would shine and people would appreciate our old but full of life school for the wonderful place it is!
    Merry Christmas Oakcrest, you’ll always be the best high school in my book.
    Oh yeah and a useful guidance department would be a groovy gift too.

  26. Despite our bad reputation, we have a marvelous school that doesn’t seem to be getting enough praise. Oakcrest is filled with many bright students, outstanding teachers, and just generally great amounts of positive energy. This school has been running strong for more than 50 years despite it’s physical flaws. Since it’s Christmas time, I think the school is well deserving of some holiday gifts.
    Even though aesthetic makeovers shouldn’t be important, it seems to be something that everyone looks for in an “exceptional school.” We have lost so many potential students due to our newer, nicer-looking rival known as Cedar Creek. I’d hate to resort to beautifying Oakcrest in order to convince others that we’re better but in all honesty, we need to step up our game. The aesthetics of our school seems to be the most glaring flaw according to the general public so I would love to give Oak an extreme makeover. By the looks of it, our school hasn’t had a major renovation in decades. By making our school more appealing to the eyes, we instantly change up the atmosphere in a positive way which will also help brighten up the general moods of our students. Physical attributes have an impact on all of us and Oak would definitely benefit from an extreme renovation. Our school deserves top notch embellishments in all areas, from classrooms to bathrooms. If you ever took the time to walk around and analyze the physical features of Oak, you will notice that the run-down, old halls give you a strange sense of sadness. The dreary atmosphere doesn’t accurately represent the wonderful things that our students and staff have to offer. So, yes, maybe a major renovation is just what we need to revive the falcon pride. Polished floors, hygienic bathrooms, bright classrooms, and anything aesthetic improvement you could ever imagine would be the perfect gift for Oak.
    Besides gifts benefiting the physical features of our school, I think Oak should be provided with more classes of variation, which would cater to our diverse student body. The recent installment of a magnet program is a great start towards a path of class varieties. Every student within our school is talented in some way, shape, or form. The majority of our students haven’t even discovered their true passion yet. Oakcrest should be provided with more classes that apply to all different types of subject areas from classes about international affairs to classes about fashion designing. We may not be able to get classes that appeal to everyone but a wider variety of programs would definitely give students a more positive outlook on their high school experience in general. We want students to wake up everyday and look forward to attending the classes that are appealing to their interests. By having this at our school, the overall impression of Oak would definitely become more positive. Signs of high motivation levels among our student body would be obviously present.
    Speaking of motivation, this is the last gift I would bestow upon Oak. Our school needs to have an atmosphere that inspires students in general to become more motivated. Whether it be motivation towards academics, arts, athletics, you name it. It would be so satisfying to see a large group of students eager to achieve a wide range of goals. If Oak had a better sense of motivation, I believe that we would be able to rise to the top and become a school of high supremacy. We already have so many potentially successful students so all we need to do is spark that flame of motivation within them and watch in awe as everyone suddenly becomes a firework beaming with passion and enthusiasm. I know this all sounds corny and a bit ridiculous but this is mainly what I wish upon the Falcon’s nest. Even after all the criticisms and hate that our school has gotten, we still stand strong and true. Oakcrest has earned way more than it has received and I believe that our school deserves the best of the best.


  27. Honestly this was a bit of a tough blog for me, at first I wanted to write that we should get a turf soccer field because our fields are old and rundown. Then I thought, Christmas isn't about just what I want, it's about everyone. Getting a new field would better soccer players and that's it. So I started to ponder about what we could add to help everyone in the school and I came up with this: a larger teen center with a larger staff. I figured, at some point every high schooler needs someone to talk to. They need a responsible adult who they can confide in where things are going wrong at home. They need a helping hand when they are stressed about their grades. They need someone who knows how to listen and offer advice. There's a large misconception about the teen center. People believe that they are a place where those "trouble" kids go. I'll admit that even I believed that until I wrote a story on what the teen center really was. It's not a place for "bad" kids, it's a place that people go to for help. They are there to help any student with any problem. Some people just don't feel comfortable talking to their parents, myself included. Sometimes they need a therapist but therapists are expensive. The teen center has a free therapist you can go to just to talk. They have people who can help you with relationships troubles, school troubles and even your home life. I know at some point in every students high school career, they feel like they are alone and lost. This doesn't have to be. I hate when people feel like that but I can't help them as much as the teen center. The problem is there's a lot of kids and a small staff. So I want a bigger teen center that connects to the school, a much larger staff so more kids can get the help they need. Maybe after that happens, Oakcrest will become a better place for everyone and we won't have the bad reputation anymore. Absegami doesn't have a teen center. We can become the high that parents can trust that no matter what, their child has someone to help them through it. That would help everyone. That's what I want.

    1. Dan you are right the holiday shouldn’t be for selfish reason it should be the greater good. I am sure having a great soccer field would have been a great idea but a safe environment would students are able to learn and parent trust is even better. I am always stress out and I have my own ways of dealing with it but other people don’t have it like that. They way have worse stress than me and by having a place like the teen center they are able to learn to deal with it. Dan you are absolutely right I mean there are probably dozens of student who have issues and cant talk about it because of the small staff and I agree that by helping these students it will be a step to creating a safe environment. So Dan great job on the blog.

  28. It is finally the time of the year where the days are shrinking, snow is falling and Christmas joy is rising. But most importantly presents are being distributed. The gift that I would very much loves to give to Oakcrest high school is a physical change. This change would consist of re painting of the walls from a deep worn out mud brown to Oakcrest falcon blue, grey, and white. Improving all the bathrooms in the school or just even opening all the bathrooms would be a huge first step to fixing the bathroom problems because I am really sure it is a health violation to only open two bathrooms through the whole school. I would also like to increase the size of my locker because it is very small and cramped. I shouldn’t have to fight my way through hordes of bystander just idling chitchatting just to get to my locker. Even if I get there I couldn’t even fit my books and jacket into my locker. Even though the school needs helps physically I would rather give the school another gift. I could really care least about the school because I did not come to school for comfort but only for education. But many people don’t see it that way because they put comfort in front of education. I would want to help increase motivation in students and help improve grades. I would want the school to have more class that prepare students for taking the SAT or even taking state test in general because I am sure many people are not good test takers. I would want whatever can improve grades and test scores while making sure students are actually learning. If making class start later helps students learn or by even redecorating the wall of the school help increase student’s education then by all mean make those changes. My gift would be whatever it takes to help students learn and improve their grades even if we have to change the whole school. I like our school because of the school spirit , the people that I am surrounded by and the fact that my teachers actually care about my grade and myself in general. I will admit however our school does have some physical problem but as long as the education is great I will have no problem. Which is why I would give the school anything that would help improve grades and motivation in learning.

  29. Oakcrest is not a place of cleanliness, order, or sophistication. Any notions of subtlety or sometimes logic and common sense are also hard to come by; however like most on this blog, I love it just the same for reasons an outsider would never understand. It is damn ratchet, and at the same time the quintessence of beauty in my eyes. Make note, without my glasses I could rank as legally blind, but thank goodness I have them. They allow me to totally take in everything this decrepit building consists of and all its brilliance.
    Going off on that, despite my overflowing love, I did make a joke this morning about buying our school those nice little robot vacuum cleaners. This is both because the Oakdust permanently chalked a dress I had to turn in, and because they’re cool looking. It’s not to say that I have no faith in the janitorial staff, but it is a little bothersome that the same dirt and skin cells of our ancestors have been here since Oak’s founding. Occasionally while in gym I’ll forget where I am and decide I want to lay on the floor for a minute because Petty is no speed demon, and when I do I’m immediately scolded like a child and told of the many cancers I’ll soon contract because my back touched the ground.
    We know we need money. We’re not incredibly well off, and we’re reminded of that often. All the same we manage pretty well. But there are small things we could use that would change depending on who was asked. For example, dear Tinsley needs a new piano or he’ll lose his mind. It’s not as if it’s something he’ll never use. He’s a music teacher. So I wish for one of those for him. Kennedy has a broken smart board, and all Latin kids are robbed of the joys of writing their own notes on semi-deponents and Harry Potter, so one of those would be nice too. And goodness gracious. If possible. Someone needs to find something out there in the universe that will automatically refill empty toilet paper containers. As goes the stereotype, girls are really slow at going to the bathroom. For no reason. So every stall counts, and when certain ones become unusable, or incredibly awkward to use because there’s no life-saving tissue around, it’s more than inconvenient. Asking a random stranger to give you something that will a second later touch your delicate parts is a little unpleasant.
    At the same time I’ve never really thought our school was that ugly, but I seem to be the only one that thinks that. I will say that the giant photos of the top 10 that just graduated made me a little nervous at first, but I guess I’m used to them now. I do sort of like how each teacher has their own decorations and how all those little display cases just pop up out of nowhere, even if the things inside them are ridiculously outdated. But maybe having them be updated more often would be nice. All the trophies and flyers and colorful mess of our school just make it seem more real and endearing to me.
    Oakcrest was nothing of my expectations, because it is exactly like every TV show about high school in all the ways it probably shouldn’t be. It’s kind of funny to think about exactly how many times I’ve heard the sentence “It’s not high school. It’s a TV show about high school.” just because we’re so… unprecedented. That may seem like a conceited thought but the Oak is all we know, and all its peculiarities are what make it great. We have issues but whatever. I like us.

  30. Dearest Santa,

    My mom always told me that I should start my letters to you with a thank you, so thank you very much for giving me all of the presents that you have given me over the past couple of years. I still have the socks that you gave me one year, and surprisingly, they still fit! Elves make pretty good quality socks, so thank you and your elves and I’ll make sure to leave some of my cherry winged cookies out for you this year along with some carrots for the reindeer and I bag of cookies for you to share with the elves and Mrs. Claus...Don’t be greedy. Billions of people are giving you cookies.
    This year, I’m not going to ask you to give anything to me specifically, but to my school. As you know, I am a member of the drama club at Oakcrest. Unfortunately, the school doesn’t fund the drama club at all, and we struggle to scrounge up enough cash from our one fundraising event (Cabaret Night) and ads for the ad book. I would love to have a lot of things for our drama club like a tuned piano, or a fly system, or new microphones, or an all-expense paid show...whatever works-new microphones preferably. I feel like an all-expense paid show is pushing it a bit and we can always find someone to tune a piano and a fly system is completely out of the question, but I have a feeling that we won’t be coming by the money for new microphones anytime soon. The drama program is actually doing pretty well without a real dressing room or make-up room like Gami. The only thing that we really need is a better set of microphones.
    Moving Ahhhhhhhhhhhhchooo! Onto Oakcrest dust. I am majorly allergic to dust mites which usually hide in dust and furniture and other things of the liking. I’m sure I’m not the only one bothered by the unusual about of dirt and dust tracked around the school every single day of the school year. It is a very inconvenient thing for me because I always have to have tissues with me or else I will risk the launching of an unintentional snot rocket. All I ask is that somehow you rid Oakcrest of all dust and allergens. Maybe you could install that floor technology that was used in Smart House to hide that the kids had a party except make it so that the floor only sucked up dust, and if you want, maybe you could expound on that and add a toilet paper feature for the bathrooms.
    An alternative solution would be that you give us all of the items necessary to decorate library courtyard so people can have picture-esque picnics out there during their lunch period when the weather permits. The courtyard looks nice as it is, but it just seems kind of drab. I feel like it needs some seasonal decorations. I think that our school in general is kind of drab. I feel like a robot in training sometimes. I think that we could use some time for self-expression. It seems as though a lot of people are concerned about having their own legend at Oakcrest rather than just signing a stupid banner that is hung in the cafeteria. Why not express ourselves on the walls of Oakcrest (ignoring school rules and such on appropriateness...yada, yada) and let that be our legend?
    I know it seems like a big discombobulated request for Oakcrest, but these things seem necessary to me. We all need comfort, the ability to be heard, and time for self-expression. Maybe I’m asking a bit too much of you, and I would like to apologize, and say that whatever you manage to give to us will suffice. Not all of those things that I asked for are necessary, but it would be nice to have them. I can deal with toilet paper on the bathroom floor and lapel microphones and Oakcrest dust if you just manage to get my idea for self-expression approved by the administration. I would love to go around the school every day seeing everyone’s legend because no matter how far away we go from this place, we will always be remembered. Thanks for everything, Santa!

    Gabbie <3


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